No hand tracking during holographic remoting on Hololens 2 with Unity 2020.3/OpenXR/MRTK 2.8 - unity3d

I've been developing a Hololens 2 app in Unity 2019.4 using built-in XR/Windows Mixed Reality and remoting was working fine, hand tracking was perfect. Recently migrated to Unity 2020.3 LTS using OpenXR. Everything is working fine in the editor/player and I'm able to connect to my HL2 for remoting (following the instructions here) but then things get weird:
When I play remotely, the scene origin doesn't line up how it used to - often the scene loads behind and/or below me. During normal non-remoting play, the origin is exactly where I'd expect it. And I'm unable to get any kind of hand tracking in the headset.
I've tried importing DotNetWinRT and other troubleshooting steps but nothing works.
My Unity 2019 packages:
My Unity 2020 packages:
Unity 2020 OpenXR Project Settings:

I needed to manually update the Input Data Providers in the MixedRealityToolkit. If I'd created this scene from scratch, I imagine these data providers would have been properly configured by Unity, but because I was migrating the scene from a previous Unity/Mixed Reality version, they never got updated.
MRTK Input settings


Unity HoloLens 2 deployed App stuck loading

I am trying to deploy an app from Unity 2020.3.32f1 to the Hololens 2 with Visual Studio 2022 over USB. Everytime I try to deploy the app, it builds and deploys through visual studio correctly before it begins to load in the Hololens, it then gets stuck on 4 spinning spheres and remains here until I open the start menu and click home.
I have tried building an app following the process defined here and still end up stuck trying to load the app with 4 endlessly spinning white spheres.
I am using MRTK 2.7.3 & Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin 1.3.1 installed from the Mixed Reality Feature Tool
Unity 2022.3.32f1
Visual Studio 2022
The previous project I was working with using MRTK 2.5.1, Unity 2019.4.28f1, visual studio 2022 and no OpenXR, with all the same settings works perfectly.
Below are the Build and Player Settings I am using
Build Settings
XR Plugin Management Settings
OpenXR Settings
This is fixed in Unity 2020.3.33f1 which was just released.
A workaround was given by disabling the Splash screen in the Unity Editor.
Here the release notes.
And the bug tracker entry.
I tried it by my self and it worked.
My Environment:
Unity 2020.3.33f1
MRTK 2.7.3
Visual Studio 2019
OpenXR Plugin 1.3.1
XR Plugin Management 4.2.1
I have this exact same issue. Same version of unity & using Visual Studio 2022. Everything was working with Unity 2020.3.20f1 => Upgrade to 2020.3.32f1 and the problem (infinite loading spheres) occurs.
Reverting back to version 2020.3.20f1 & clearing the build folder has fixed the issue for me.
Apologies for not giving any understanding as to why this may be occurring, I can only inform you that reverting to a previous unity build will more than likely fix the problem (As you are probably aware).
Same here, Unity 2020.3.32f1c1

Head motion is not working with Hololens 2 after upgrading Unity

I am building an app in Unity for Hololens 2. I have an cube in my scene. With App built using earlier version of Unity, the cube remains stationary relative to the surrounding.
Now I have moved my project from Unity version 2018.4.34.f1 to 2020.3.20.f1(on another desktop).
The scene in front of me remains intact as a function of head motion. If I move my head up, cube also moves up and so on. I would like the object to remain stationary in the scene.
I have installed the OpenXR plugin as well.
What could I be doing wrong ?
After upgrading to Unity 2020.3 LTS, please use the Mixed Reality Feature Tool to import the Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin and Unity OpenXR plugin and follow this step-by-step guide to setting up your XR configuration: 6. Configure XR Plugin Management for OpenXR. Also, we suggest importing the latest stable version of MRTK and leveraging MRTK Project Configurator to abstract most configures for you.

Minimal MRTK Project with Hand Tracking Scenes running in Holographic Remoting

I’ve been trying to get the example hand tracking scenes to run with holographic remoting with MRTK 2.5.1, Unity 2019.4.13f, XR SDK, a USB connection and the Hololens 2 but haven’t been completely successful. Does anybody have a minimal project setup where the example handtracking scenes run in holographic remoting without crashing?
If HoloLens 2 hand joints or eye-tracking isn’t working over remoting, there are a few common points of potential issues. It is recommended you go through the set-up steps to enable additional HL2 features over remoting. Please take a look at our guide and see if your setup matches those steps:Debugging HoloLens 2 remoting via Unity package import
In case anyone else has issues following the instructions on here is a
Minimal Project with Holographic Remoting and XR SDK
The sample scene runs with holographic remoting but not the Example Hand Tracking Scenes from MRTK.

Can't make a build in Unity using Photon Voice - "plugins colliding with each other"

Anyone else getting this error when they try to build their scene with Photon voice? Seems to be some issue with the opus_egpv.dll file.
I've tried it both in my project, attempting to build my main scene, and in a completely empty project with only Photon Voice, attempting to build their demo voice scene.
In both cases I'm unable to finish the build unless I delete the opus_egpv.dll file from the x86_64 folder.
When I do so, I'm able to run the game successfully for the first user. However, the game will crash for the second user as they try to join in. The second user's game crashes by freezing completely, requiring that I force exit it (this does not affect the first user).
I've tried this with both Unity 2017.3.0f3 and Unity 2017.2.0f3 to the same effect. I'm using the [currently] most recent version of Photon Voice, ver. 1.13 (released Nov 22, 2017). I am making a multiplayer VR game.
All files under "Assets\Plugins\x86" should have platforms "Standalone" and "Editor" only and CPU: "X86".
All files under "Assets\Plugins\x86_64" should have platforms "Standalone" and "Editor" only and CPU: "X86_64".
More information can be found on the answers to your question on Photon engine forum.

Tango Unity Examples Not Building

I have been trying to build and run the tango unity example on my new tango device and it doesn't seem to be working. As soon as the app launched the app crashes on my device. It just says Unfortunetely, Unity Examples has stopped.
I also tried to run a simple app with Tango AR camera and got the same result.
I am running Unity 5.4.0f3 (64-bit) with Android Studio 2.1.2. I installed all the tools on the Surface Book (Windows 10) on 8/1/2016
As stated on the Tango developers group on G+, Tango SDK does not support Unity 5.4 yet, you need to download 5.3.
Hi Devs,
Unity released version 5.4 last week. As a result, Tango development is broken. The team is aware of the issue is currenlty working to address the issue this month. In the meantime, the only workaround is to stay on Unity 5.3.
Thank you for your patience everyone.