Google Cloud Mongo DB: External IP not connecting - mongodb

I have created a ready to go MongoDB server on Google Cloud using the default parameters. Everything is working fine between them (there is communication and I can add DBs and collections). However, I can't connect to MongoDB on any external machine.
I created the firewall rules in GCP allowing all the connections ("") on the port 27017.
I am running the command:
giuseppe#ubuntu:~$ mongo --host rs0/,,
giuseppe#ubuntu:~$ mongo --host rs0/,,
I'm getting the same error on both of them. I don't know how to resolve this issue.
connecting to: rs0/,,
2015-03-18T19:47:33.770-0500 starting new replica set monitor for replica set rs0 with seeds,,
2015-03-18T19:47:33.770-0500 [ReplicaSetMonitorWatcher] starting
2015-03-18T19:47:34.119-0500 changing hosts to rs0/mongo-db-jff3:27017,mongo-db-vnc4:27017 from rs0/,,173.255.1xx.xx:27017
2015-03-18T19:47:34.493-0500 getaddrinfo("mongo-db-vnc4") failed: Name or service not known
2015-03-18T19:47:34.511-0500 getaddrinfo("mongo-db-jff3") failed: Name or service not known
2015-03-18T19:47:34.512-0500 Error: connect failed to replica set rs0/,, at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:148
Here are my firewall settings.

Did you
configure the firewall rule in Google cloud console
provide a tag in your firewall rule
tag your instance with the same tag as the firewall rule
I explained how to open a port to the outside world in detail over here. Replace with your own port number.

I belive the issue here is that the ReplicaSetMonitorWatcher is changing hosts to rs0/mongo-db-jff3:27017, where mongo-db-jff3 is not reachable from your network. You need to configure the hosts in the replica set to something that you can reach (static IP or URL).
Quick example, mongo into your PRIMARY (SECONDARY if you want to do it no downtime):
cfg = rs.conf()
cfg.members[0].host = ""
cfg.members[1].host = ""


Connecting from external sources to MongoDB replica set in Kubernetes fails with getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND error but standalone works

I have a MongoDB replica set running in Kubernetes (AWS EKS), created using Helm charts from Bitnami. The services are configured to be external facing and set to NodePort.
mongo-mongodb-0-external NodePort 27017:30030/TCP
mongo-mongodb-1-external NodePort 27017:30031/TCP
mongo-mongodb-2-external NodePort 27017:30032/TCP
mongo-mongodb-arbiter-headless ClusterIP None 27017/TCP
mongo-mongodb-headless ClusterIP None 27017/TCP
On my laptop, I can connect Mongo CLI to the replica but connection fails from MongoDB Compass and Studio 3T.
The following works from Mongo CLI from my laptop...
mongo 'mongodb://root:mypassword#k8s_node_ip:30030,k8s_node_ip:30031,k8s_node_ip:30032/mydb?authSource=admin'
...and this works...
mongo admin --host "k8s_node_ip:30030,k8s_node_ip:30031,k8s_node_ip:30032" --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p mypassword
...but this fails in MongoDB Compass and Studio 3T...
The error message is:
getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND mongo-mongodb-0.mongo-mongodb-headless.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local
Bizarrely, the following standalone connection works in Studio 3T:
When connecting to a replica set, the host:port pairs in the connection string are a seedlist.
The driver/client will attempt to connect to each host in the seedlist in turn until it gets a connection.
It runs the isMaster command to determine which node is primary, and to get a list of all replica set members.
Then is drops the original seedlist connection, and attempts to connect to each replica set member using the host and port information retrieved.
The host information returned by the isMaster usually matches the entry in rs.conf(), which are the hostnames used to initiate the replica set.
In your Kubernetes cluster, the nodes have internal hostnames that are used to initiate the replica set, but that your external clients can't resolve.
In order to get this to work, you will need to have the mongod nodes isMaster command return a different set of hostnames depending on where the client request is coming from. This is similar to split-horizon DNS.
Look over the Deploy a Replica Set documentation for mongodb/kubernetes, and the replicaSetHorizons setting.
Make sure that you have added replica set nodes in the host machine in etc/hosts file.
Just like the below example - mongoset1 mongoset2 mongoset3
Note - is your host machine and mongoset1, mongoset2 and mongoset3 are the nodes (members) of the replicaset.

