Postgres: insert value from another table as part of multi-row insert? - postgresql

I am working in Postgres 9.6 and would like to insert multiple rows in a single query, using an INSERT INTO query.
I would also like, as one of the values inserted, to select a value from another table.
This is what I've tried:
insert into store_properties (property, store_id)
('ice cream', select id from store where postcode='SW1A 1AA'),
('petrol', select id from store where postcode='EC1N 2RN')
But I get a syntax error at the first select. What am I doing wrong?
Note that the value is determined per row, i.e. I'm not straightforwardly copying over values from another table.

insert into store_properties (property, store_id)
('ice cream', (select id from store where postcode='SW1A 1AA')),
('petrol', (select id from store where property='EC1N 2RN'))
There were some missing braces. Each data set has to be surrounded by braces and the SELECT statements as well.
I don't know your table structure but maybe there is another error: The first data set is filtered by a postcode column, the second one by a property column...


using 1 WITH statement with multiple (n) INSERTs

I wanted to know if it is possible to create one WITH statement and add multiple data values to other table with select, or do any equivalent thing.
I have 2 tables
one has data
create table bg_item(
item_id text primary key default 'a'||nextval('bg_item_seq'),
sellerid bigint not null references bg_user(userid),
item_type char(1)not null default 'N', --NORMAL (public)
item_upload_date date NOT NULL default current_date,
item_name varchar(30) not null,
item_desc text not null,
other has images link
create table item_images(
img_id bigint primary key default nextval('bg_item_image_seq'),
item_id text not null references bg_item (item_id),
image_link text not null
The user can add item to sell and upload images of it, now these images can be 3 or more, now when i will add the images, and complete item's description and everything from app, my request goes to backend, and i want to perform the query that it adds the user's item, sends me the item's id (which is a sequence in PostgresSQL) and use that id to reference images that i am inserting.
Currently i was doing this (for 1 image):
WITH ins1 AS (
INSERT INTO bg_item(sellerid,item_type,item_date,item_name,item_desc,item_specs,item_category)
VALUES (1005, 'k',default,'asdf','asdf','asd','asd')
INSERT INTO item_images (item_id, image_link)
select item_id,'' from ins1
(for 3 images)
INSERT INTO bg_item(sellerid,item_type,item_date,item_name,item_desc,item_specs,item_category)
VALUES (1005, 'k',default,'asdf','asdf','asd','asd')
INSERT INTO item_images (item_id, image_link)
select item_id,'' from ins1
select item_id,'' from ins1
select item_id,'' from ins1
This would work for 3 images.
So my question is how to do it with n number of images? (as user can upload from 1 to n images)
Can i write a for loop?
a procedure or function?
With and Insert
Sql multiple insert select
I didn't understand the Edit 3 (if it is related to my answer) in the above one.
One Solution i can think of is to write a procedure to return me item_id and write one more procedure to run multiple inserts, but i want a more efficient solution.
If you are going to work with SQL then there is a concept you need to expel from your thoughts -- LOOP. As soon as you think it, it is time to rethink. It does not exist is SQL and is not typically needed. SQL works in sets of qualifying things not individual things.
Now to your issue, it can be done is 1 statement. You pass your image list as an array of text in the with clause, then unnest that array and join to your existing cte during the Insert/Select:
with images (ilist) as
select array['image1','image2','image3','image4','image5']
, item (item_id) as
insert into bg_item(sellerid,item_type,item_date,item_name,item_desc,item_specs,item_category)
values (1005, 'k',default,'asdf','asdf','asd','asd')
returning item_id
insert into item_images (item_id, image_link)
select item_id,unnest (ilist)
from images
join item on true;

getting an error as more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression when trying to insert more than one rows in table

I am trying to insert multiple values into a table from different table in postgresql and encountering an error as [21000]: ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
INSERT INTO coupon (id,entityid)
(select nextval('seq_coupon')),(select entityid from card where country in ('China')));
This query [select entityid from card where country in ('China'))] has multiple rows.
Any help is much appreciated.
If you want to insert rows that come from a SELECT query, don't use the values clause. The SELECT query you use for the second column's value returns more than one row which is not permitted in places where a single value is required.
To include a constant value for all newly inserted rows, just add it to the SELECT list of the source query.
INSERT INTO coupon (id, entityid, coupon_code)
select nextval('seq_coupon'), entityid, 'A-51'
from card
where country in ('China');
As a side note: when using nextval() there is no need to prefix it with a SELECT, even in the values clause, e.g.
insert into coupon (id, entityid)
values (nextval('some_seq'), ...);

How do I insert two related records into two different tables with a single query in PostgreSQL?

