Photon Unity 3D SDK crashes when exporting to WebGL - unity3d

In Unity 5.3 the Photon-Unity3D-SDK crashes with error CS0246
it cannot find type or namespace name SocketWebTcp.
Do I have to try an older version of Unity or wait for a new version of Photon SDK?

The same error still occurs.
I just comment out the 129 line in the script "Chat Client"
Also, I removed the build option "Run in background" and "Strip engine code" to prevent сrush of the WebGL build in a browser later. It works for me.
Unity version: 5.3.1f1
Photon Unity Network version: 1.66


Adding Vuforia Plugin on Unity Editor with an M1 chip does not work

I tried to install the Vuforia plugin on Unity Editor but it did not work.
The error message came out like this:
Plugins: Couldn't open /Users/jorisdejong/TestM1/Library/PackageCache/com.ptc.vuforia.engine#efa13d4486/Vuforia/Plugins/OSXUniversal/FileDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/FileDriver, error: dlopen(/Users/usename/TestM1/Library/PackageCache/com.ptc.vuforia.engine#efa13d4486/Vuforia/Plugins/OSXUniversal/FileDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/FileDriver, 2): no suitable image found. Did find:/Users/username/TestM1/Library/PackageCache/com.ptc.vuforia.engine#efa13d4486/Vuforia/Plugins/OSXUniversal/FileDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/FileDriver: mach-o, but wrong architecture /Users/username/TestM1/Library/PackageCache/com.ptc.vuforia.engine#efa13d4486/Vuforia/Plugins/OSXUniversal/FileDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/FileDriver: mach-o, but wrong architecture
I then asked the Vuforia forum on here.
It was recommended to use an Intel emulator to run Unity Editor.
I then installed Rosetta 2.
I then looked at the current Unity Editor info and it confirmed that I had downloaded the Apple version.
I went back to the Unity download archives and downloaded the Intel Unity Editor. It automatically replaced the Apple version once installed.
I can now add Vuforia plugin into the Unity Editor.

Unity not updating

I'm currently working with other classmates in a Unity project. My Unity version is 5.5.0f3 but it seems they are running 5.5.1f1 which is more recent.
When they open my changes they get the following message "oh no the project was saved with 5.5.0f3 and you're using a newer version"
I've tried updating but it shows that I'm at the most recent version of Unity. How do I force the updates?
Just go to the Unity website and download the latest version.

Tango Unity Examples Not Building

I have been trying to build and run the tango unity example on my new tango device and it doesn't seem to be working. As soon as the app launched the app crashes on my device. It just says Unfortunetely, Unity Examples has stopped.
I also tried to run a simple app with Tango AR camera and got the same result.
I am running Unity 5.4.0f3 (64-bit) with Android Studio 2.1.2. I installed all the tools on the Surface Book (Windows 10) on 8/1/2016
As stated on the Tango developers group on G+, Tango SDK does not support Unity 5.4 yet, you need to download 5.3.
Hi Devs,
Unity released version 5.4 last week. As a result, Tango development is broken. The team is aware of the issue is currenlty working to address the issue this month. In the meantime, the only workaround is to stay on Unity 5.3.
Thank you for your patience everyone.

Unity 5.2 sudden VR crash

All of a sudden, I am getting a full blown crash whenever I run/play my project with the native VR support in Unity 5.2.0f3 and Oculus version 1.7 (SDK which has never happened before, until today out of the blue. No change made to anything to do with VR or Oculus that might have triggered it, hence my confusion...
This is what I get on the log:
Unity Editor [version: Unity 5.2.0f3_e7947df39b5c]
OVRPlugin.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module OVRPlugin.dll at 0033:eb9a3b9a.
My PC and GC:
- Windows 7
- Nvidia GTX980 Ti
Thanks in advance for your help,
I believe 5.2 requires SDK 0.7.0 for native VR support. Have you tried upgrading?
Got same error with Unity 5.3.3f1. Fixed it by changing Oculus Config Util settings as following:
Open Oculus Config Util App on windows.
Go to Tools->Service->Configure options.
Set the Debug HMD type to DK2.
might be help for new users.

Unity3D error Fix [duplicate]

I want to use c++ dll on unity android application. To use native dll on a android device, I learn that I should use Unity 5. I download unity5 from here. My application requires vuforia. So I download vuforia package from here.
Unity 5 is 64 bit.
On unity editor, I delete MainCamera and add ARCamera. There is an error message on unity console. The message is below :
Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/QCARWrapper.dll', expected 64 bit architecture (IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64), but was IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386.
There is a solution for this problem on vuforia forum. But I don't find unity editor(32 bit)
To use Vuforia with Unity 64 bit, just move the QCARWrapper DLLs from /Plugins to /Plugins/x86. These are the DLLs:
This should solve the problem!
Go to Under there, you will see ADDITIONAL DOWNLOADS Under that you will see FOR WINDOWS. Click it and choose Unity Editor (32-bit).
I see lots of dowvotes. This was the ONLY solution when this question was asked. Unity 5 64bit just got released when this question WAS asked and this was the ONLY solution back then. This answer was changed to the current answer that was provided 5 months later when Vuforia released 64bit version of their plugin.
Vuforia 5.0 supports the 32bit version of the Unity Editor on Windows, and the 64bit version on Mac.
So, There are two possible solutions:
you just need to install and use the Unity 5 32bit Editor, on Windows.
Create a new folder "x86" inside
inside your unity project structure
Then move the following files from "Plugins" to newely created "x86" folder.
After that check log message, If you see the log like:
Setting platform to 'Editor' for plugin: Assets/Plugins/x86/VuforiaWrapper.dll
Vuforia.EditorClasses.ExtensionImport:UpdatePluginSettings() (at Assets/Vuforia/Editor/Scripts/ExtensionImport.cs:43)
Then , Congrats !! You are ready to Go!
I had the same problem /Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/QCARWrapper.dll'/ with vuforia plugin and latest version of Unity ( currently 5.1.2f 64bits ) and also couldn't get my laptop camera to work.
Everything is fixed with the 32 bit release of Unity, even if my os is 64 bits (Windows 7).
If you are using Unity 5.1, make sure to set the right Graphics API settings in the Player Settings for Android and iOS:
disable the "Automatic Graphics API" checkbox
in the Graphics APIs list, make sure that only OpenGL ES 2.0 is included:
Android: remove OpenGL ES 3.0
iOS: remove OpenGL ES 3.0 and METAL
Important :
1. In your Unity project:
Select the QCARWrapper.bundle in the Unity Project view (located under Assets > Plugins ), so that its settings are shown in the Unity Inspector
Change the settings of QCARWrapper.bundle in the Unity inspector from "Any Platform" to "Standalone + Editor".
In the Xcode project generated by Unity:
Go to Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources
Remove the QCARWrapper.bundle file from the list
My unity3d version is 5 and 64bit
,Os is Windows7 64 bit.
my Problems solved .
Edit :
Unity editor couldn't show laptop camera ,But Rebuild Project , camera work .
for example rebuild Android platform , and install .apk on device => application Ok .
Go to Name_Vuforia_Unity_Project\Assets\Plugins and you will find QCARWrapper.dll.
Delete it and try again (could be necessary to restart unity).
Unity 64 bit