Why Github is failing to load resources from my jekyll project? - github

I hope someone can help me to figure this out since i've been trying several thing throughout the day and I still couldn't find the root of this issue. The github is failing to load the jekyll content... giving me several error at every attempt... I searched for similar issues here and i also modified my yml file in the url as suggested in other posts but with no success. If someone could help me i would appreciate since i just literally lost atm. tia
enter image description here

In _config.yml, set :
baseurl: "/carlashub"
url: "https://CarlasHub.github.io"

Have you set Github Pages up in the settings within the Github repo?
goto --
Settings > Options > Scroll down > GitHub Pages
Make sure you have selected the source, this will generate a CNAME file in your repo which will contain the URL. After a short while, you will be able to see your site.
Below is an example of the config.yaml I use on most of my projects.
title: Site Title
url: "https://domainame.com"
baseurl: /
description: Test stuff.
# Build settings
paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/blog/:num/"
permalink: pretty
markdown: kramdown
permalink: /:title/
style: compressed
- jekyll-feed
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
plugins: [jekyll-paginate]


Running Jekyll on ONLY sub-directory of custom domain through GitHub

I'm trying to set up a personal website (with a custom domain and hosted on GitHub Pages) that would allow me to display the following:
username.com - custom domain with my own code (not through Jekyll)
username.com/blog - sub-directory blog (through Jekyll)
I'm not sure how I should go about this. I've tried other online tutorials, but most of them deal with sub-domains (not sub-directories), use the default github.io project domain (not custom domain), or just don't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up solving the issue myself: I figured out that the main problem I was having was that my username.com website was hosted as a Project Site and not a User/Organization Site. The fix was to create a User/Organization Site repository called username.github.io and then apply the CNAME/DNS changes redirecting to username.com.
(A little sad though, I was using username.github.io as a testing site.)
From there, all repositories that are published to gh-pages branch would show up as sub-directories of the User/Organization Site. If CNAME/DNS was left unchanged, a repository named blog would show as username.github.io/blog; since I changed CNAME/DNS settings, the repository named blog showed up as username.com/blog.
Hope that helps anyone else going through similar issues! Good luck all!
All you need to do is have the following in your Jekyll config file:
# _config.yml
url: "https://username.com"
baseurl: "/blog"
Then ensure that you use relative_url and absolute_url filters for your link refs. For example:
{{ page.title }}
Finally generate a production _site:
bundle exec jekyll build
# or if you don't have a Gemfile
jekyll build

Receiving 404 error for assets in Github Pages Jekyll site

I'm attempting to set up a basic Jekyll site on github pages. The site in question currently is:
Here is the repo:
My problem is that the site is not loading images or the css files from my assets folder, even though the link seems to be correct (as far as I can tell).
Example link to image:
kculmback.github.io/kcfeatures-v2/assets/img/Logo.svg (currently not working)
Here is the image in the repo:
This is my first time setting up a Jekyll site but as far as I can tell from everything I've read I've done it all right...
Here is the siteurl/url settings from my _config.yml file:
# Serving
url: "http://kculmback.github.io"
baseurl: "/kcfeatures-v2"
Here is an example of how I wrote the link to CSS file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/css/app.css">
And here is the resulting link when rendered by Github Pages:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The problem is not the url, but what it is excluded in the _config.yml:
- "/assets/"
The above line tells Jekyll to exclude directories and files from the conversion.
So the website is being generated without the assets directory, while the urls are ok.
You have to remove assets from the exclude list and it works.

Github Pages Jekyll posts not updating

I have a Jekyll blog running on github pages. I have updated it once and it worked. I just added a second post, it worked when I serve it locally, but when I push it to github, it doesnt show the second blog post on the github page. Even if the markdown file appear in the _post directory.
here is my repo: https://github.com/nrkfeller/mini_cap_blog
Any idea why that is?
Probably there's something wrong here at your _config.yml file:
baseurl: /mini_cap_blog # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "http://nrkfeller.github.io/mini_cap_blog/#" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
Replace for this:
baseurl: /mini_cap_blog/
url: http://nrkfeller.github.io
Let me know if this works, yeah?

disfunctional jekyll theme for GitHub project page blog --> gh-pages

When I use a dedicated GitHub page to host this blog the theme works, see here.
However, what I want to do is create this blog as a "Project Page", i.e. a subpage of an organization, in this way.
I've been following the tutorial on how to create a gh-pages branch, provided by GitHub themselves.
In conjunction with the "Host on GitHub in 3 Minutes" tutorial from Jekyll.
I can get it up and running with the basic out-of-the-box theme, but I want to use the "twitter theme", but when I followed the command to install it, i.e. rake theme:install git="https://github.com/jekyllbootstrap/theme-twitter.git" and then pushed to the gh-pages branch, it just completely stripped away all the formatting and now there is no theme at all, see here.
Why did that happen? How can I fix it?
As usual it's a baseurl problem. In _config.yml : set
baseurl: /Description-Logicians-of-EIS
or BASE_PATH if you use Jekyll Bootstrap
If you open up the console in your browser (ctrl + J), you can see the CSS fails to load with a 404.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
That's probably a good starting point. Where are your css files stored?
Spoiler Alert!
When I visit your repository, the directory pointed to in your header is missing. Instead I find Bootstrap in an entirely different directory.

Deploying jekyll for github page blog

Followed the Jekyll documentation direction and pushed the folder directly under master branch and when that didn't work, also set up the gh-pages branch and pushed just the site folder contents under it. Still didn't work.
github: https://github.com/shinshinwu/shinshinwu.github.io
my _config.yml setting:
# Site settings
title: Anna's Chunky Bacon and Sweater House
description: Programming and all other random thoughts
baseurl: /myblog/ # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "http://localhost:4000" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
Any tips would be helpful! Thanks a ton!
The reason is that your _config.yml is not at the root, with source and destination variables set.
But, the easiest way is to create a https://github.com/shinshinwu/myblog repository and put your jekyll blog in its gh-pages branch.
The url will still be shinshinwu.github.io/myblog and you avoid mixing Jekyll and non Jekyll things.