Primary key duplicate in a table-valued parameter in stored procedure - sql-server-2008-r2

I am using following code to insert date by Table Valued Parameter in my SP. Actually it works when one record exists in my TVP but when it has more than one record it raises the following error :
'Violation of Primary key constraint 'PK_ReceivedCash''. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Banking.ReceivedCash'. The statement has been terminated.
insert into banking.receivedcash(ReceivedCashID,Date,Time)
select (select isnull(Max(ReceivedCashID),0)+1 from Banking.ReceivedCash),t.Date,t.Time from #TVPCash as t

Your query is indeed flawed if there is more than one row in #TVPCash. The query to retrieve the maximum ReceivedCashID is a constant, which is then used for each row in #TVPCash to insert into Banking.ReceivedCash.
I strongly suggest finding alternatives rather than doing it this way. Multiple users might run this query and retrieve the same maximum. If you insist on keeping the query as it is, try running the following:
insert into banking.receivedcash(
(select isnull(Max(ReceivedCashID),0) from Banking.ReceivedCash)+
#TVPCash as t
This uses ROW_NUMBER to count the row number in #TVPCash and adds this to the maximum ReceivedCashID of Banking.ReceivedCash.


Redshift insert a date value into a table

insert into table1 (ID,date)
from table2
assume i insert a record into table2 with value ID:1,date:2023-1-1
the expected result is update the ID of table1 base on the ID from table2 and update the value of date of table1 base on the sysdate from table2.
select *
from table1;
the expected result after running the insert statement will be
but what i get is:
I see a few possibilities based on the information given:
You say "the expected result is update the ID of table1 base on the ID from table2" and this begs the question - did ID = 1 exist in table1 BEFORE you ran the INSERT statement? If so are you expecting that the INSERT will update the value for ID #1? Redshift doesn't enforce or check uniqueness of primary keys and you would get 2 rows in the table1 in this case. Is this what is happening?
SYSDATE on Redshift provides the start timestamp of the current transaction, NOT the current statement. Have you had the current transaction open since the 1st?
You didn't COMMIT the results (or the statement failed) and are checking from a different session. It could also be that the transaction started before in the second session before the COMMIT completed. Working with MVCC across multiple sessions can trip anyone up.
There are likely other possible explanations. If you could provide DDL, sample data, and a simple test case so that others can recreate what you are seeing it would greatly narrow down the possibilities.

getting an error as more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression when trying to insert more than one rows in table

I am trying to insert multiple values into a table from different table in postgresql and encountering an error as [21000]: ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
INSERT INTO coupon (id,entityid)
(select nextval('seq_coupon')),(select entityid from card where country in ('China')));
This query [select entityid from card where country in ('China'))] has multiple rows.
Any help is much appreciated.
If you want to insert rows that come from a SELECT query, don't use the values clause. The SELECT query you use for the second column's value returns more than one row which is not permitted in places where a single value is required.
To include a constant value for all newly inserted rows, just add it to the SELECT list of the source query.
INSERT INTO coupon (id, entityid, coupon_code)
select nextval('seq_coupon'), entityid, 'A-51'
from card
where country in ('China');
As a side note: when using nextval() there is no need to prefix it with a SELECT, even in the values clause, e.g.
insert into coupon (id, entityid)
values (nextval('some_seq'), ...);

How do I insert two related records into two different tables with a single query in PostgreSQL?

I have two tables with a relation by id. And I want to insert two related records. The problem is that id is not known until I make the first insert. Is there a way to write a kind of embedded query that makes both inserts correctly? I would like to have one exact query and to avoid variables, if it is possible. What I tried is:
insert into "b" ("value", "b_id")
select 'val2', (select insert into "a" ("value") values ('val1') returning id);
I get the error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "("
You'll need to use a CTE to do that, INSERT statements cannot be arbitrarily nested (unlike SELECT):
WITH a_results AS (
INSERT INTO a (value)
VALUES ('val1')
INSERT INTO b (value, b_id)
SELECT 'val2', id
FROM a_results;

Postgres: insert value from another table as part of multi-row insert?

I am working in Postgres 9.6 and would like to insert multiple rows in a single query, using an INSERT INTO query.
I would also like, as one of the values inserted, to select a value from another table.
This is what I've tried:
insert into store_properties (property, store_id)
('ice cream', select id from store where postcode='SW1A 1AA'),
('petrol', select id from store where postcode='EC1N 2RN')
But I get a syntax error at the first select. What am I doing wrong?
Note that the value is determined per row, i.e. I'm not straightforwardly copying over values from another table.
insert into store_properties (property, store_id)
('ice cream', (select id from store where postcode='SW1A 1AA')),
('petrol', (select id from store where property='EC1N 2RN'))
There were some missing braces. Each data set has to be surrounded by braces and the SELECT statements as well.
I don't know your table structure but maybe there is another error: The first data set is filtered by a postcode column, the second one by a property column...

Hive: How to do a SELECT query to output a unique primary key using HiveQL?

I have the following schema dataset which i want to transform into a table that can be exported to SQL. I am using HIVE. Input as follows
The output table needs to have call_id as its primary key so it needs to be unique. The output schema should be
1,b,c, or (1,k,l)
The problem is that when i use the keyword DISTINCT in the HIVE query, the DISTINCT applies to the all the colums combined. I want to apply the DISTINCT operation only to the call_id. Something on the lines of
SELECT DISTINCT(call_id), stat2,stat3 from intable;
However this is not valid in HIVE(I am not well-versed in SQL either).
The only legal query seems to be
SELECT DISTINCT call_id, stat2,stat3 from intable;
But this returns multiple rows with same call_id as the other columns are different and the row on the whole is distinct.
NOTE: There is no arithmetic relation between a,b,c,x,y,z, etc. So any trick of averaging or summing is not viable.
Any ideas how i can do this?
One quick idea,not the best one, but will do the work-
hive>create table temp1(a int,b string);
hive>insert overwrite table temp1
select call_id,max(concat(stat1,'|',stat2,'|',stat3)) from intable group by call_id;
hive>insert overwrite table intable
select a,split(b,'|')[0],split(b,'|')[1],split(b,'|')[2] from temp1;
,,I want to apply the DISTINCT operation only to the call_id"
But how will then Hive know which row to eliminate?
Without knowing the amount of data / size of the stat fields you have, the following query can the job:
select distinct i1.call_id, i1.stat2, i1.stat3 from (
select call_id, MIN(concat(stat1, stat2, stat3)) as smin
from intable group by call_id
) i2 join intable i1 on i1.call_id = i2.call_id
AND concat(i1.stat1, i1.stat2, i1.stat3) = i2.smin;