Facebook app access removed - facebook

I created a facebook app (say, FunLoginApp) under my organisation facebook account (say org#org.com) and this facebook account was the only administrator for this facebook app.
Everything worked fine and my users were successfully using the login with facebook functionality.
Recently, facebook recognized that the facebook account (org#org.com) is not an actual person and so disabled my account and asked me to migrate it to a facebook page which I did successfully.
But this somehow disabled the facebook app (FunLoginApp) under that account.
This is a CRITICAL issue as all 'Login with Facebook' clicks for my iOS and Android app are failing. and I am losing users, :(
I am unable to do anything as there is no way to reach my facebook app (FunLoginApp) or change any of the settings.
Please help me! any advice if someone ever were in a similar situation.

I've contacted facebook. I posted on Facebook developers group and also posted a question as app-review question.
Facebook responded back to me, verified my account gmail address and made my personal facebook account as admin account through which i can access the app dashboard.
All resolved!


Unable to Login to My App Using Facebook Login

Our is a very old app and the developers who did the Facebook login integration are no longer working with us. So we can’t get into our Facebook Developer account because no one in the team has access.
Can we just create a new Facebook Developer account and update our integration ID to match the new account ?
Are there any risks? One thing I’m wondering about is if we do make this change if all the users who have previously registered via Facebook login need to register with us again because it is a new ID. But on the other hand, it might work since it is still the same App Id and the same Facebook user account.
Please help.

Login Failed: You can't use Facebook to log into this app or website because there's an issue with its implementation of Facebook Login

Since last few weeks our FB integration is broken, our app and website having option to login using FB, we were pulling FB token and public profile info such as name, email but now seems FB has restricted our app, and got message
"We've restricted this app for violating the Facebook Platform Policies."
We double checked updated policies document and it seems nothing is there which can break FB policies, we are struggling to identify exact reason, we raised Appeal few weeks ago to FB but no reply, now we all our live users are stuck they are not able to use their account anymore in our platform.
Is there any way to identify exact reason, based on which parameters FB has blocked our app?
Finally FB Login started working, as we sent Appeal to FB and they re-activated API Key, explained about data which we are exacting from FB API and use of that data.

Are tfbnw.net email addresses suspicious for facebook login

I have a mobile app that allows logging in with facebook, when a user logs in I pull their email from the graph api but I just got a couple of logins with email addresses with #tfbnw.net domains which I guess is for test users while developing on facebook. I didnt generate these so is this someone doing something shady to login to my app or just expected behavior for some users given their settings?
Mobile app coded in react-native, using expo
Those seem to be the internal facebook QA team going through your APPs and manually checking if you're following all facebook's guidelines.
Facebook auditing your app basically.... or at least they did to mine because right after those #tfbnw.net email registrations came in, I checked my facebook app settings and sure enough, I got an alert and an email shortly after. But never received those #tfbnw.net emails before today on any other facebook logins.
I have checked my account and it looks like a generic test user Open Graph Test User gets created automatically, according to which product you enable in your app. It gets created for example, if you enable facebook login or messenger platform.
not something shady IMHO

Facebook app - Do i need those permissions?

I created an app for my clients. They uses this app from their website to post on their Facebook Page (and as the Facebook Page).
they use a Facebook Login button to connect to Facebook (with an account that can publish post on the page) from their website,
they complete a form
when the form is submitted, an article is created on the website AND a post is created on the FaceBook Page.
I ask for publish_action permission and manage_page permission when the user connects.
Those permissions need a review from Facebook, so I ask for it but the FB team says that I "only need those permissions when I use a public-facing Login". Is that not the case?
Currently, my app only work when I connect with the account that created the app.
You do need those permissions, but if the App is for your client only you don´t need to get them reviewed. Just add your client as Admin, Developer or Tester of your App and the permissions will work for him without review.

I can not access developers.facebook.com

I am trying to access developers.facebook.com with a user account, but I only get a blank page. I read some articles on how to become a Facebook developer. According to the articles you have to have at least one friend, a verified account and you have to add the Facebook developer app to your account. Except for adding the developer app I did all of that. When I search for the developer app I and try to visit the page of the developer app I get redirected to my 'home' page (see Appendix).
There are a lot of questions on Stackoverflow that describe the exact same behavior. For instance:
how do I access facebook developer app?
cant login to facebook developer app, getting redirected to my facebook page instead
They all state that the problem is that you can't become a developer if you use a business or page account. So I tried to find out if my account is of such a type. The Facebook documentation says:
Business accounts are designed for people who only want to use Facebook to administer Pages and their ad campaigns. You can use a business account to view all the Pages and Social Ads you've created. You can also see public info about other people on Facebook from a business account, but you can't interact with those people outside the context of your Page. And, unlike personal accounts, business accounts can't be found in search, send or receive friend requests or create/develop apps. (link)
Since I added another account as friend I don't think that the account is a business or page account.
What I have tried so far
First I deleted all my cookies to be sure that those are not the problem. I also tried another browser (Chrome 21 and Firefox 14). Accessing sub pages of developers.facebook.com also result in a redirect to my home page.
How can I add the developer app to my account?
How can I access developers.facebook.com?
After a long time I think I found the problem. The account I was given was in fact a user account. But it was a test user account. Those accounts are very limited and can't be used to access developers.facebook.com. You can read more about test users in the Facebook documentation.
I also wrote:
Since I added another account as friend I don't think that the account is a business or page account.
Funny thing is that the account I added also is a test user account. And those can friend each other but not real accounts.