PGAdmin III cannot connect AWS RDS - postgresql

I am trying to connect AWS RDS PostgreSql from PgAdmin 3. I followed the below link
In Security Group, I also added PostgreSQL and All traffic as below
The "publicly accessible" flag was enabled (updated after Mark B's comment)
I got the error from PGAdmin3
Very appreciate for any suggestion
I can connect pgAdminIII to AWS RDS successfully using home wifi, but cannot connect using office wifi.
My concern is:
Was the port 5432 blocked by office wifi?
How can I configure/update the port without impacting to current API?
Note: My current API is working well (CRUD)

Can you can test your connection to a DB instance using common Linux or Windows tools first?
From a Linux or Unix terminal, you can test the connection by typing the following (replace with the endpoint and with the port of your DB instance):
$nc -zv DB-instance-endpoint port
For example, the following shows a sample command and the return value:
$nc -zv 8299
Connection to
8299 port [tcp/vvr-data] succeeded!
Windows users can use Telnet to test the connection to a DB instance. Note that Telnet actions are not supported other than for testing the connection. If a connection is successful, the action returns no message. If a connection is not successful, you receive an error message such as the following:
Connecting To not
open connection to the host, on port 819: Connect failed
If Telnet actions return success, then you are good to go.

If you are trying to access it from a network which is not listed for that port. you need to add inbound rules for those network IPs from AMAZON RDS system

You will also need to set Public accessibility true under Connect & security tab in RDS console.

Read this post.In your security group go to unbound rules and add my ip.
and make sure your database is public.


Can't connect to amazon rds

I just setup aws rds and I'm trying to connect pgadmin to it. I put in the Endpoint and the port shown in the rds dashboard, and the username and password I set. When I try connecting, I get an error message saying: Unable to connect to server "host name" port "port" failed: timeout expired.
I also tried connecting prisma to it by running npx prisma migrate dev --name init and I also get an error saying P1001: Can't reach database server at "host name".
I made sure to set Publicly accessible to Yes, but it's still not working. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?
(For the settings, I used the default free tier settings.)
In the question thread, the security group is defined to accept All Traffic from all IPv6 addresses ::/0. Permission for IPv4 address should be added as well. You may want to address All Traffic for IPv4 address

Can't connect remotely to postgres, no response from psql request

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
I have followed the guides which all say the same thing; to enable remote connection to a postgres server, update the postgresql.conf file, update the pg_hba.conf file and make sure the port (5432) is open and firewall is not blocking.
When I attempt to connect to my server from the remote machine using the following command, I receive no response (for example, 'Connection refused...'). It hangs as if the firewall has DROP policy, but I checked and the host's firewall is ACCEPT all. Here is the command:
psql -h -U postgres -p 5432 -d mydatabase
I have googled extensively and can't find anyone else who's psql request sits with no response from the host server.
Edit: I should mention I have been connecting locally on the host machine. I should also mention that the data directory on the host machine is in a non-default location. I have my cluster on a mounted drive, in case this could affect the remote connection.
It is my first AWS instance and I didn't know they have their own firewall rules on the platform. So I was highly confused by the fact all my policies were ACCEPT on my server. Turns out you are behind AWS firewall and you have to go onto the platform to add/change security groups etc. In the past when I've used Digital Ocean droplets or Linodes, the firewall policy on the vps is all I need to change. AWS threw me another curveball there.

How to access a remote Postgres database using a local GUI tool

I am running openerp(odoo) application from amazon cloud server using putty and it is ubuntu Headless(NO GUI) server. PostgreSQL is the database used for this application. Right now I am only able to access it in command mode as there is no gui in Putty. In Windows, I have installed pgadmin3. Is it possible to access it from here by configuring?
You can configure your security group to open up the postgres port accessible from your IP address (I would highly recommend the access to be limited that way). After that you can just point your GUI client the external IP address of your instance using the port where the service is running on.
I suggest you to use pgadmin gui tool to access postgres database.
You can set up an SSH tunnel in putty and use that to access the remote database with your local pgadmin3. This is a very good and secure way to do things.
First, in Putty (Connection / SSH / Tunnels) add a source port of your choice, 5000 for example. Then enter localhost:5432 for Destination (providing postgres is running on port 5432 on the server). Press Add and save your session. Next time you open your ssh connection with Putty, the tunnel will be active.
After this, set up a new connection in pgadmin3, Host: localhost and Port: 5000 (and your username and pasword, of course). Now, if the putty session is active, you should be able to connect.
In postgresql.conf file, find a line called
listen_addresses = 'localhost' and change it to '*'
Next in pg_hba.conf add this line in IPV4 local connections,
host all all (Your external ip address in CIDR format) trust
Finally restart the database using this command,sudo service postgresql restart

Can't connect to Google Cloud SQL

I opened a trial account on Google Cloud and I'm having difficulties connection to Cloud SQL.
I made the basic setup, authorizing my IP/32 && adding a new User (appUser).
But I can't open a remote connection to the instance.
mysql -v --host=<ip> --user=appUser --password
Enter password:
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '<ip>' (60)
I'm at work and obviously behind a ton of firewalls and whatnot. Could this be the cause of my problems ?
There is a good change that it is a firewall problem. Error 2003 (from MySQL client manual) means that it can't connect to the server.
Can you try to connect through a computer outside the firewall?

HEROKU POSTGRES error: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I have been trying for weeks to figure out what's the issue, but I cannot seem to fix this.
I am developing a web app, and I have deployed to production using Heroku. I'm using Heroku Postgres for my database, and I'd like to psql into that hosted database from my local machine to make changes to it. I have tried from both Mac OS X and Linux Mint.
However, no matter what I try, I keep getting the following error:
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "ec2-***-**-***-**" (***.**.***.**) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
I'm starting to think that I may have to SSH into the Amazon EC2 instance and change the Postgres configuration? Would that even be possible?
You can't connect directly to the EC2 instance where the Heroku Postgres instance is running; it is managed by Heroku and normal users aren't allowed to connect to it.
If your application is running fine in Heroku, and you're running heroku pg:psql to attempt to connect to the DB, then most likely there is some issue with your local network that is preventing you from connecting to the Postgres database, like a firewall blocking outbound connections. Heroku Postgres databases are open to the public without any restriction on IP ranges.
It could be a problem with the proxy or firewall of the internet connection you are using.
Try to connect your PC to your mobile phone tethering and then launch the command again, just to verify if the problem lies there.
I was getting this kind of error when my pg_hba.conf or AWS security groups have not been configured properly. There are plenty of docs about how to resolve this. For example, you can check this list link
You can directly connect to EC2 Heroku Postgress instance by adding this attributes to the end of your DB connection url: