Highlight multiple row values based on another value in tableau - tableau-api

I have a table with 4 columns grouped by first 2 columns. Something like below
Company Department Department Rating Org Org Rating Emp Type Employee
A Sales 1 XX 2 External John
Ops 2 XX 1 Hybrid Mike
B HR 1 YY 2 Internal Richard
Dev 3 ZZ 3 Internal Julie
I want to highlight Department and Org based on values in ratings column (1- yellow, 2- red, 3-blue)
Could anyone guide on how to make it happen on tableau?

Tableau by default will only highlight measure values so in order to highlight dimensions you need to trick it a bit.
First, you'll want to create two dummy columns with the formula min(1). You can either create this through a calculated field or just double click and type them in the columns shelf.
In the Marks card for each of the two new measures (not the All card), place Department on the text field in one and Org in the text field of the other. Set the Mark type to be Text on both of them.
Create a calculated field to define the colors. The actual values don't matter here as you'll assign a color to them latter. Put this on the All marks card on the Color Shelf.
At this point, you might have something like...
Now to finish it off you can do a few things:
Double click on the color squares in the legend to reassign them
Change formatting on the measure to get rid of the axis, zero lines, etc
Move the label from the bottom to the top by creating a dual axis.


Use every single individual value from column in Tableau

I have a column known as "Gender" that has values 1 = Male and 2 = Female.
Each column has a corresponding value next to it, as follows:
Gender Value
1 500
2 300
1 300
2 400
and so on.
I want to plot this (with each individual value) on a tableau sheet but if I put either of these measures it just SUMs it up by default. Is there a way to plot it like a normal graph with say one attribute as row and the other as column?
Drag Gender to the dimensions section of the data pane (left margin). You might also want to right click on it and edit the aliases.
If you don't want aggregate values in your viz, you can turn that off with the Analysis menu

How to change the color of each field in text-shelf of tableau and add legends for the colors -Tableau

I am in the process of converting few of my ssrs reports into tableau. I created a tabular model worksheet which shows Comparison of budget & actual amount in region, district , year wise. I have added region, district in row shelf and budget & actual amounts in text shelf.
Now I need to show Budget & actual amounts in different color. Also I need to add a legend for each text colors. Please help how to do this tableau.
Thanks for the help
You need to place the Measure Values measure in the Text card instead. This will allow you to use the Measure Names dimension in the Color card.
For example:
You will need to filter on Measure Names to make sure you only include those two measures.
Also, I added Measure Names to the Rows section, but unchecked Show Header so that the numbers are vertically stacked.

Show Dimension Headers on Y Axis instead of X Axis

So I have what seems like a pretty dumb question but I haven't been able to find an example online or figure out how to do it myself.
I want to create a visualization with the dimension headers going down the y axis and the values going across the x axis. I'm creating a cross tab/text table kind of visualization. It's just one name, an address, some demographic info. If you try to use each field as it's own column, the info gets pretty cramped. Using the transpose button doesn't work, and dropping the pills on to the row instead of column doesn't work. I've tried changing them from dimensions to attributes, but still no luck. Any tips would be very much appreciated.
ColA | ColB|
A | B |
ColA | A
ColB | B
Generally if you want the dimension headers on Y and the values on X, you put the dimension pill on the rows shelf and the measure pill on the columns shelf. You might want to change a dimension to a measure and use a COUNT() or COUNTD() for example to see how many people come from a given city.
If you want to actually display several different measures next to each other (say the number of distinct cities and the number of distinct zip codes) you can drag the "Measure Names" pill on the rows and the "Measure Values" pill on the columns and add or remove the pills you need/don't need.
If this is not what you need, it would be good if you could post a screenshot of your dashboard (including the shelves and the dimensions pane). THat usually helps a lot to see where your problem is.

Create a grouped bar chart with multiple measures by color

I'd like to create a grouped bar chart with multiple measures by color. I have the following measures:
I have a total of 2 web sites that I am collecting data from, so I'd like to have a different color for each measure and the columns to be side-by-side. Also, I'd like for them to be separated by site as well.
I see the stacked bar columns, but that's not the way I want to visualize this. Anybody have any ideas?
As far as I Understood, you have 4 measures, 1 dimension(Websites) with 2 websites names. Now, you need to show side by side bar, each column has two websites i.e., 4 columns with 2 sub columns each.
Drag Measure Names and Websites to columns shelf and Measure Values to row shelf.
Now, from Show Me shelf select side-by-side bars
If you get 2 columns with 4 sub columns, swap positions of Measure Names and Websites.
If you didn't get different colors for different measures, drag Measure Names to Color in Marks.
hope this is what you are looking for.
Just like Y.Prithvi said, you would use measure names and measure values.
(disregard the fields in the filters card, I filtered my data to match what you were trying to accomplish)
See example:

How do you heatmap in tavleau a list of numbers based on another column data

I have data from 48 countries. I am trying to visualize it on a map. I want to display half the countries in 1 color and the other half in another color. This segmentation is based on another column which has string value 'yes' or 'no'. I want to do it on tableau
Country data OFF
US 100,000 yes
IN 200,000 yes
BR 300,000 no
MX 150,000 no
I want to plot US, IN in Blue and BR, MX in green. The shades of green and blue are dependent on the values of data.
Have you tried to drag the OFF field to Color in the sheet? This should do the trick
You can put either the measure data on the color shelf to color by value, or the dimension OFF on the color shelf to color by OFF -- i.e. to use color to encode a single field's value.
If you want to color by two dimension fields, you can get the shading effect you mention by putting both on the color shelf -- using the shift key to add the second one if it's not in a hierarchy with the first one.
If you want to color by both a dimension and a measure (as in your case), you have to go to a little more effort -- assuming its worth it. You can make a calculated field that uses both fields to map into a category (say returning a string like "off yes, data high" or "off yes, data mid") and then edit the colors to map them as you like.