Which facebook account to use for facebook app review? - facebook

If a company wants to submit an Android app for facebook app review then which facebook account should be used? Should an owner's fb account be used to submit App for review? Because facebook doesn't have any such feature of creating account for a company.
What is the proper way?

The account of any user who is able/allowed to submit the App for review. Of course there are no company profiles, it has to be a real user - fake accounts are not allowed.


Unable to Login to My App Using Facebook Login

Our is a very old app and the developers who did the Facebook login integration are no longer working with us. So we can’t get into our Facebook Developer account because no one in the team has access.
Can we just create a new Facebook Developer account and update our integration ID to match the new account ?
Are there any risks? One thing I’m wondering about is if we do make this change if all the users who have previously registered via Facebook login need to register with us again because it is a new ID. But on the other hand, it might work since it is still the same App Id and the same Facebook user account.
Please help.

Submitting a New Scope for Approval on Facebook App Verification

I have an existing app that allows users to create and share live videos on their personal profile. I tested this app in developer mode, submitted it for verification and the approval team could use their test users to demo the functionality and then approve the app.
It's now three months later and I want to update the app to allow the same functionality for the user's pages. So I add the scope pages_manage_posts to my app review and test on a separate testing app in developer mode.
When I use test users on the live app though, myself and the test users can't use the scope that's not yet been approved, even on Pages the business owns. Because of this the app reviewers can't testing the functionality and won't approve the new permission.
(#200) If posting to a group, requires app being installed in the group, and either publish_to_groups permission with user token, or both manage_pages and publish_pages permission with page token; If posting to a page, requires both manage_pages and publish_pages as an admin with sufficient administrative permission
How can you test and approve new scopes on an existing live Facebook App? I'm stuck in a loop/
I was instructed to use Facebook Test Apps. Here's how I did it:
I created a test app with the instructions here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/test-apps/
I updated my app so that when logged in with the test user the Facebook API would switch to the app id and secret token from the new test app
Re-submitted. I'll see if that helps

Facebook app access removed

I created a facebook app (say, FunLoginApp) under my organisation facebook account (say org#org.com) and this facebook account was the only administrator for this facebook app.
Everything worked fine and my users were successfully using the login with facebook functionality.
Recently, facebook recognized that the facebook account (org#org.com) is not an actual person and so disabled my account and asked me to migrate it to a facebook page which I did successfully.
But this somehow disabled the facebook app (FunLoginApp) under that account.
This is a CRITICAL issue as all 'Login with Facebook' clicks for my iOS and Android app are failing. and I am losing users, :(
I am unable to do anything as there is no way to reach my facebook app (FunLoginApp) or change any of the settings.
Please help me! any advice if someone ever were in a similar situation.
I've contacted facebook. I posted on Facebook developers group and also posted a question as app-review question.
Facebook responded back to me, verified my account gmail address and made my personal facebook account as admin account through which i can access the app dashboard.
All resolved!

Facebook app - Do i need those permissions?

I created an app for my clients. They uses this app from their website to post on their Facebook Page (and as the Facebook Page).
they use a Facebook Login button to connect to Facebook (with an account that can publish post on the page) from their website,
they complete a form
when the form is submitted, an article is created on the website AND a post is created on the FaceBook Page.
I ask for publish_action permission and manage_page permission when the user connects.
Those permissions need a review from Facebook, so I ask for it but the FB team says that I "only need those permissions when I use a public-facing Login". Is that not the case?
Currently, my app only work when I connect with the account that created the app.
You do need those permissions, but if the App is for your client only you don´t need to get them reviewed. Just add your client as Admin, Developer or Tester of your App and the permissions will work for him without review.

How to email a link to a facebook app installed on a business page

When I email a link to my app installed on my Facebook business page, the email recipient does not get redirected to the facebook app unless they are logged into facebook. If the person clicks the emailed link and they are not logged into facebook they get linked to the facebook home page to either log-in or set up an account.
This is the link to my facebook app that I have emailed that most people do not get directed to the app, whereas I do want them to be able to see the facebook app if it's possible even if they are not logged into facebook at the time.
I have been to technical support of the company that created the app and they could not resolve the issue