Latest version of MS Visual Studio Code freezes on starting - visual-studio-code

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Code on a Linux CentOs. I am unable to use the latest version. With them as soon as I launch the program it opens up the previous window but immediately freezes; after a while the Linux pop-u windows appears asking me for a force-quit.
I am wondering if something something is corrupted in the VSC caches. Where is it located on Linux?
By the way the latest version that works is 1.52.1.


visual studio for Mac unity execution failed

I am running the latest version of Visual Studio and the latest version of unity. When I open the project using Visual Studio for Mac, I am able to rebuild the app.
But, when I try to start debugging, I am getting Execution Failed without any explanation or build output.
I am able to run the app successfully on iOS through Xcode, although the iPad is refusing to start the app automatically and I have to open it manually.
The issue is that , I can't start the app on Visual Studio for Mac.
Apparently, If you open multiple instances of Unity, Visual Studio for Mac will get confused and will not know which project to attach to.
Having one instance solved the issue for me.

VS Code update will not work

VS Code correctly announces 1.24.1 is available for update.
I click button to install and after short wait receive prompt to restart Visual Studio Code and complete the install.
After restart the update has not been applied and again get announcement:
the version 1.24.1 is available for update.
Is this fixable, or should I give up and download the latest version for re-install?
Information additional
System : Windows 7 Pro.
VS Code version: Version 1.23.1
Architecture x64
Try running the program as administrator before updating.

Visual Studio Code Installed twice, how to uninstall completely?

I installed Visual Studio Code 1.14.2 first. Then I installed Visual Studio Code 1.15.1(the 2nd Installation) again without uninstall the previous version (I forgot!). The 2nd Installation(the Visual Studio Code 1.15.1) still done successfully. The installed software shows the 2nd software(Visual Studio Code 1.15.1)
I uninstalled the 2nd Installation(Visual Studio Code 1.15.1). After uninstallation, I tried to install Visual Studio Code 1.15.1(The 2nd) again. But this installation process becomes wired: I don't need to install this software, the installation process did not execute. I can directly launch(open) the software without installing the software. Just like the portable version that it does not need installation. ** Visual Studio Code 1.15.1(the 2nd) runs normally**. When I launch(open) the software of Visual Studio Code 1.15.1
Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features\the Installed Products list
Visual Studio Code 1.15.1(the 2nd) is still not on this Installed Products list.
Any uninstall tool suggestion?
My computer is Windows 10.1 Pro upgraded from Win 8.1 My computer uninstalled Visual Studio 2017 before. Thank you very much!

Visual Studio Code Won't Run on Mac 10.8.5

I just downloaded a fresh copy of from, upzipped, dragged to my Applications directory, and tried to run it. After the initial "Verifying Visual Studio App" window ran, the dock icon bounced a few times then vanished and the app didn't load. Subsequent attempts yielded the same result. Anyone else experience this? Any known conflicts or dependencies for 10.8.5?
VS Code does not support Mac OS X 10.8 and below. We have a dependency to Electron and updated recently which caused this.

Visual Studio Code is not detecting version 0.10.5

I am running Visual Studio Code 0.10.4 on Windows 8.1. It is not detecting the version 0.10.5 update. Does that indicate something is wrong or is it just that the update is taking a while to roll out?
Best regards
In any case you can always just download the latest version from and run the installer over the existing version (after closing Code).