Github Pages Jekyll posts not updating - github

I have a Jekyll blog running on github pages. I have updated it once and it worked. I just added a second post, it worked when I serve it locally, but when I push it to github, it doesnt show the second blog post on the github page. Even if the markdown file appear in the _post directory.
here is my repo:
Any idea why that is?

Probably there's something wrong here at your _config.yml file:
baseurl: /mini_cap_blog # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
Replace for this:
baseurl: /mini_cap_blog/
Let me know if this works, yeah?


Visulaization problem in uploading webpage with Jekyll

I'm trying to build up a webpage using Jekyll and GitHub as host.
However the site looks different when pushed to with hub.
Here's how I see it on my local page
while on GitHub I get this
How could I fix the problem?
You need to set the baseurl value in the config file when deploying to GitHub as a project page.
For example, if your GitHub repository is at, then you need to have the following in the config file:
baseurl: "/myblog"
Otherwise if your repo is at, then baseurl is optional. It can be set to nil or "" in this case.

Why Github is failing to load resources from my jekyll project?

I hope someone can help me to figure this out since i've been trying several thing throughout the day and I still couldn't find the root of this issue. The github is failing to load the jekyll content... giving me several error at every attempt... I searched for similar issues here and i also modified my yml file in the url as suggested in other posts but with no success. If someone could help me i would appreciate since i just literally lost atm. tia
enter image description here
In _config.yml, set :
baseurl: "/carlashub"
url: ""
Have you set Github Pages up in the settings within the Github repo?
goto --
Settings > Options > Scroll down > GitHub Pages
Make sure you have selected the source, this will generate a CNAME file in your repo which will contain the URL. After a short while, you will be able to see your site.
Below is an example of the config.yaml I use on most of my projects.
title: Site Title
url: ""
baseurl: /
description: Test stuff.
# Build settings
paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/blog/:num/"
permalink: pretty
markdown: kramdown
permalink: /:title/
style: compressed
- jekyll-feed
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
plugins: [jekyll-paginate]

why jekyll tag not working on github give 404 erro but it works on localhost

I use this tutorial for create tags on jekyll its work correctly on localhost when I click on a tag link it take me to the /tags/tag_name page but when I push it to the github this directory (/tags/tag_name page) give me 404 error! how can i fix this problem?
If you site lives at, you need to set baseurl: /mysite in _config.yml, and call you pages like this :
It seems that github disables custom plugins for security reasons, thus, the .rb file that this tutorial uses will not work. There does seem to be a workaround, however, which involves compiling your Jekyll source code to the _site directory before pushing to github server. See this post

Why is my Jekyll blog not on my Github page? (<- displaying the default github page theme)
Here is my repo with a jekyll blog that works 100% locally, I did create the gh-pages branch. Below is a screenshot of what the blog should look like on my github page:
Do I need to change anything here in my _config.yml?
Site settings
title: Leon Gaban
description: "Leon Gaban"# this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
twitter_username: leongaban
github_username: leongaban
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
The name of your repository must end in i.e. rename your repo to:
Add this to your _config.yml:
input: GFM
in order to keep the same markdown GitHub will use.
Also, if it is your user website it's better move it to a master branch. gh-pages branch is supposed to be applied to project websites only.
Your _site folder is not supposed to be there. It contains the site already build. Normally it's useful for local preview and when you're hosting with a service that doesn't build Jekyll automatically, like an Apache server. Also when you use Jekyll plugins that are not allowed by GitHub, so you choose building the site locally and uploading the static site only to GH.
I see two approaches: weather you remove the _site folder and move your project to the master branch, or you remove the rest of the content and upload to your repo only the content of the _site folder (not the folder itself).
Hope to have helped!

Deploying jekyll for github page blog

Followed the Jekyll documentation direction and pushed the folder directly under master branch and when that didn't work, also set up the gh-pages branch and pushed just the site folder contents under it. Still didn't work.
my _config.yml setting:
# Site settings
title: Anna's Chunky Bacon and Sweater House
description: Programming and all other random thoughts
baseurl: /myblog/ # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "http://localhost:4000" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
Any tips would be helpful! Thanks a ton!
The reason is that your _config.yml is not at the root, with source and destination variables set.
But, the easiest way is to create a repository and put your jekyll blog in its gh-pages branch.
The url will still be and you avoid mixing Jekyll and non Jekyll things.