Unable to connect to mongodb replicaset Google Compute Engine

I have created a 3 node replicaSet for mongodb on google compute engine, for the testing purpose i have added for the firewall rule and I'm able to connect to individual node from anywhere and all the instances work without any issue! but the problem is when i tried to connect to the replicaset, using the following command
mongo "mongodb://username:password#public-ip-1:27017,public-ip-2:27017,public-ip-3:27017/production?replicaSet=rs0"
When I'm trying this code another instance on the same project, it work's without any issue
When I try from a different project instance or my local instance, it is throwing error as follow
2020-08-22T14:36:40.579+0530 I NETWORK [thread1] getaddrinfo("mongodb-1-servers-vm-0") failed: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
2020-08-22T14:36:40.582+0530 I NETWORK [thread1] getaddrinfo("mongodb-1-servers-vm-1") failed: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
2020-08-22T14:36:40.582+0530 W NETWORK [thread1] Unable to reach primary for set rs0
and from these instance I'm able to connect to individual nodes separately, as
mongo "mongodb://username:passsword#public-ip-1:27017/production"
mongo "mongodb://username:passsword#public-ip-2:27017/production"
mongo "mongodb://username:passsword#public-ip-3:27017/production"
What could be the problem ?
The second question is, on the firewall these is an option to add app engine service account? so if i disable the public access and add this rule, can i connect from my app engine to these instance ?
When connecting to a replica set, the client uses a server discovery process. The basic steps are:
connect to the first host in the connection string
if that fails try the second
once a connection is established, run commands such isMaster to:
discover the names of all of the replica set members
discover which node is currently primary
close the initial connection
connect to every member of the replica set using the hostname and port discovered in step 2
What this means is that the host name returned from rs.conf() or rs.status() must be resolvable by every client that you want to be able to directly connect to the replica set.
From the error message, it looks like the nodes were added to the replica set using short names. If you add the short name for each node to the hosts file on the machine you are connection from, it should work.
Alternately, rebuild the replica set using publicly resolvable hostnames in the rs.initiate and rs.add commands.

Connecting mongo via remote from Google Compute Engine

I've installed the mongodb in one of my GCE machine. I'm having problem connecting to mongodb from remote machine(i.e. Home Computer).
With Google search I found, I have to bind the right ip address and need to add respective firewall rules, After doing so, Still not able to connect.
Is there any way to connect from my remote machine to access mongodb database ?
Attaching mongodb.conf and firewall rule
#mongodb.conf file
bind_ip =
port = 27017
Try changing "bind_ip" in mongodb.conf file to your mongo instance ip and try. (i assumed that correct firewall rules are added in the compute engine settings)
The problem is with in the target tag which was added when creating the firewall rule. Create the firewall rule for mongodb with Apply to all target tag fixed this issue.

MongoDB replica set initiate() failing on Docker

I am trying to set up a MongoDB replica set on Docker follwoing this guide. However when I get to the rs.intitate() command, I get an error.
"errmsg" : "replSetInitiate quorum check failed because not all proposed set members responded affirmatively: mongo-local-002:27017 failed with Connection refused, mongo-local-003:27017 failed with Connection refused"
edit: using latest version of docker container (3.6)
edit2: the problem is actually with mongo 3.6 (3.4 works). I have tried binding each replica ip to an ip in the docker network, however in this way I am not able to open the mongo console on the main replica (it says connection refused) even passing the IP instead of the replica name.
Does anyone know what I am missing here?
Starting in MongoDB 3.6, MongoDB binaries, mongod and mongos, bind to localhost by default. You need to start every mongod with --bind_ip. Try to bind not only a specific ip but to all IPv4. To bind to all IPv4 addresses, you can specify the bind ip address of That way you will verify if the bind to a specific ip is the problem.

Google Cloud Platform - Can't connect to mongodb

Just installed mongodb using click-to-deploy in google cloud platform. I have another project, for which I created the mongodb database, where my web application runs.
Do I have to open some port or configure something?
As the other answers in this thread suggest, mongod daemon is listening on TCP port 27017. Therefore, you will need to add a firewall rule on Compute Engine firewall for this port and protocol. This can be done using Google Cloud console or using gcloud command tool:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-mongodb --allow tcp:27017
It is recommended to use target tag with the firewall rule and use this target tag to specify what VM instances the firewall rule should be applied to.
Adding the port in the firewall is not enough. By default the host bind to which needs to be changed to
Make changes in the file sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf inside the instance
Look for the term bindIp
change it to and restart mongodb
You will be able to connect to the mongo db now
Click on the Http or Https checkbox to activate the external ip address so u can use it to access the database
On the Mongodb project you should open firewall for port 27017.
MongoDB used ports are listed at:
This answer explains how to set the firewall rule for port 27017.
Another issue that could cause this is running your mongodb in a separate network and having your other instances on the default network (or vice versa).
I ran into this and after getting both instances on the same network, it was able to connect to the mongo instance by name.
Here's an example of how to set the network for a managed VM in your app.yaml:
instance_tag: https-server
name: my-node-network