Visual Studio Code is not detecting version 0.10.5 - visual-studio-code

I am running Visual Studio Code 0.10.4 on Windows 8.1. It is not detecting the version 0.10.5 update. Does that indicate something is wrong or is it just that the update is taking a while to roll out?
Best regards

In any case you can always just download the latest version from and run the installer over the existing version (after closing Code).


Latest version of MS Visual Studio Code freezes on starting

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Code on a Linux CentOs. I am unable to use the latest version. With them as soon as I launch the program it opens up the previous window but immediately freezes; after a while the Linux pop-u windows appears asking me for a force-quit.
I am wondering if something something is corrupted in the VSC caches. Where is it located on Linux?
By the way the latest version that works is 1.52.1.

correct way to install latest VS Code + .Net SDK + Omnisharp ext, and avoid error: "Attempted to update project that is not loaded"

I have a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I want to install Visual Studio Code, .NET SDK 5.0, and what seems to be the best suggested C# extension, this, the OmniSharp one.
I first tried to install with the Ubuntu Software app. In Visual Studio Code I installed the suggested OmniSharp extension. When trying to build a project, I got the mentioned error.
I tried installing using the terminal with this tutorial which seems good and straighforward - same error, when at the console app example stage after running dotnet new console.
This SO question has three proper suggestions, though I would like to use the latest SDK, and I do not have Mono installed, also I want to use Visual Studio Code, as far as I know, that is a newer approach than Mono.
The omnisharp.path": "latest solution does not work.
i faced the same problem and in the end i find the solution here
file->preferences->settings-> search for "Omnisharp: Use Global Mono" and make it never

VS Code SETUP for OS X 10.10.5

Can someone please help me on how I can download VS code on Mac OS X 10.10.5? I am unable to download it. Once I download the VS studio zip file, it says I cannot open it need the newer version of OS. Please help me.
Download an older version from
On the left hand side you have navigation to the previous updates.
Alternatively update the OS (a bit).
(Officially VS Code claim to support macOS 10.10+. )
I downloaded the Jan2021 version because same thing was happening to me and I was able to successfully download and launch VS.

VS Code update will not work

VS Code correctly announces 1.24.1 is available for update.
I click button to install and after short wait receive prompt to restart Visual Studio Code and complete the install.
After restart the update has not been applied and again get announcement:
the version 1.24.1 is available for update.
Is this fixable, or should I give up and download the latest version for re-install?
Information additional
System : Windows 7 Pro.
VS Code version: Version 1.23.1
Architecture x64
Try running the program as administrator before updating.

Matlab 2014b and mex files, has anyone been able to use Visual Studio Express?

I know that Visual Studio Pro will allow you to compile mex files for MATLAB 2014b.
However I was wondering if anyone was able to use Visual Studio Express (which is free, as opposed to Pro which is not) to compile mex files? I tried the Windows SDK (recommended by mathworks), with no success.
Update: This is the error I get:
A problem occurred while installing selected Windows SDK components. Installation of the "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7" product has reported the following error: Please refer to Samples\Setup\HTML\ConfigDetails.htm
Only I can't find that file.
Windows 7
MATLAB 2014b
Things I Did So Far:
SDK 7.1, I tried installing this not sure if it did not install correctly or was not actually a solution (from here:
Download the 30 day trial of Visual Studio Pro which is working
Yes. I used to use that exact combination if I recall. Make sure you get the right version of it though. Share the actual problem and maybe we can work around it.
This is another common issue with the Windows SDK 7.1 where it won't install if you have a newer Visual Studio 2010 runtime than version 10.0.30319, which is what it tries to install (you would think they would update the SDK installer!). You have to remove them before installing the SDK:
MsiExec.exe /passive /X{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}
MsiExec.exe /passive /X{1D8E6291-B0D5-35EC-8441-6616F567A0F7}
Then the SDK will install and you can reinstall the latest 2010 runtimes.
There is an identical issue with the old DirectX SDK (June 2010) and the solution is much the same.