how to split the two content both equally in a3 sheet using jasper report - jasper-reports

we having A3 page so i need separate the content in jasper report like
and remaining there is second column
but in my output displays like below order
so please let me know the exact answer.. Thank you

You need to change a property in the report.
The Column Count property divedes in columns for the Detail section in the report.
It can be filled vertically: first completes a column from top to bottom, and then moves to the right
Or horizontally: First completes a row from left to right, and then goes to the next row below.
Where to find the property in TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio


Libre Office - calculation to multiply two numbers together

I have a monthly spreadsheet with varying numbers of hours per day. I want to multiply each of the daily hours by 20 each time and create a formula so it does this automatically.
I can't work out how to do this so that the formula copies across each time and automatically gives the hours x 20. Can anyone help please?
Let's recreate your example in Calc, starting with an empty sheet. In cell A1 enter "NUMBER OF HOURS". Put 6 in A2, 4 in A3, and 8 in A4. Easy so far, right?
Now, click on cell B2. Press =, click on cell A2, and then enter *20 and press Enter. The result should show as 120.
Next, click again on cell B2. See the dark square in the lower right hand corner of the cell? Click and drag it down to cell B4.
Here is the result:
6 120
4 80
8 160

I want display 5 Charts Vertically in RDLC (SSRS)

I want to display the 5 charts in a row vertically. I was able to add the 3 chart area vertically but after adding the 4th and 5th Chart area it will split into 2 column.
Example Report

Render detail band at the bottom of the page before another detail band

I have a problem with detail bands in JasperReports. The details band 1 will occupy more than one page since it has all the necessary information for the report. There are also two more detail bands that have to appear at the end of the first page and may have a lot of information and overflow on the next one (example with three pages)
The problem is that I cannot fix to botton the two detail 2 and detail 3 bands, showing the detail 1 band in the hole above
Example with detail 2 and 3 not overflow:
Page 1 Page 2 and following
Header Header
Detail 1 Detail 1 continuation
Detail 2 Footer
Detail 3
Example with detail 2 overflow
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 and following
Header Header Header
Detail 2 Deatil 1 Detail 1 continuation
Detail 3 Detail 2 continuation Footer
Footer Footer
Would someone know how to help me

SSRS report Display monthwise

Below is my sql table,
Month Input Output
Jan-12 10 8
Feb-12 23 6
1-Mar 8 5
I need to display like this in SSRS
Jan 2012
Feb 2012
Mar 2012
How to design the report using SSRS
Drop a table onto the report body canvas. Set the Dataset name property to the dataset that returns that data.
Right click the Detail row icon (it looks like three horizontal lines) on the left of the report object. Select Insert Row Below. Do this 3 more times.
You now have 5 rows.
Expand the Datasets object (normally docked on the left) to display the fields in the dataset. Drag the month field to the cell on the top row, write the text "Input" in the cell on the second row, drag the input field to the cell on the third row, write the text "Output" in the cell on the fourth row and drag the output field to the cell on the fifth row.
Run your report.

measuring SWT / JFace column header padding size

I have a number of tables in an eclipse SWT application. They are Table/TableViewer tables and consist of a header, a row down the left with text and a series of graphics going across. There are 32 columns other than the text column, numbered from 0 to 31.
On Windows 7 and XP in classic mode, the text is fine, but in XP normal mode, they are truncated so they appear to go 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. etc. There is clearly enough room for the text either way.
If I just set the default width to 28 instead of 25, as I found it, they are then fine, but obviously that isn't very good as then I need more room for the interface in Windows 7 and XP Classic, where it was already ok.
I tried getting average width from fontmetrics but the text comes back as 5, in all modes. I can't find any way of either reducing of the padding (which would be the best way), or finding out how much padding there is (which would do). Do I need to draw the column headers manually?
ps: Sorry for the JFace / SWT, have only just started with this and not clear on the differences yet!
Calling TableColumn#pack() should give a column exactly the width it needs to display its content without wasting any space or truncating its content. This includes the column's header text.
You should use the TableLayout for a more dynamic size calculation of your table headers. A good starting point is the following blog article: