Opening of fragments from listfragment - android-listfragment

I am new to android programming. I have created a listview fragment that work perfectly. I want on the the click of an item in the list to open the selected fragment. I have the following errors. Can anybody please help. I have an error on showFragment(position);
"can't resolve symbol 'position' and on
viewActionsContentView.showContent(); "can't resolve symbol on "getSupportFragmentManager and viewActionContentView"
here is my listview coding


How can I detect when the Flyout for a given DatePicker opens in WinUI 3?

I have a DatePicker on a Page and would like to know whenever the DatePickerFlyout associated with the DatePicker is opened. This would be straightforward if I had a reference to the relevant DatePickerFlyout (DatePickerFlyout has Opened and Opening events) , but I can't seem to find one.
Flyouts (Popups) appear in the Visual Tree under PopupRoot so I thought I might listen for changes in the PopupRoot branch. But walking up the tree stops at the RootScrollViewer, one level below PopupRoot, so I can't reference that branch.
VisualTreeHelper.GetOpenPopupsForXamlRoot() returns a list of open Popups (which includes Flyouts) but only if the Flyout in question is actually open.
Any idea how I can find and work with the actual DatePickerFlyout object?
Thank you in advance.

How to solve 'The function 'ApplicationBindings' isn't defined' problem?

I am new to Getx on Flutter.On Vscode,I created Getx App Structure by clicking right mb and this error just occured.Can someone tell me how to fix this problem?
check that your class is extending Bindings in application_bindings.dart class. If do so just close your vscode and open it again the error will be gone.

Using flutter_inAppWebView, how do I programmatically close the web view?

I'm using flutter_inappwebview and I've got it working, but I want to programmatically close the web view and trigger onCloseWindow to emit an event.
I'm tried importing things like dart:html as html to try to use html.window.close but my linter doesn't seem to like that. I get Error: Not found: 'dart:html and Error: undefined name windowon top of a warning:Avoid using web-only libraries outside Flutter web plugin packages.`.
How do I close this window to trigger onCloseWindow?

WebDriverError: unknown error: Element is not clickable at point (330, 367) even after using EC.elementToBeClickable

I am writing test cases in protractor using chromedriver
I have a link which when clicked gives an overlay div pop up where I can enter few details and Add details. After adding the details again the main page and link is visible. But when I am trying to click on the main link second time I am getting
WebDriverError: unknown error: Element is not clickable at point (330, 367). Other element would receive the click:
I tried using the below code still issue is not resolved
Can someone please help
I have seen this in my application before, Once you close the pop-up you have to wait for the window closing animation to finish. Your flow should be something like below
//Fill the pop-up
//close the pop-up
//wait for the pop-up to close
Also as a side point, you don't need to chain all webdriverJs promises.They are already placed in queue using Protractor control flow

I'm having an error with Ramotion tab bar configuration

I'm following from this site how to set up and use this animation tab bar.
I did all the following instructions but there still is error:
Concept[4854:174780] Unknown class RAMAnimatedTabBarController in Interface Builder file.
Can somebody help me please, I'm very upset about this problem. Hope for positive response.