How to Display ReportHeader Text label only once? - crystal-reports

In the sub report
apple 10x1 10
banana 2x2 4
The label Fruit keeps on repeating how can I make it appear once
apple 10x1 10
banana 2x2 4
I put it on the the report header and I already done creating supress formula for it where I put ---> not onfirstrecord in supress but it not working either onfirstrecord (it disappears). I also tried puttingit in GroupHeader but still it doesn't work.
both fruits as I check seems to be both same recordnumber I dont know why.


Libre Office - calculation to multiply two numbers together

I have a monthly spreadsheet with varying numbers of hours per day. I want to multiply each of the daily hours by 20 each time and create a formula so it does this automatically.
I can't work out how to do this so that the formula copies across each time and automatically gives the hours x 20. Can anyone help please?
Let's recreate your example in Calc, starting with an empty sheet. In cell A1 enter "NUMBER OF HOURS". Put 6 in A2, 4 in A3, and 8 in A4. Easy so far, right?
Now, click on cell B2. Press =, click on cell A2, and then enter *20 and press Enter. The result should show as 120.
Next, click again on cell B2. See the dark square in the lower right hand corner of the cell? Click and drag it down to cell B4.
Here is the result:
6 120
4 80
8 160

Highlight multiple row values based on another value in tableau

I have a table with 4 columns grouped by first 2 columns. Something like below
Company Department Department Rating Org Org Rating Emp Type Employee
A Sales 1 XX 2 External John
Ops 2 XX 1 Hybrid Mike
B HR 1 YY 2 Internal Richard
Dev 3 ZZ 3 Internal Julie
I want to highlight Department and Org based on values in ratings column (1- yellow, 2- red, 3-blue)
Could anyone guide on how to make it happen on tableau?
Tableau by default will only highlight measure values so in order to highlight dimensions you need to trick it a bit.
First, you'll want to create two dummy columns with the formula min(1). You can either create this through a calculated field or just double click and type them in the columns shelf.
In the Marks card for each of the two new measures (not the All card), place Department on the text field in one and Org in the text field of the other. Set the Mark type to be Text on both of them.
Create a calculated field to define the colors. The actual values don't matter here as you'll assign a color to them latter. Put this on the All marks card on the Color Shelf.
At this point, you might have something like...
Now to finish it off you can do a few things:
Double click on the color squares in the legend to reassign them
Change formatting on the measure to get rid of the axis, zero lines, etc
Move the label from the bottom to the top by creating a dual axis.

how to split the two content both equally in a3 sheet using jasper report

we having A3 page so i need separate the content in jasper report like
and remaining there is second column
but in my output displays like below order
so please let me know the exact answer.. Thank you
You need to change a property in the report.
The Column Count property divedes in columns for the Detail section in the report.
It can be filled vertically: first completes a column from top to bottom, and then moves to the right
Or horizontally: First completes a row from left to right, and then goes to the next row below.
Where to find the property in TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio

X Y scatter chart with groups

Here's a sample from my table:
Energy Data Ratio
1, 1/1/2017, 1
2, 1/1/2017, 2
1, 1/2/2017, 1
2, 1/2/2017, 2
I want to group by Energy and show the Date and Ratio. I've gotten to the point where the chart in the Report Header will show the right grouping in the chart legend, but it only does the first date then stops. Ie it only shows 1/1/2017, and not subsequent dates.
On change of: Energy
Show values:
mIrradDate (a formula which returns the irrdate date, a trick to enable 'don't summarize')
How can I show all the data?
Crystal evaluates things top to bottom, and gains data as it goes through the report. So by placing it in the Report Header, it reads one record, prints your chart, then reads the rest of the records. (If you put it in the Report Footer, it'd evaluate after all the data was read, and show all the records.)
You can try any of the following:
Place the chart in the Report Footer instead
Evaluate whileprintingrecords
Configure a near-identical subreport that suppresses everything but this scatter plot in the footer. Then place the whole subreport in the header of your main report.

Tableau: How do I calculate the proportion of one value as a percentage of another value, when the dimensions are in the rows

I'll lead by saying that I'm fairly new to Tableau and that I'm currently on version 9.1.
Here's the format of my data:
Date Color Fruit Value
1/1/2016 Red Apple 1
1/1/2016 Red Apple 2
1/1/2016 Red Pear 2
1/1/2016 Red Pear 3
1/2/2016 Green Apple 4
1/2/2016 Green Apple 2
1/2/2016 Green Pear 1
1/2/2016 Green Pear 2
How would I calculate the sum of Apples as a percentage of all Fruit? What about Red Apples as a Percentage of All Apples?
Please feel free to comment on how I can clean up this question, I know it's in bad shape. Thanks.
In order to show the % of a Total you should Right-click your measure and select Quick Table Calculation --> Percent of Total.
Drag Furit on Rows and then Value on the Pane.
You should get:
Apple 9
Pear 8
Now you can add your quick table calculation and you'll get:
Apple 52,941%
Pear 47,059%
EDIT for Second Question
Dragging color in the rows shelf will update alle the %'s (of total).
If you want to see %'s by fruit, you just need to adjust the Computing type of your table calculation.
In order to do that, yo have to right click your measure and then click on "Compute Using" and then select Fruit.