Is it possible to set WebTrends DCS ID dynamically in Swift project - iphone

I am working on iOS application. I need to implement WebTrends analytics in my iOS application.
Can I set WT_DCSID dynamically after load data from server.Because I have got WT_DCSID from server not static.
Can I do it or not. Please suggest it.

Plese take a look at advance configuration link.
Based on this doc, you would use something like:
WTDataCollector.sharedCollector().setValue("dcsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxx", kWTConfigDCSID, persists:true)
You still need to set a default wt_dc_dcsid in the webtrends.plist as this is what is read when Webtrends loads it's configuration. You can simply overwrite it after that point programmatically.
Thank you,


Why can't I find control using sap.ui.getCore().byId()?

I'm trying to access an input control in the controller but I'm not able to fetch it.
I'm using
sap.ui.getCore().byId("id of the input");
I faced a similar issue when I started using UI5. The id is not the same anymore because Sap UI5 dynamically concatenates some other properties to your id so it will be different. Hope this helps. try finding out the id after it has been changed by the resources. Hope this doc will help you.
You should use relative navigation(this.getView().byId('myId')). Absolute Navigation(sap.ui.getcore().byId('myId')) is not recommended, since that will not work anymore if you change like local project to FioriLaunchpad.
I think the source code of byId of Controller and createId of View explains a lot.
Try the following:
See Difference Between this.getView().byId(), this.byId(), and sap.ui.getCore().byId()

setting options while installing or after installing App

I want to set the language for one time once the user downloaded the app and started using it, for only first time. but not all the time he use the app. How can i do that?
like how we get select language options , while installing Microsoft products, etc
is this possible ?
you can control that when you application apears. Did you know about property lists?
You could use it. Or maybe you can create a file with Core data with name Configs. You need to check if field is blank and case yes, open a viewControllerChangeLanguange.After select save the data and start your application. Remember, everytime you start you will check your file. Case exists, set current language.Case not, invoke an interface to user select a language. All the controller could be made by just a file config.

Storing app parameters like secret key

I'm working on a little SDK which has a configFile.plist file to store things like secret key.
Developer who implement this SDK in his app, and other users will download the app, they will be able to go into the app binary and change anything in the .plist file.
Is there any way to store this info without letting users modifing the parameters easily? I don't want users to have the ability to change the parametes in the .plist file.
Thanks in advance for any help!
When it comes to plist storage, it's easily accessible either way. Your best option is to provide a class file for configuration, and not a plist. Example below..
#define SHARED_SECRET #"2390849028349829384"
..and so on, this way, the class file is compiled with the App, and not visible to the user but accessible by the developer. Once you #import "Config.h", you can use SHARED_SECRET and SOME_OTHER_VALUE in place of the value itself within the code. If this suffices as a solution to your question, mark it as the answer. Hope it helps..
Keeping in mind that people are going to be able to see/change almost anything with the right tools, you can't prevent people from hacking this.
If the key is going to be different for each user of the SDK, then you might want to make it the Developer's responsibility and have them provide the private key to you using a delegate method. That will make it their problem, and it will make it easier for them to compile the key directly into code, which is going to be less obvious for the end-user to access.

one code base for iphone generic application?

I have built a generic application which can handle different content data - but for each content data, it will be a different iphone application (with a different name).
I would like of couse to only keep one code base for all these different apps (as it would be easier maintenance) but I have 2 questions:
1- I would need to change the appname in the buildsettings, etc.. and may be it is going to be an overkill...? especially with the upload process then...? What are your experiences in that domain and what would you recommend me to do?
2- how can I have all the pictures for logo (Icon.png, etc...) to co-exist into one app? For the moment, I have a global variable (as a singleton pattern) that I switch to change appname and loaded data inside the program
Thanks in advance for your help
You can do this pretty easily, it's what most developers do in their lite versions. All you have to do is add another target to create a new app out of the same code and use that global variable.
In order to change the images included in the app you simply edit the target and under the copy bundle resources menu remove the unnecessary resources. You'll notice that when you add a new resource you have the option to include it in any one or more of your targets. Simply select the one that you want and it will only be accessible to that target.
The reason that this works is that each target can have its very own info.plist. All the settings and resources can be separate, and the code can be different using your #ifdef global_var.
Here's a slightly outdated tutorial that should get you started if you need it.
For each application name add one target.
Create one xyz-info.plist for each of the target. (in this case for the
In each of the xyz-info.plist assign the appropriate icon files etc.
Within your build phases for each of the targets you will define which images go with which app.

Logging iphone feature usage

Are there any frameworks/services for logging user usage of an iphone application?
Say you want to log events like 'creating a contact' or something similiar, to know how people are actually using your app.
I have used and really like Pinch Media. (Recently renamed to flurry)
It gives you a bunch of analytics without you having to do anything special.
You can also add hooks to your code to see how often a particular section of code is run and get analytics on that area as well.
Yes, Flurry Analytics does this. You can even pass parameters to your events so you can break down which options are most popular, etc.
What you could do is simply log these messages perhaps as a Log custom class, and whenever you need to add anything to the log, you would simply add a new Log item to the AppDelegate or wherever you need to store the list of Logs. Then you can save them to the file system.
For achieving the logging the feature usage in flurry the url below can be helpful.