Ecipse : MainActivity-CordovaLib Could not find MainActivity-CordovaLib.apk - eclipse

I did an update SDK build tools and now I am getting the following error:
[2015-12-09 10:22:01 - MainActivity-CordovaLib] Could not find MainActivity-CordovaLib.apk!
Any ideas ?
I ended up importing my project into android studios and running it from there. I would still like to know how to solve this issue for eclipse though.


multiple versions of gradle plugin when building in unity

I am using the skillz sdk to develop a quiz game which requires gradle. My current version of unity is 2019.3.0.a5. When I build the project I get the following errors.
> Failed to apply plugin [id '']
> Using multiple versions of the Android Gradle plugin in the same build is
not allowed.
'C:\Users\Zachary Edgell\cash quiz\Temp\gradleOut\launcher' is using
version 3.2.0
'C:\Users\Zachary Edgell\cash quiz\Temp\gradleOut\unityLibrary' is
using version 3.2.1
I have attempted to down grade to unity 2019.1.8f1when I try to build again I get the error
FileNotFoundException: Temp\gradleOut\build\outputs\apk\release\gradleOut-release.apk does not exist
When I try to do a development build on 2019.1.8f1 I get the following error
FileNotFoundException:Temp\gradleOut\build\outputs\apk\release\gradleOut-debug.apk does not exist
I have also attempted to delete the temp folder and rebuild but I get the same error.
The problem was solved by downgrading to unity 2018.4.3f1 if any one is having this issue just back up your files then try to downgrade to unity 2018.4.3f1

Problem with MongoSwift. Compiler is unable to find "Mongo.h" file.

I installed the MongoSwift 0.2.0 library through cocoapod. However when I try to open the project and build it I got 2 errors. "Mongoc.h" file not found and could not build Objective-C module "libmongoc".
I opened the project with the ". xcworkspace" file and installed Mongo-c-driver. So I'm not sure why I'm unable to get this library to work. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance.

Failed to apply plugin in android studio

I am working on an app its work good. after i apply external plugin that return error Failed to apply plugin .
my build tool version 2.2.3
and compile version 24
Unfortunately, the suggestion of G.K. did not work!
Please run the following command in your terminal:
.gradlew clean --refresh-dependencies
This will grap the newest version of the Calldorado plugin that is causing this error. The newest version has a fix in it.

Android studio:import NDK project from eclipse

I exported project from Eclipse(windows) and imported it to android studio V 0.4.2(ubuntu).
The project include working NDK library.
I get this error when try to run my app:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugNdk'.
NDK not configured
From others stackoverflow posts, I understand that it is an issue.
But get no workaround for this.
Should i proceed the development with eclipse for now, or is that the a lazy option ?
I run this command:
export NDK=~/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c
and then :
and then go to my app directory and run this:
And i get this:
yarinkos-u#yarinkosu-MSI-Notebook-EX600:~/AndroidStudioProjects/AndEngineEXperimental$ ndk-build
/home/yarinkos-u/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build: 1: /home/yarinkos-u/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build: dirname: not found
/home/yarinkos-u/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build: 132: /home/yarinkos-u/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build: uname: not found
ERROR: Unknown host operating system:
What i did wrong?
It seems that the script running,but i miss something there.
i mistakenly runing this also :
export PATH=~/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c
so i get the error above.
If i running onlt this :
export NDK=~/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c
I get ndk-build not found error.
NDK Support is introduced from Android Studio 0.4.1 only, so make sure you are running AS 0.4.1 or above.
Android gradle plugin must be 0.7.+ in build.gradle file and also new NDK integration requires NDK r9c .
Lines from Developer tools blog under Release 0.4.1
Supports importing NDK projects. If the imported project contains NDK
sources, these are imported into the jni/ source set of the project,
the module name is inferred from the Makefile and stored in the Gradle
file, and the ndk.dir property is defined in
Check more about it here :
you need to download the NDK for your operatings system # once it's downloaded, install it it'll extract the contents to the correct file system it needs to be in it'll take some time, also make sure you are running the latest android studio. it worked for me. good luck.

Selenium for iPhone emulator compile error

when compiling the code for iWebDriver.xcodeproj I get the following error
error: There is no SDK with the name or path
the following warnings are also shown
Missing SDK in target CocoaHTTPServer: iphonesimulator3.2
Missing SDK in target CocoaHTTPServer: iphoneos3.1.2
I'm running OSX 10.7, Xcode 4.1
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for this issue.
Thank you
To resolve that problem, navigate to iphone-->lib-->buildtime-src-->cocoahttpserver-->CocoaHTTPServerLibrary.xcodeproj
Open CocoaHTTPServerLibrary.xcodeproj in your xcode (Make sure other instances are closed). And navigate to Build settings and change the 'BaseSDK' to 'Latest iOS(iOS4.3)'.
This should resolve the problem.....