Eclipse Mars 1.0 Build Path Missing From Properties Menu - eclipse

I have just reinstalled my OS and made a clean install of Eclipse.
I want to import my previous projects made on a previous version of Eclipse and that is no problem. However when I try to run it then it says: "The selection cannot be run on any server".
I read around I need to go into Properties => Build Path and do something there.
Only problem is my Properties menu does not have a Build Path option. I have searched around Eclipse for a long time now to find Build Path but stil no luck.
Does anyone now where og why my Build Path is no where to be found?

By Chance i found the solution myself.
I originally installed the Eclipse Php Mars version of Eclipse which i still can't get to work. But install the Eclipse Jee Mars (Java EE IDE) version instead solves the problem.
First time you run the code though you might have to run it through the main menu in the top and not by the convenient Run icon botton.
I have no clue why this is but now i can continue my work.


Eclipse Java IDE restore

I was developing a plugin, using Eclipse IDE for java developers (Version: 2021-09 (4.21.0)
Build id: 20210910-1417)
During development, when I run it as an eclipse application, it opens a runtime-Eclipse application where the plug-in is present. In my setup this new runtime-eclips app opened from a folder next to the workspace, where C codes were present. (and my progrem would get the tests run in C , and get the results from it's exe)
Then I downloaded the Eclipse IDE for committers, which is a newer version. I downloaded it as a zip and after unpacking I run the eclipse.exe. My program had problems opening the runtime-Eclipse application in C there, so i went back to the older one which is installed on my computer.
After opening the original eclipse, on which I was working and had no problems, I was hoping everything will be fine. It opens the IDE for java developers (same version, same build) but I have the same problems with the runtime-eclipse application as the one I run as an eclipse.exe , (not recognising the C code?? I don't understand).
When i try to run the plug-in I get this error.
And when the runtime-app opens i get this error.
I cannot create C projects anymore on the runtime-app. I don't know the reason behind this.
Also I have billion of these
[" downdload.eclipse.ort"]
[" org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: Unknown Host: http://downdload.eclipse.ort/eclipse/updates/4.2/content.xml "]
Thank you in advance!
I don't know if it is possible or not, since seemingly it did not update the older eclipse IDE. If it can be restored the way it was before i run the eclipse.exe, I would be happy.
eclipse.ort is obviously a typo, it should be, I don't know where it is coming from - but its possible you enter it yourself as update site
the runtime error means eclipse cannot resolve all dependencies, which means it could not load bunch of plugins including yours, you need to figure out why on your own, its not possible to debug this remotely, its best to start from the scratch in the new workspace
The solution was easier than expected. The run configuration was modified by the other eclipse version. It was not launched with every plugin. only a selected handful

Eclipse doesn't save the previous settings like workspace & Plug-ins

I am using Eclipse Neon on my MacBook & every time I start Eclipse it prompts me for my workspace again and again even though I set it as my default one.
Same goes for the plug-ins I have installed , I need to install eclipse decompiler every time I load eclipse.
I get an error like : "This wizard helps you to import and reinstall previously installed plug-ins. It is triggered because
either you are launching eclipse for the first time or your Eclipse has been updated."
Can someone please assist me with this issue ?
I had the same problem after updating my Mac to Sierra: Eclipse would not remember the default workspace. After moving Eclipse into the Application folder, the problem disappeared.
The issue seems to come from a Mac OSX Sierra feature called 'path randomization' (see eclipse bug 507328). The actual solution to avoid the path randomization seems to be for eclipse to provide signed .dmg images (bug
Two workarounds that I can suggest are:
Start from the eclipse oomph installer when installing eclipse (see
Start the actual eclipse executable file instead of opening the .App container

Can't install winrun4j eclipse plugin

I'm having issues installing the WinRun4J eclipse plugin. Eclipse finds the plugin just fine and begins the installation, but most of the way through the install eclipse stops at an error. The error is below. I've tried googling for a resolution to this error for the better part of 30 minutes, but I can't find anything that works. Aside from googling I've restarted eclipse multiple times and run it as administrator. No luck. How would I resolve this error?
Here's my eclipse info:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)
Build id: 20150621-1200
This looks like the update site is invalid. It also looks like this software is no longer maintained. Your best bet is to download the eclipse plugin jar directly and place it into your eclipse/dropins folder.
You can download the latest plugin jar here. Be careful, though, looks like this hasn't been touched in 6 years.

I cannot install eclipse jaxb builder plugin

I am currently working with a product that is built onto Eclipse version 3.4.2.
I am trying to install the jaxb builder plugin, but it is not working.
So far I have tried:
Unzipping the folder into the Eclipse plugins folder and then restarting Eclipse
The restarting Eclipse using the -clean flag
Unzipping the folder into the product's (built onto Eclipse) plugin folder and then restarting with and without -clean
Unzipping the folder into the dropins folder and then restarting Eclipse
I think that it may be possible that this version of jaxb builder doesn't support my version of Eclipse, but I can't figure out how to find that information. I tried emailing the address on the "Contact Us" page, but it came right back to me.
Is it possible that the product has been discontinued? How can I find out?
Discontinued? I don't know but the last build is from 2011-05. It's built against Eclipse 3.4 (see plugin.xml). What do you mean be "not working"? Exceptions? Entries in Eclipse error log/view?
Turns out it was the application's fault. I'm not exactly sure what the problem was, but when I did the exact same thing in a regular Eclipse environment, it came up with no issues.
I will edit if I get more information.

Eclipse Juno cannot make new project after update

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and to install Eclipse Juno I downloaded it from the official site (I don't use apt-get nor software center)
After updating it from help > check for updates menu, my Eclipse cannot make new project. When I hover File > New, there isn't any menu to select (as the usual Java Project, C++ Project etc.), only an unselectable text like this:
< No Applicable Items >
Anyone know what causes this?
nitind's answer above helped solve my problem. I was using eclipse java ide juno on windows and i could not see any items under File -> New or under Window -> Show View. I noticed eclipse had defaulted to using the Java-EE perspective. Following nitind's suggestion I changed it to the Java perspective and can now see all the menu items. thank you!
I had the same error when i first started the program, but i looked into it, and I saw that the workspace already had .cpp and compiled files in it which i had compiled earlier with a different program. To fix the error, I just changed the workspace to the default, and it worked fine.
I was using eclipse CDT Kepler with java 1.6.0_27. I then tried it with java 1.7.0_25 and eclipse Juno and this method resolved the error in any of these instances.
Try using the default workspace and it should work.