Unable to Login to My App Using Facebook Login - facebook

Our is a very old app and the developers who did the Facebook login integration are no longer working with us. So we can’t get into our Facebook Developer account because no one in the team has access.
Can we just create a new Facebook Developer account and update our integration ID to match the new account ?
Are there any risks? One thing I’m wondering about is if we do make this change if all the users who have previously registered via Facebook login need to register with us again because it is a new ID. But on the other hand, it might work since it is still the same App Id and the same Facebook user account.
Please help.


Unable to access Facebook developer account

A while ago I worked on social login integrations for my employer. To complete that task I created a Facebook developer account. Today I'm unable to access that developer account without uploading documents to prove I'm me. This occurs even though I have correct credentials and 2FA with my email.
How can I regain access to the Facebook developer account to continue maintaining our integrations? I don't have any Facebook accounts other than this one and I created the account without using real identifiers as I would like to protect my privacy. Is it no longer possible to have a developer account without verifying your identity?
There is an appeal form for your case on Facebook website, you can try it with your real account to regain the access. The link is on the bottom of this page https://developers.facebook.com/appeal/

How to create application id after converting facebook profile to official page

I made facebook profile long back and have created it to facebook page for business purpose. Now I need to access facebook API for programming, as per documentation I require application id for using facebook API, I am able to register in facebook developers but while creating apps it gives me below message.
Not Authorized To Manage Apps: This account is not authorized to manage
apps. Please use your verified personal Facebook account to create and
manage your apps.
If I create application id in my personal account than how can I assign that application Id to my official page?
I have tried creating application Id in my personal account but sometimes FB.getLoginStatus() gives response as "not authorized" but some times it gives "not login".
Cant figure out the problem, Can anyone please help me?
Thank You in advance.
You create a the app using your personal account. Then you create a page access token which is explained as https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens

Can I connect to a Facebook app with my page profile?

I tried, but it always tries to redirect me to my personal account
The app belongs to me. I created it with my personal account. I would like to let companies connect to the app with their page accounts, not as people - it would be more convenient for brands that way.
To test it, I created my own page, and tried to register myself as an app user with, but it did not work.
You cannot connect to a Facebook app as a Page or through business account as for some reason Facebook doesn't allows you to connect applications with the business account or Page. You can't even like a page using the like box if you are using business account.

I can not access developers.facebook.com

I am trying to access developers.facebook.com with a user account, but I only get a blank page. I read some articles on how to become a Facebook developer. According to the articles you have to have at least one friend, a verified account and you have to add the Facebook developer app to your account. Except for adding the developer app I did all of that. When I search for the developer app I and try to visit the page of the developer app I get redirected to my 'home' page (see Appendix).
There are a lot of questions on Stackoverflow that describe the exact same behavior. For instance:
how do I access facebook developer app?
cant login to facebook developer app, getting redirected to my facebook page instead
They all state that the problem is that you can't become a developer if you use a business or page account. So I tried to find out if my account is of such a type. The Facebook documentation says:
Business accounts are designed for people who only want to use Facebook to administer Pages and their ad campaigns. You can use a business account to view all the Pages and Social Ads you've created. You can also see public info about other people on Facebook from a business account, but you can't interact with those people outside the context of your Page. And, unlike personal accounts, business accounts can't be found in search, send or receive friend requests or create/develop apps. (link)
Since I added another account as friend I don't think that the account is a business or page account.
What I have tried so far
First I deleted all my cookies to be sure that those are not the problem. I also tried another browser (Chrome 21 and Firefox 14). Accessing sub pages of developers.facebook.com also result in a redirect to my home page.
How can I add the developer app to my account?
How can I access developers.facebook.com?
After a long time I think I found the problem. The account I was given was in fact a user account. But it was a test user account. Those accounts are very limited and can't be used to access developers.facebook.com. You can read more about test users in the Facebook documentation.
I also wrote:
Since I added another account as friend I don't think that the account is a business or page account.
Funny thing is that the account I added also is a test user account. And those can friend each other but not real accounts.

One Facebook Account for App and Page, How?

Today I need to create a new facebook app, since I need the app_id for the social plugins.
I created a facebook "page" account for my product's website before, but I found that I can't create a new app by using the "page" account:
Create Facebook App:
I have to login with normal user account in order to create a new app, so I am very confused now... Should I re-create a new user account and then create a facebook app? But what to do with my existing "page" account then?
I just want to bind everything together, hopefully one facebook account to bind the "app" and the "page".
By the way, do users know who (account) created that App?
You cannot create a Facebook application as a Facebook page. You cannot access any other application as a Facebook page. If you try to open an application when you're acting as a FB page, you'll be ask to switch back to your regular account.
A page identity is not an account. You cannot even login to FB as a page, you must login with your user account and then switch to page mode. It's only an identity you can use to comment or post. They only introduced recently the messaging system for pages and it's still very buggy.
You don't need a new account. You can use the same account you used to create the FB page to create the FB app. Everything will be bound to your normal user account.
Since you add a question to your post: you can create the application and use your user account as owner. Or you can create the app using a company name, so your user account will not be listed in the application.