I have two tables with a relation by id. And I want to insert two related records. The problem is that id is not known until I make the first insert. Is there a way to write a kind of embedded query that makes both inserts correctly? I would like to have one exact query and to avoid variables, if it is possible. What I tried is:
insert into "b" ("value", "b_id")
select 'val2', (select insert into "a" ("value") values ('val1') returning id);
I get the error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "("
You'll need to use a CTE to do that, INSERT statements cannot be arbitrarily nested (unlike SELECT):
WITH a_results AS (
INSERT INTO a (value)
VALUES ('val1')
INSERT INTO b (value, b_id)
SELECT 'val2', id
FROM a_results;

DB2 INSERT INTO SELECT statment to copy rows into the same table not allowing multiple rows

I've been looking for an answer to this question for a few days and can't find anything referencing this specific issue.
First of all, should it work if I want to use an INSERT INTO SELECT statement to copy over rows of a table, back into the same table but with new id's and 1 of the column modified?
INSERT INTO TABLE_A (column1, column2, column3) SELECT column1, 'value to change', column3 from TABLE_A where column 2 = 'original value';
When I try this on a DB2 database, I'm getting the following error:
If I run the same statement but I put a specific ID to return in the select statement, ensuring only 1 row is returned, then the statement works. But that goes against what I'm trying to do which is copy multiple rows from the same table into itself, while updating a specific column to a new value.
Thanks everyone!
It works fine for me without error on Db2
CREATE TABLE TABLE_A( column1 int , column2 varchar(16), column3 int)
INSERT INTO TABLE_A values (1,'original value',3)
INSERT INTO TABLE_A (column1, column2, column3)
SELECT column1, 'value to change', column3 from TABLE_A where column2 = 'original value'
1|original value | 3
1|value to change| 3
maybe there is something you are not telling us....
You don't mention your platform and version, but the docs seems pretty clear..
IBM LUW 11.5
A multiple-row INSERT into a self-referencing table is invalid.
First google results
An INSERT operation with a subselect attempted to insert multiple rows
into a self-referencing table. The subselect of the INSERT operation
should return no more than one row of data. System action: The INSERT
statement cannot be executed. The contents of the object table are
unchanged. Programmer response: Examine the search condition of the
subselect to make sure that no more than one row of data is selected.
EDIT You've apparently got a self-referencing constraint on the table. Ex: EMPLOYEES table with a MANAGER column defined as a FK self-referencing back to the EMPLOYEES table.
Db2 simply doesn't support what you are trying to do.
You need to a temporary table to hold the modified rows.
Optionally, assuming that your table has a primary key, try using the MERGE statement instead.

Primary key duplicate in a table-valued parameter in stored procedure

I am using following code to insert date by Table Valued Parameter in my SP. Actually it works when one record exists in my TVP but when it has more than one record it raises the following error :
'Violation of Primary key constraint 'PK_ReceivedCash''. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'Banking.ReceivedCash'. The statement has been terminated.
insert into banking.receivedcash(ReceivedCashID,Date,Time)
select (select isnull(Max(ReceivedCashID),0)+1 from Banking.ReceivedCash),t.Date,t.Time from #TVPCash as t
Your query is indeed flawed if there is more than one row in #TVPCash. The query to retrieve the maximum ReceivedCashID is a constant, which is then used for each row in #TVPCash to insert into Banking.ReceivedCash.
I strongly suggest finding alternatives rather than doing it this way. Multiple users might run this query and retrieve the same maximum. If you insist on keeping the query as it is, try running the following:
insert into banking.receivedcash(
(select isnull(Max(ReceivedCashID),0) from Banking.ReceivedCash)+
#TVPCash as t
This uses ROW_NUMBER to count the row number in #TVPCash and adds this to the maximum ReceivedCashID of Banking.ReceivedCash.