In protractor , when to use protractor.promise.controlFlow() > - protractor

I'm confused when to use
var flow = protractor.promise.controlFlow()
in protractor scripts and also I can see a method called execute method flow.execute().
Can Any one give me some example and elaborate above statement

You shouldn't normally need to use the controlFlow yourself unless you are trying to add some asynchronous code into the middle of other webdriver operations. You would basically have to wrap that asynchronous code inside of a promise and the pass that promise/function into the flow.execute(). Here is a good link with more information about Control Flow in WebdriverJS


Pre/Post-Handler Hook for Micronaut

I was wondering if there is some way to provide two methods to Micronaut which are guaranteed to run before and after a request was passed to the handler.
In my case, this would be to initialize some thread-local data.
I know this would also be possible to put in the handler itself but putting the same lines of code in every handler isn't really the greatest solution.
Use a filter - see the docs at

How to use waitForAngular() in protractor test scripts?

I wanna implement browser.waitForAngular() in all by e2e test scripts instead of explicit waits. Any help is appreciated....
Usually you don't need to call .waitForAngular() function manually in your tests, since it will be executed automatically before every your action on the page -
However, this does not means you can remove your explicit waits from code. Your tests will be much more stable if you will be using both - automatic wait for angular AND explicit waits for needed elements conditions.

How to do a CNAME record lookup in swift

I found some example code online that I'm trying to use to do a CNAME record lookup (notice that I pass a callback block that I want to be run):
DNSServiceQueryRecord(serviceRef, 0, 0, domainName, UInt16(kDNSServiceType_CNAME), UInt16(kDNSServiceClass_IN), callback, &mutableCompletionHandler);
The problem is that this code is getting blocked at DNSServiceProcessResult(serviceRef.pointee) and the callback is never called. According to Apple's documentation for DNSServiceProcessResult, I need to
Use DNSServiceRefSockFD in conjunction with a run loop or select() to determine the presence of a response from the server before calling this function to process the reply without blocking.
So I looked at DNSServiceRefSockFD and found that I could create a dnssd_sock_t with DNSServiceRefSockFD(serviceRef.pointee). But now that I have the socket, I'm not sure how to "use it in conjunction with a run loop" as an event source for the run loop (according to the DNSServiceRefSockFD documentation).
I'm just not understanding how this works. I don't understand how to use the dnsssd_sock_t as an event source to a run loop so that I can call DNSServiceProcessResult at the right time without blocking so that my callback will actually run.
If it's better to use the socket as a kqueue event source or in a select() loop (as the documentation mentions), I'm fine with that, but I don't know how to do that either.
CoreFoundation can be quite cryptic, so any help is much appreciated!
And if there's a better way to do a CNAME record lookup then, by all means, please share!
See my (ethan-gerardot) comments on
The first paragraph answers how to get the callback to be called without blocking.

SCALA: Is it possible to prepare a regression suite(integration tests) for Restful API's with scalatest

I am writing a regression suite for API's using SCALATEST, I am kind of stuck-up with following scenario:
For instance I have two tests:
Call for API-1
Call for API-2
Call for API-3
Call for API-5
Call for API-6
Call for API-7
I have created a generalized function to Call API's I have setup separate JSON files for URI, method, body and headers.
Now my question is that as all these calls will be async, and will be getting back Future Results, one way to handle I know is flatmap / or For within one Test.
But what about 2nd Test, do I need to block main thread here or there is some smart solution for this. I can't afford to run multiple cases in parallel due to inter-dependencies on resources they will be using.
It's better for your tests be executed sequentially, for this please refer to the scalatest user guide on how to deal with Futures
Play will also provide you some utils to handle a Future, the usage is described in the testing documentation

How do I preload my RunAsync code splits

I have split my module with GWT.RunAsync to load faster for the first time. But once it is loaded, I want to load all other code splits as user will be idle for some time, and it will be faster for him to work on those parts when needed.
Any one have tried to do this? Any simple way of doing?
You can call GWT.RunAsync with a callback function that may or may not run the newly-loaded code. In the case where the code isnt' run, the callback turns into a no-op... with the handy side-effect of loading the rest of the code.
See "prefetching" at