Problem with MongoSwift. Compiler is unable to find "Mongo.h" file. - swift

I installed the MongoSwift 0.2.0 library through cocoapod. However when I try to open the project and build it I got 2 errors. "Mongoc.h" file not found and could not build Objective-C module "libmongoc".
I opened the project with the ". xcworkspace" file and installed Mongo-c-driver. So I'm not sure why I'm unable to get this library to work. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance.


Could not build a module

I have faced with such error while building the project:
Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS12.4.sdk/usr/include/dispatch/dispatch.h:25:10: error: could not build module 'Darwin'
It can be solved in two ways.
go to that path and replace the frameworks folder from another mac on which xcode is installed.
2)clean that and build again and again might solve your problem.

When Update to Latest Xcode Getting Error: "could not build objective-c module csqlite"

Updated to latest xcode version and swift sdk now getting error could not build objective-c module 'csqlite' i am using Sqlite Library using CocoaPods i.e pod 'SQLite.swift'
After searching losts of material online i have found the solution fortunately not answer at stackoverflow. I just replaced three import statements from import CSQLite to "import SQLite3" resolved the problem for me.
Adding answer for helping others having same issue.
Thanks Peace

'gradlew eclipse' command is not working

I have checked in code from the following URL
Now I am try to build the code and give the command 'gradlew eclipse'
and I am getting 522 error code. Could you please help us to resolve the erro
eclipse task is not available in the root project because eclipse plugin is not applied on that project. Add
apply plugin:'eclipse'
near the top of build.gradle and try again.
If your on a mac your problem is you need to do ./gradlew eclipse, but if you are on a pc, maybe you need to be in a certain folder to do the gradlew command.

Ecipse : MainActivity-CordovaLib Could not find MainActivity-CordovaLib.apk

I did an update SDK build tools and now I am getting the following error:
[2015-12-09 10:22:01 - MainActivity-CordovaLib] Could not find MainActivity-CordovaLib.apk!
Any ideas ?
I ended up importing my project into android studios and running it from there. I would still like to know how to solve this issue for eclipse though.

How to install cocos2dx on a mac?

I am following this tutorial to install cocos2d on a mac with eclipse.
I get as far as installing the ndk and I get the following error below when I try and execute ndk-build. I have set my paths correctly so im not sure why this is happening. Can anyone help me? Thanks
Davids-iMac:android-ndk-r8b davidcavanagh$ sh ndk-build
Android NDK: Your APP_BUILD_SCRIPT points to an unknown file:
/Users/davidcavanagh/Documents/Development/android-ndk-r8b/build/core/add- *** Android NDK: Aborting... . Stop.
I believe this tutorial is much better than the original website.
All my environment setup is based on it.