Creating unity3d multiplayer(PUN/unet) browser build - unity3d

I have spent a lot of time with attempts to build unity3d project for browser(web player / web gl).
Web player crashes with "content was stopped because a fatal content error has been detected".
Web GL not working with strange js exceptions.
Unity 5.3.1. Unet or PUN(latest from asset store) for networking. Windows 7 x64.
Windows build(exe) works fine in multiplayer mode.
Could you please explain the reason of problem in webgl or web player? Could you recommend some working tutorial?

Problem was solved. Bug was in unity 5.3.1. Version 5.3.2 works fine


No hand tracking during holographic remoting on Hololens 2 with Unity 2020.3/OpenXR/MRTK 2.8

I've been developing a Hololens 2 app in Unity 2019.4 using built-in XR/Windows Mixed Reality and remoting was working fine, hand tracking was perfect. Recently migrated to Unity 2020.3 LTS using OpenXR. Everything is working fine in the editor/player and I'm able to connect to my HL2 for remoting (following the instructions here) but then things get weird:
When I play remotely, the scene origin doesn't line up how it used to - often the scene loads behind and/or below me. During normal non-remoting play, the origin is exactly where I'd expect it. And I'm unable to get any kind of hand tracking in the headset.
I've tried importing DotNetWinRT and other troubleshooting steps but nothing works.
My Unity 2019 packages:
My Unity 2020 packages:
Unity 2020 OpenXR Project Settings:
I needed to manually update the Input Data Providers in the MixedRealityToolkit. If I'd created this scene from scratch, I imagine these data providers would have been properly configured by Unity, but because I was migrating the scene from a previous Unity/Mixed Reality version, they never got updated.
MRTK Input settings

Hololens2 Azure Spatial Anchors Tutorial Crash

Trying to follow the Microsoft Azure Spatial Anchors tutorial (even after it was recently updated) but the Release build of the project crashes on launch on the device (just after the Unity splash screen). Interestingly a Debug build of the same project seems to launch ok.
I've been able to build, deploy, test both the basic Hololen2 tutorials and the ASA Samples as well as some custom projects so don't think this is a general development or deployment issue.
Have others been able to follow this tutorial and successfully deploy to a device recently and/or is there any suggestions to diagnose the issue further?
Setup and Unity packages used (as per the tutorial and linked instructions):
Hololens OS (up to date): 19041.1136
Unity 2019.4.19f1
MRTK Foundation - 2.5.3 from the basic tutorial series (MRTK Package Tool)
AR Foundation: 3.1.3
Windows Mixed Reality: 4.2.1 (downgrade from 4.2.3?)
Note: MRTK.HoloLens2.Unity.Tutorials.Assets.AzureSpatialAnchors.2.4.0.unitypackage listed in the tutorial actually links to a new 2.5.3 package ( however the version file in this package still has 2.4.0??
Exception thrown at 0x00000226E0FBCC40 in Workspace Hololens2 MRTK.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00000226E0FBCC40.
Have you tried to upgrade the ASA SDK to version 2.7.2 (
They have recently fixed an error exactly like the one you're reporting:
"The first bug was specific to ARM32 builds running on HoloLens 2 and was manifesting as an access violation crash in SDK during anchor creation or query."
I have the same Problem. Running it without the Debug Window worked for me!

Unity 2019.3.3f1 crashes under Mac OSX Catalina and Mojave

I'm trying to run a github repo that can found in here. with Unity 2019.3.3f1 . Which works fine on Windows10 but instantly crashes on Mac OS Mojave and Catalina. This is the first time that I've came across a Unity error like this, any ideas would really helpful :))
Error message: link
This error persists since Unity 2019.3.0 and is still there in the latest version (2019.3.13). So we are unable to upgrade and have to stick with Unity 2019.2.21. We will consider switching to the Unreal Engine for our next project.

Tango Unity Examples Not Building

I have been trying to build and run the tango unity example on my new tango device and it doesn't seem to be working. As soon as the app launched the app crashes on my device. It just says Unfortunetely, Unity Examples has stopped.
I also tried to run a simple app with Tango AR camera and got the same result.
I am running Unity 5.4.0f3 (64-bit) with Android Studio 2.1.2. I installed all the tools on the Surface Book (Windows 10) on 8/1/2016
As stated on the Tango developers group on G+, Tango SDK does not support Unity 5.4 yet, you need to download 5.3.
Hi Devs,
Unity released version 5.4 last week. As a result, Tango development is broken. The team is aware of the issue is currenlty working to address the issue this month. In the meantime, the only workaround is to stay on Unity 5.3.
Thank you for your patience everyone.

Unity 5.2 sudden VR crash

All of a sudden, I am getting a full blown crash whenever I run/play my project with the native VR support in Unity 5.2.0f3 and Oculus version 1.7 (SDK which has never happened before, until today out of the blue. No change made to anything to do with VR or Oculus that might have triggered it, hence my confusion...
This is what I get on the log:
Unity Editor [version: Unity 5.2.0f3_e7947df39b5c]
OVRPlugin.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module OVRPlugin.dll at 0033:eb9a3b9a.
My PC and GC:
- Windows 7
- Nvidia GTX980 Ti
Thanks in advance for your help,
I believe 5.2 requires SDK 0.7.0 for native VR support. Have you tried upgrading?
Got same error with Unity 5.3.3f1. Fixed it by changing Oculus Config Util settings as following:
Open Oculus Config Util App on windows.
Go to Tools->Service->Configure options.
Set the Debug HMD type to DK2.
might be help for new users.