How to do a CNAME record lookup in swift - swift

I found some example code online that I'm trying to use to do a CNAME record lookup (notice that I pass a callback block that I want to be run):
DNSServiceQueryRecord(serviceRef, 0, 0, domainName, UInt16(kDNSServiceType_CNAME), UInt16(kDNSServiceClass_IN), callback, &mutableCompletionHandler);
The problem is that this code is getting blocked at DNSServiceProcessResult(serviceRef.pointee) and the callback is never called. According to Apple's documentation for DNSServiceProcessResult, I need to
Use DNSServiceRefSockFD in conjunction with a run loop or select() to determine the presence of a response from the server before calling this function to process the reply without blocking.
So I looked at DNSServiceRefSockFD and found that I could create a dnssd_sock_t with DNSServiceRefSockFD(serviceRef.pointee). But now that I have the socket, I'm not sure how to "use it in conjunction with a run loop" as an event source for the run loop (according to the DNSServiceRefSockFD documentation).
I'm just not understanding how this works. I don't understand how to use the dnsssd_sock_t as an event source to a run loop so that I can call DNSServiceProcessResult at the right time without blocking so that my callback will actually run.
If it's better to use the socket as a kqueue event source or in a select() loop (as the documentation mentions), I'm fine with that, but I don't know how to do that either.
CoreFoundation can be quite cryptic, so any help is much appreciated!
And if there's a better way to do a CNAME record lookup then, by all means, please share!

See my (ethan-gerardot) comments on
The first paragraph answers how to get the callback to be called without blocking.


pymodbus server callback fo particular modbus function code

I have a Modbus server implemented with pymodbus. This server has a thread that update the internal registers to simulate a variable environment from the field. I need to update a file when I receive a frame containing a write function code. I tried to implement the CustomDataBlock as suggested here, but that's not exactly what I need: in this example, the code is called every time a value is changed, hence also in my "internal" updating writer function.
I want some code to be called only when my server receive a frame with writing function codes.
Any idea?
Thank you
I found the solution by myself:
inherit ModbusRtuFramer
overload processIncomingPacket function

Should a function returning a boolean be used in an if statement?

If I have a function call that returns true or false as the condition of an if statement, do I have to worry about Swift forking my code for efficiency?
For example,
if (resourceIsAvailable()) { //execute code }
If checking for the resource is computationally expensive, will Xcode wait or attempt to continue on with the code?
Is this worth using a completion handler?
What if the resource check must make a database call?
Good question.
First off... can a function be used? Absolutely.
Second... should it be used?
A lot of that depends on the implementation of the function. If the function is known (to the person who wrote it) to take a long time to complete then I would expect that person to deal with that accordingly.
Thankfully with a lot of iOS things like that are taken out of the hands of the developer (mostly). CoreData and Network requests normally come with a completion handler. So any function that uses them would also need to be async and have a completion handler.
There is no fixed rule for this. My best advice would be...
If you can see the implementation of the function then try to work out what it’s doing.
If you can’t then give it a go. You could even use the time profiler in Xcode profiler to determine how long it is taking to complete.
The worst that could happen is you find it is slow and then change it for something else.

Why my custom activity never returns?

I'm a newbie to WF and rather lost. Here's what I have so far:
I've created a workflow service app (xamlx), added needed variables
I've created a custom NativeActivity where I'm calling CreateBookmark from within Execute, which is between the Receive & Send activity for the service. (Ultimately this will actually do something besides creating the bookmark).
The bookmark gets created just fine, but after stepping out of the Execute method, nothing happens for one minute until the service times out, giving me that message "The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9699970. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout." (I tried posting an image of the xamlx, but as a newbie it won't let me; suffice it to say I'm getting from my Receive, into my custom native activity, but never getting as far as the SendReply).
I assume I'm missing something rather fundatmental, but I can't see what. I've originally tried using NativeActivity<T> to return what I want, but that behaves the same.
Found out what I was doing wrong: needed to use overload of CreateBookmark that has BookmarkOptions parameter and set it to BookmarkOptions.NonBlocking.
Strangely, I did not find one example anywhere that mentioned this.

using select in winsock2

I'm trying to get select to work right and it seems to be returning 1 even when there is nothing to be read on the socket. So I end up calling recv and it blocks because nothing is there to read.
Also annoying is the fact that with winsock it is necessary to call FD_SET each time select is called, which isn't consistent with standard implementations.
Are there any other weird quirks I need to be aware of?
I fixed it but I cannot determine what exactly the cause of the problem was. I do know that it is very relevant that FD_SET must be used to re-set the set for each select() call. According to the documentation, after calling select it fills in the sets which are ready for read/write/etc.
Moral of the story today is: read the documentation.

Tutorial OpenCl event handling

In my last question, OpenCl cleanup causes segfault. , somebody hinted that missing event handling, i.e. not waiting for code to finish, could cause the seg faults. Since then I looked again into the tutorials I used, but they don't pay attention to events (Matrix Multiplication 1 (OpenCL) and NVIDIA_OpenCL_GettingStartedLinux.pdf) or talk about it in detail and (for me) understandable.
Do you know a tutorial on where and how to wait in OpenCL?
I don't have a tutorial on events in OpenCL, and I'm by no means an expert, but since no one else is responding...
As a rule of thumb, you'll need to wait for any function named clEnqueue*. Those functions return immediately before the job is done. The easiest way to make sure your queue is finished is to call clFinish(). It won't return until the entire queue has completed.
If you want to get a little fancier, most of the clEnqueue* functions have an optional cl_event parameter that you can pass in. You can check on a particular event with clGetEventInfo(), and you can wait for a particular set of events to finish with clWaitForEvents().