Display Tumblr’s nested blockquotes (reblog notes) like they are displayed in the dashboard - tumblr

In a tumblr theme I want to adapt the way how reblog notes are displayed in the tumblr dashboard.
I want this:
tumblr reblog notes as nested blockquotes
to look like this:
tumblr reblog notes in dashboard
Any solution or idea is highly appreciated!
This question has already been asked here:
"Unnesting" Nested Blockquotes Using jQuery (to fit tumblr's September 2015 update)
but without a fiddle and I cannot comment yet.


Hide element on blog page

I am really a beginner, trying to improve my wife's Wordpress website. What I am wanting to do is to hide a certain element (of the header, in this case) on mobile only. I already managed to figure out the "name" of this element, which is .vc_custom_xyz. I also managed to hide this element by adding additional CSS to any given page. BUT: This doesn't work for the blog post page - which simply ignores all CSS that I add. Also, when I add CSS into the theme's additional CSS section by referring to the blog page ID. Any ideas to help me achieve this? Thanks...

Can you embed Tumblr code into a custom Tumblr page and how?

In the Tumblr customization section, you can add new pages to your blog. This gives you a few fields, including an html editor to add the content for that custom page.
Is it possible to embed Tumblr code into that? And if so, how?
I have tried adding it to the html editor - did not work. I tried pasting the tumblr code into the html source code - that did not work either. As far as I can determine, the tumblr code does not seem to be getting parsed.
I have had no luck on google with this either. So can it be done? And if so, how?

Add unique classes to Tumblr posts using per-post booleans

I know it's possible to create blog-wide meta-if boolean variables in Tumblr themes (e.g. {block:IfNotReversePagination}), but it is it possible to do something similar for individual posts?
For instance:
I'd like to be able to create several different widths for Photo posts, and it seems that the easiest way to do that would be to have a checkbox in the Edit screen for a post, labeled Wide Photo or something similar, that I could use to add a class in the theme markup.
Is this possible? If not, is there another way to accomplish something similar?
On a per-post basis you can enter a tag to the post. Say you enter widephoto as a tag on a post you can use the {TagsAsClasses} template tag on your posts to check it.
<article class="{TagsAsClasses}"></article>
If you don't want the tag showing up in the tag listing for the post you can remove it via JS (though it will still show up in the Tumblr Dashboard).

How to define what will be inserted in share message?

I have an app with blog records per each user. I have add share button to my app, to give ability to post interesting blog records to users time line or to send to other user. But in default it takes image and text for share as it wants and not always correctly. So I find out that it can be dirven by meta tags (using for example "image" property to set image for share dialog). That's work ok on main page (where I'd like to make ability share with whole application), but on pages of blog records I cann`t customize it. meta tag should be in , but all info (short text and image of blog post) I get later in body, so I can insert it. How can I manage with this? Or may be there is another way to share content with?
What blog engine are you using? If it is a wordpress - try this plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/facebook-share-new/ from offician facebook docs http://developers.facebook.com/docs/. Otherwise I'd suggest to find a facebook plugin for your blog engine using google and install it.

Google Custom Search Element: Styling Ads

I added a Google Custom Search Element to my website. I already modified the look and feel of the CSE to my website, but I can't modify the look of the ads element since it is inside an Iframe.
Does anybody know how to set-up the style of the ads Iframe? I want do put in a background color and change the font.
This feature seems to be available only for Google Site Search customers. If you are one, you'll be able to recieve your search results as an XML feed, and apply a presentation layer on the raw data. All the details on how to do this are available at the official Google Custom Search site.
You can try this api for AdSence search - https://developers.google.com/custom-search-ads/docs/implementation-guide?hl=en , but you can't make ads view like search results.