Why can't I find control using sap.ui.getCore().byId()? - sapui5

I'm trying to access an input control in the controller but I'm not able to fetch it.
I'm using
sap.ui.getCore().byId("id of the input");

I faced a similar issue when I started using UI5. The id is not the same anymore because Sap UI5 dynamically concatenates some other properties to your id so it will be different. Hope this helps. try finding out the id after it has been changed by the resources.

https://openui5.hana.ondemand.com/#docs/guide/91f28be26f4d1014b6dd926db0e91070.html Hope this doc will help you.
You should use relative navigation(this.getView().byId('myId')). Absolute Navigation(sap.ui.getcore().byId('myId')) is not recommended, since that will not work anymore if you change like local project to FioriLaunchpad.
I think the source code of byId of Controller and createId of View explains a lot.

Try the following:
See Difference Between this.getView().byId(), this.byId(), and sap.ui.getCore().byId()


Is there any way to force to update metadata on Opensea?

I tried to change token base URL to display the new images of NFTs on opensea.io. But it is not updated immediately.
There is a way to update by specifying force_update=true on Rikeby testnet.
But I don't know how to update it on mainnet. Will it be possible?
Any help will be appreciated.
Try this :
please tell me if this works.
This method may not work on another mainnet example polygon.
Update: There is a manual refresh for metadata on opensea. One can always use that one too.

SuiteCRM, sugarCRM : Modifying the name of subpanels

Modifying the name of subpanels using studio works perfectly,
but when i do quick repair and rebuild or when i clear simply the cache, i lose the modifications.
Thank you for your help !
Best regards.
Yes it happens Many time , Just try to do using through code,
you can change the subpanel name in Custom/Extension/Modules/YOUrmodule/language
Just find your label and change it.
OR please check you gave proper permissions to your folder.

Is it possible to set WebTrends DCS ID dynamically in Swift project

I am working on iOS application. I need to implement WebTrends analytics in my iOS application.
Can I set WT_DCSID dynamically after load data from server.Because I have got WT_DCSID from server not static.
Can I do it or not. Please suggest it.
Plese take a look at advance configuration link.
Based on this doc, you would use something like:
WTDataCollector.sharedCollector().setValue("dcsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxx", kWTConfigDCSID, persists:true)
You still need to set a default wt_dc_dcsid in the webtrends.plist as this is what is read when Webtrends loads it's configuration. You can simply overwrite it after that point programmatically.
Thank you,

JQT gotofunction problem

i am trying to use the goTo function to switch between different divs.
but in the function goTo(id,animation)
it is not going to that id.
Can anyone please help me with this problem.
This is difficult to diagnose without looking at your code. I have a few ideas, but it would be best if you were to share the problematic section of your code for others to investigate.
A few questions/ideas:
1) Check to ensure you have not used the same div ID more than once.
2) Have you been able to successfully use the goTo function at all?
3) Can you create a basic HTML page that uses this function successfully?
4) What version of jQTouch are you using? Does the goTo function work once, and then freeze every time afterwards? I reported a bug regarding this behavior a while ago. Not sure if it's been resolved yet, but you could see if an older version of jQTouch might help.
Again, without examples of your code... I'm taking wild guesses. Consider sharing the problematic section and someone might be able to pinpoint the issue.
Don't put animation, without animation worked for me...

How do I use the Groups.pm in Request Tracker?

In lib\RT\CustomFieldValues\ there is the groups.pm file which is supposed to be an example of how to get data into a custom field, but how do I actually use that once I have written it? Does anyone have any documentation or a sample of this?
I have finally figured it out, to use the Groups.pm module you need to go to /opt/rt3/etc and edit the RT_SiteConfig.pm and add the line
Set(#CustomFieldValuesSources, "RT::CustomFieldValues::Groups");
Restart Apache and it will be available as a new field source.
I have written a blog post on doing this which also includes details on how to build your own module in case anyone is interested in doing this: AD Lookup Control in Request Tracker