I am trying to publish with new version smartface 4.5 ios app but it gives an error "Your Node.js (0.10.35) is not compatible with Smartface app studio. Please check your configuration and try again" error. Which version of Node.js has to be used? Also during installation it installed Node.js need to install manually?
Smartface supports 0.12 as min version of nodejs. I'm using 5.4.1, you can use any version higher than or equal to 0.12.
I have solved by replacing https://nodejs.org/download/release/v5.4.1/ ..
While publing app on playstore got : Error We've detected this app uses an unsupported version of Play billing. Please upgrade to Billing Library version 3 or newer to publish this app.
Okay I got solution , I just updated all deprecated libraries.
I was using Flutter 1.22.4, I migrated my project to Flutter 2.5.3 (Latest one as of nov-2021) everything solved.
I faced the same issue, here is some workaround worked for me.
In your android>app>build.gradle add following line in dependencies.
implementation ('com.android.billingclient:billing:4.0.0'){ force = true }
As ionic 4 is released, I am wondering if I should start my new project in ionic 4 and ionic 4.9 (CLI) or any stable version you guys would suggest to prevent any issues ?
I think you can start your project with Ionic 4.0. With this final release, your app will perform better than version 3. Your doubt is good because there are still some bugs this is release but Ionic version 4.0 will allow you to update your application easily with the newer version. Ionic Framework team is working really hard for bug-free Ionic 4.0.
I was having the same issue with respect to receiving an error code 4 when trying to add a contact on my device running on iOS 6.1 (although it worked on the simulators). In reading a similar post (Phonegap ContactError when saving contact on iOS 6) I saw that you should update the Cordova framework to 2.0+ to accomodate for iOS 6. I updated Xcode to 4.6, but was not sure how to go about upgrading Cordova (or updating its integration withing XCode). I'm currently running on version 1.7.0 for cordova and downloaded the 2.5 release. Is the upgrade incremental or can I make a version jump? Can anyone guide me on how to go about upgrading my Cordova framework version? Thanks in advance.
From Cordova 1.7 to Cordova 2.5, there are no migration path. I would recommend to:
Backup your full mac os system
Uninstall Cordova 1.7
Install Cordova 2.5
Create a new XCode project according the 2.5 cordova tutorial
Copy and paste your html5 code from your old to your new project
Fix the issues
It is painful, but it is a clean migration path.
I want to implement login using facebook in my windows phone 7.1 application
When I try to install Facebook C# SDK using the nuget package manager console. It is added successfully, but when I try to add the reference to my project its giving following error.
I did not write any code or anything. I just want to add the reference to facebook like using facebook; in my code behind file
I just tested this and I cannot reproduce the error.
Make sure you uninstall any old version of the SDK.
Then, right-click the project and add the SDK using nuget.
Do not install by hand.
That error message seems pretty clear - your project is set to target Windows Phone 7.1, but that version of the Facebook SDK doesn't support Windows Phone 7.1
See if there's an updated version of the SDK which supports 7.1, or target your project at a version that the Facebook SDK does support
My office system already has some Android SDK versions 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 installed into Eclipse. These versions are working fine. Now I wish to install version 4.0 but I don't know? How can I install Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich into my Eclipse? I am using Ubuntu 10.04.
Also if you know how to install Android 4.0 under windows then please tell me.
You will be having an Icon in you Eclipse Bar.. That is SDK Manager.. Click on SDK Manager you will get below image :
Select on API level you want to download. Also ensure that any update is available for ANDROID SDK TOOLS and ANDROID SDK PLATFORM TOOLS , if so update it also..
In Windows, Luanch SDK Manager. It will show you Installed/Not Installed/ Updates available. Select whichever API level you want and hit Install Packages...
If you are using Eclipse, what you need to do is to run android SDK manager. A new windows pop ups. It shows all the packages available. All you need to do is to update them.
You could do the samething by browsing to where your android-sdk. Go to tools folder and run android (./android). Again SDK manager pops up with all the available packages.
You Can Download latest Version of Android SDK below link:
It's contains android 4.0 ics sdk..!
Open Android SDK Manager in eclipse it's shows android 4.0 sdk (or)API Level 14 shows not installed to you can download Package's for android 4.0 working..!
If you are behind the proxy, go to Tools -> Options in Android SDK Manager and set the proxy setting.