Kafka: What happens when the entire Kafka Cluster is down? - apache-kafka

We're testing out the Producer and Consumer using Kafka. A few questions:
What happens when all the brokers are down and they're not responding at all?
Does the Producer need to keep pinging the Kafka brokers to know when it is back up online? Or is there a more elegant way for the Producer application to know?
How does Zookeeper help in all this? What if the ZK is down as well?

If one or more brokers are down, the producer will re-try for a certain period of time (based on the settings). And during this time one or more of the consumers will not be able to read anything until the respective brokers are up.
But if the cluster is down for a longer period than your total re-try period, then probably you need to find a way to resend those failed messages again.

This is the one scenario where Kafka Mirroring(MirrorMaker tool) comes into picture.

Producer will fail because cluster will be unavailable, this means they will get a non retriable error from kafka client implementation and depending on your client process, message will buffer on the local send queue of your application.
I'm sure that if zookeeper is down your system will not work anymore. This is one of the weakness of Kafka, he need zookeeper to work.


Kafka : Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms with only one broker down

We have a kafka producer configured as -
Replication Factor is 3 and total number of partition currently is 108
Rest of the properties are default.
This producer was running absolutely fine. Then, due to some reason, one of the broker went down. Then, our producer started to show the log as -
"Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms". Nothing else was there in the log and we were seeing this error. In some interval, few requests were getting blocked, even if producer was async.
This issue was resolved when the broker was again up and running.
What can be the reason of this? One broker down should not affect the system as a whole as per my understanding.
Posting the answer for someone who might face this issue -
The reason is older version of Kafka Producer. The kafka producers take bootstrap servers as list. In older versions, for fetching metadata, producers will try to connect with all the servers in Round Robin fashion. So, if one of the broker is down, the requests going to this server will fail and this message will come.
Upgrade to newer producer version.
can reduce metadata.fetch.timeout.ms settings: This will ensure the main thread is not getting blocked and send will fail soon. Default value is 60000ms. Not needed in higher version
Note: Kafka send method is blocked till the producer is able to write to buffer.
I got the same error because I forgot to create the topic. Once I created the topic the issue was resolved.

Is it always necessary to restart streams after a Kafka broker outage/failover

We are using Kafka streams ( api to consume events from topic. But whenever there is a Kafka Broker outage/failover, we need to restart all Kafka streamers to recover from following error:
"Connection to node 39366 could not be established. Broker may not be available."
Just wondering if it is really required for streamers to do streams close and restart? Why streamers are not able recover from this issue automatically? Or are we missing any configuration in client/Broker?
Now we are planning to introduce code changes to handle all stream exception and trigger an automated restart of streams. But am really worried if that is the right way to handle this scenario.
If you think in a real world use case where hundreds of clients connected to brokers and restarting each of them, its not making any sense.

When does Kafka delete a topic?

I am very new to Kafka and I am dabbling about with it.
Say I have Kafka running on a Debian machine and I have managed to create a topic with a 100 messages on it.
After that initial burst of activity (i.e. placing a 100 messages onto the topic via some Kafka Producer) the Topic is just sat there idle with nothing happening (no consumers consuming and no producers producing)
I am aware of a Message Retention Policy setting, which I believe has a default value of 7 days. Let's say those 7 days pass, and the messages are indeed removed from the Topic, but what about the Topic itself?
Will Kafka eventually kill that Topic?
Also, what happens when I manually go and pull out the power cord for the machine that Kafka is running on? Will the Topic be discarded? Or will I still have my topic after I start up the machine, run ZooKeeper and create a Kafka Broker?
Any light on this matter would be appreciated.
Thank you
No, Kafka will keep the topic. It sounds like a bad idea that Kafka deletes topics by itself.
Before version 1.0.0 the topic deletion option (delete.topic.enable) was set to false by default. So it wasn't even possible to delete it without changing the config.
So the answer for you question would be Kafka never deletes topics.

What happens if Zookeeper fails completely?

we have setup a Kafka/Zookeeper Cluster consisting of 3 Brokers. We have one producer, sending messages to one specific Kafka topic and a few consumer groups reading from said topic. Those consumers perform a leader election via Zookeeper for themselves (independent from Kafka).
The versions used are:
Zookeeper: 3.4.6 (included in the Kafka-Package)
All processes are managed by Supervisor. So far, everything works just fine. What we tried now (for testing purposes) was to simply kill off all Zookeeper processes and see what happens.
As we expected, our consumer processes couldn't connect to Zookeeper anymore. But unexpectedly, the Kafka Brokers still worked. Our producer didn't complain at all and was still able to write into the topic. While I couldn't use kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh or similar, since they all require a zookeeper-parameter, I could still see the actual size of the topic-log grow. After restarting the zookeeper processes, everything again worked just like before.
What we couldn't figure out is now... what actually happened there?
We thought, Kafka would require a working Zookeeper-Connection and we couldn't find any explanation for this behaviour online.
When you have one node of zookeeper, broker will not be able to contact zookeeper, after broker discovers zookeeper is not reachable, broker also will become unreachable. Hence the producer and consumer.
In case of producer it starts dropping(reject the record). In case of consumer it can happen that, the read record which is not ack'ed may end up processing again when broker is up and ready...
in case of 3node zk one node failure is acceptable as quorum is still satisfied... but cant afford the 2node failures which will lead to the above consequences...

Understanding kafka broker vs zookeper

I notice that when sending messages to kafka (a producer) the samples show connecting to port 9092 -- writing directly to a broker. When consuming the examples show connecting to port 2181, presumably zookeeper.
The latter makes sense--I want to read from "the cluster", letting zookeeper figure out which broker the client should communicate with, and managing such things as knowing who's alive/dead in the cluster.
Why wouldn't publish/writes work the same way, i.e. write to "the cluster" (via zookeeper)?
Am I understanding this correctly, that for producing I'm bypassing zookeeper (cluster knowledge) and must know producer nodes (and presumably figure out what to do if one fails)?
The "high level consumer" of Kafka uses Zookeeper to keep track of which partitions each member in a consumer group is consuming and sometimes to track which offsets were read in which partition. Since access to Zookeeper is required, we may as well use it to figure out where are the brokers...
In the new consumer (coming soon in the next release), Zookeeper is no longer needed, and consumers connect directly to brokers, just like producers currently do.