Are there any Apache Kafka consumer lag checker? - apache-kafka

My Kafka Consumers commit their offsets to Kafka(instead of Zookeeper), so I cannot use Kafka Manager.
Burrow is great, however, I cannot use Go in our production environment. :(
So I'm wondering are there any Apache Kafka consumer lag checker besides the above two? I Googled it but didn't find much useful information. Thanks in advance!

You could use Remora Its an application that can be deployed with your kafka

Not exactly the same but it can use to monitor lag.
Topic position

There is also records-lag-max JMX metric available at every Kafka Consumer instance.
So you can monitor this one either directly form your application by accesing MBean Server or remotely.


Is it possible to run MirrorMaker in Kafka without using Kafka Connect?

Looking to come up with solution that would mirror or replicate one Kafka environment without needing Kafka Connect. Having a hard time coming up with any possible solutions or workarounds. Very new to Kafka, would appreciate any thoughts and/or guidance!
MirrorMaker2 is based on Kafka Connect. The original MirrorMaker is not, however it is not recommended to use this anymore as it's not very fault tolerant.
Most Kafka replication solutions are built on Kafka Connect (Confluent Replicator as another example)
Uber uReplicator mentioned in the comments is built on Apache Helix and requires a Zookeeper connection, which Kafka Connect does not, so ultimately depends on what access and infrastructure you have available
Since Kafka comes with the Connect API and MirrorMaker2 pre-installed, there should be little reason to find alternatives unless it absolutely doesn't work for your use case (which is...?)

Retrieving Kafka Producer config

Is there a way to collect Kafka Producer configs from the Kafka cluster?
I know that these settings are stored on the client itself.
I am interested at least in and a collection of topics that the producer is publishing to.
There is no such tool provided by Apache Kafka (or Confluent) to acquire this information.
I worked on a team that built a tool called the Stream Registry that did provide a centralized location for this information
May be you can have a look into kafkacat.github url
We find it very helpful in troubleshooting, kafka issues.

When does Kafka delete a topic?

I am very new to Kafka and I am dabbling about with it.
Say I have Kafka running on a Debian machine and I have managed to create a topic with a 100 messages on it.
After that initial burst of activity (i.e. placing a 100 messages onto the topic via some Kafka Producer) the Topic is just sat there idle with nothing happening (no consumers consuming and no producers producing)
I am aware of a Message Retention Policy setting, which I believe has a default value of 7 days. Let's say those 7 days pass, and the messages are indeed removed from the Topic, but what about the Topic itself?
Will Kafka eventually kill that Topic?
Also, what happens when I manually go and pull out the power cord for the machine that Kafka is running on? Will the Topic be discarded? Or will I still have my topic after I start up the machine, run ZooKeeper and create a Kafka Broker?
Any light on this matter would be appreciated.
Thank you
No, Kafka will keep the topic. It sounds like a bad idea that Kafka deletes topics by itself.
Before version 1.0.0 the topic deletion option (delete.topic.enable) was set to false by default. So it wasn't even possible to delete it without changing the config.
So the answer for you question would be Kafka never deletes topics.

Kafka: What happens when the entire Kafka Cluster is down?

We're testing out the Producer and Consumer using Kafka. A few questions:
What happens when all the brokers are down and they're not responding at all?
Does the Producer need to keep pinging the Kafka brokers to know when it is back up online? Or is there a more elegant way for the Producer application to know?
How does Zookeeper help in all this? What if the ZK is down as well?
If one or more brokers are down, the producer will re-try for a certain period of time (based on the settings). And during this time one or more of the consumers will not be able to read anything until the respective brokers are up.
But if the cluster is down for a longer period than your total re-try period, then probably you need to find a way to resend those failed messages again.
This is the one scenario where Kafka Mirroring(MirrorMaker tool) comes into picture.
Producer will fail because cluster will be unavailable, this means they will get a non retriable error from kafka client implementation and depending on your client process, message will buffer on the local send queue of your application.
I'm sure that if zookeeper is down your system will not work anymore. This is one of the weakness of Kafka, he need zookeeper to work.

Basic kafka topic availability checker

I need a simple health checker for Apache Kafka. I dont want something large and complex like Yahoo Kafka Manager, basically I want to check if a topic is healthy or not and if a consumer is healthy.
My first idea was to create a separate heart-beat topic and periodically send and read messages to/from it in order to check availability and latency.
The second idea is to read all the data from Apache Zookeeper. I can get all brokers, partitions, topics etc. from ZK, but I dont know if ZK can provide something like failure detection info.
As I said, I need something simple that I can use in my app health checker.
Some existing tools you can try them out if you haven't yet -
Burrow Linkedin's Kafka Consumer Lag Checking
exhibitor Netflix's ZooKeeper co-process for instance monitoring, backup/recovery, cleanup and visualization.
Kafka System Tools Kafka command line tools