How to solve 'The function 'ApplicationBindings' isn't defined' problem? - flutter

I am new to Getx on Flutter.On Vscode,I created Getx App Structure by clicking right mb and this error just occured.Can someone tell me how to fix this problem?

check that your class is extending Bindings in application_bindings.dart class. If do so just close your vscode and open it again the error will be gone.


Navigate depending on value flutter

He there
I just face a problem with this code error ->
Error thrown on navigator pop until : "!_debugLocked': is not true."
What the Scenario I do?
I use redux as state management, I check variable content if it's not null then show the dialog (I don't do that on click or tap listener)
Any suggestions :(
Thanks in advance.

Why Codesandbox can't render the code and show strange error

I learn JavaScript and read code at this Codesandbox
Problem is it gives this error often on some Sandbpxes:
NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 'write$1' on null
It looks like this; What can I do to remove this error?
If your project has any .scss, comment it all.
After it works fine, that is a problem of stylesheet.
Check what variable(starting with '$') is wrong or missing.
If you add third party component, check guide line for it.

when we drag the item out of the scope it is moving with cursor only in articulation3.How to fix this issue.?

I tried by changing the properties of that triggers and re-built the slide also.
Even the issue is not resolved.Can anyone help me on this.?
check out below link
u get solution

Ionic app sidemenus don't work after closing $ionicPopup

The Ionic app I'm working on displays a $ionicPopup when it starts and after closing the popup, the two sidemenus the app contains don't work at all. If I remove the popup from the code, the sidemenus work well.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
Add the following code to the controller that contains the slidebox:
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(){
I had the same problem than you. I resolved with this.
I was facing this same problem.
In my case, this was happening because, the enable-menu-with-back-views="true" option in ion-side-menu was set false.
It got back to work when setting it to true. =)

Faking a GTK_RESPONSE_OK in a GTK dialog

I want to have a gtk_file_chooser_dialog that does not browse into a folder if it has a specific name. For this I hooked up my dialog with a callback when a current-folder-changed signal is emitted. In the callback function I successfully detect if the selected folder has the specific name. However, I can't figure out how to tell the dialog to close itself and return a specific response code (e.g. GTK_RESPONSE_OK).
I have unsuccessfully tried (among other things):
g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(my_dialog), "response", GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
Has anyone a better idea ? I would appreciate any pointers into the right direction..
You're trying too hard. Just use:
gtk_dialog_response(GTK_DIALOG(my_dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
See the splendid documentation.