I was trying install a newer version of Chrome Selenium driver but the newest version didn't fix a problem I was having. So I copied the previous Chrome Selenium driver back into the same folder where I keep all of the browser drivers.
Now when I try to run my Selenium script in Eclipse IDE I get this error:
"eclipse IDE guava-18.0.jar has no source attachment"
I googled around but cannot find this problem elsewhere to see how to fix it.
I am using latest Eclipse version with cmake4eclipse add-on on my Debian machine. I am a noob at using Eclipse and already there is a problem! The very strange problem is that after building a project the explorer tab of IDE shows the built binary but I can not actually find it using my usual file manager. When I try to run the binary from IDE, Eclipse complaints a nullpointer exception has occurred. What is happening here?
I have just reinstalled my OS and made a clean install of Eclipse.
I want to import my previous projects made on a previous version of Eclipse and that is no problem. However when I try to run it then it says: "The selection cannot be run on any server".
I read around I need to go into Properties => Build Path and do something there.
Only problem is my Properties menu does not have a Build Path option. I have searched around Eclipse for a long time now to find Build Path but stil no luck.
Does anyone now where og why my Build Path is no where to be found?
By Chance i found the solution myself.
I originally installed the Eclipse Php Mars version of Eclipse which i still can't get to work. But install the Eclipse Jee Mars (Java EE IDE) version instead solves the problem.
First time you run the code though you might have to run it through the main menu in the top and not by the convenient Run icon botton.
I have no clue why this is but now i can continue my work.
I've installed jdk-8u65-windows-i586.exe and downloaded the latest version of Eclipse IDE.
When I double click on the eclipse-inst-win31.exe absolutely nothing happens.
MY OS is Windows Vista.
How can I resolve this problem?
Make sure you have a working java sdk in java_home variable - type java - version in cmd prompt
If you don't, reinstall java sdk and eclipse it should start.
Instead of using the Eclipse installer (which is still a rather new part of the Eclipse downloads), just take one of the complete distributions (scroll down below the installer on the download page).
While the installer first needs to download additional pieces from the Internet, those distributions are ready to start developing.
I am not able to install the Google plugin for Eclipse Luna 4.4.1 on Mac. I followed all the steps, and got no errors.
Eclipse restarted after installing the plugin, but after that I don't see the Google logo on my toolbar and even in File > New, I don't see any signs of installation.
Android plugins from the same link seems to be working but rest no sign.
Java on my Mac is up to date.
after 6 long hours, it worked out for me. This is what I did
I removed eclipse from my computer. delete those file from library folder. Delete workstation. https://stackoverflow.com/a/1998797/3861959
Updated Java, Downloaded and installed latest version of JDK (its different from java, one thing I didn't know).
Installed Eclipse, installed plugin
I have recently installed Eclipse Luna and the gwt-eclipse plugin.
I have created Project with the default GWT Aplication generated by the wizard, which I have called "pru".
I can compile and run the Project correctly.
But if I try to use the Design View to modify the interface controls, opening the Pru.java file (with Open With/GWT Designer) I get an error.
It tries to parse the file and then throws an error:
Internal Error
encountered unexpected internal error.
This could be caused by a bug or by a misconfiguration issue, conflict, partial update, etc.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDefLoader.loadFromClassPath(Lcom/google/gwt/core/ext/TreeLogger;Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lcom/google/gwt/dev/cfg/ModuleDef;
I am running in a Surface Pro 3 with Windows 8.1 x64
I have installed Eclipse Luna under c:\Program Files
I have installed Apache Ant 1.9.4 and Java JDK SE 1.8.0_25-b18 64 bits version (I have tried with 32 bit version too, and with jdk 1.7)
I have configuered the PATH, ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME variables to point to the correct installed directories.
I have used the "install new software" option in eclipse to install the gwt plugins.
I have installed following packages from https://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.4:
Google Plugin for Eclipse
GWT Designer for GPE
SDKS (GWT SDK 2.6.0 and Google App Engine Java SDK 1.9.17)
Do you have any idea of what's going on?
Thank you for your help.