How can I detect when the Flyout for a given DatePicker opens in WinUI 3? - datepicker

I have a DatePicker on a Page and would like to know whenever the DatePickerFlyout associated with the DatePicker is opened. This would be straightforward if I had a reference to the relevant DatePickerFlyout (DatePickerFlyout has Opened and Opening events) , but I can't seem to find one.
Flyouts (Popups) appear in the Visual Tree under PopupRoot so I thought I might listen for changes in the PopupRoot branch. But walking up the tree stops at the RootScrollViewer, one level below PopupRoot, so I can't reference that branch.
VisualTreeHelper.GetOpenPopupsForXamlRoot() returns a list of open Popups (which includes Flyouts) but only if the Flyout in question is actually open.
Any idea how I can find and work with the actual DatePickerFlyout object?
Thank you in advance.


gwt - history - how to "keep" UI state

I tried the example which is showing how to get data from history to re-generate UI; The thing I see mostly in all "history usage" examples are related to UI re-generation only so it is none-static way...
But what about "each UI state may have its unique url something like JSF does with flows"? For example I have app url like a
the app default UI contains main menu which is helping to navigate through my test catalog; I tried to make possible keep the UI dynamics in history by building url in this way
but when I click internet browser "refresh" button the url keeps the same as http://localhost:8080/myapp/MyApp.html#menu_testcategory_page1 but the UI comes back to its default state :(
So my question is
is there an optimal way in pure gwt to stay in the same UI state even after browser's refresh button is clicked (I mean the unload/load window events occur)?
P.S. gwt 2.3
You should implement Activities and Places pattern:
I am using it for 3 years, and it works very well.
Note, however, that when you reload a page, you lose all of your state, data, etc. If you need to preserve some of it, you can use a combination of a Place (#page1) and a token that tells the corresponding Activity the state of the View representing this Place, i.e. (#page1:item=5).
You probably just forgot to call
from your entry point.

How to close all open durandaljs modal dialogs

Currently I am working on a project that relies heavily on modal dialogs. I'm using durandal's dialog plugin. The problem I have is that within a modal, a user can click an element which displays its details in another modal.
What I would like to do is to close all open modals before I open a new modal. Can anyone give me a good idea of how I can ensure only a single dialog is open at any given time in durandaljs?
Why not use Durandal's pub/sub, or a client-side message bus such as postal.js (which is what we use)? We close all modals by sending a close message over the channel 'app' and the topic 'app/modals'. Instead of holding a reference to an observable (which could have memory implications), we just hold a reference to the message channel (which is a string). Much cleaner way to go.
Ok so the issue I was facing was that I have various Modals, where one modal could be opened from within another modal. However I wanted the modals to close when another would open. The tricky part was that I am using widgets and click events to open the modals.
Since my project is an SPA it occurred to me to simply create a ko.observable - currentModal - on my global object and each new Modal closes the previous, then replaces the old with the new in currentModal(this);
I went even further and am now using the route objects to fire the Modals open as well. Durandal is fun.

In Fiddler, how can I edit the session context menu?

What I am wondering is, how can I edit an already existent item in the context menu that opens up when a session that has been selected is right clicked? Specifically speaking, I am looking to change the text for the item "Unlock For Editing" through the Fiddler2 Script Editor. This seems quite simple, but I when looking through FiddlerApplication.UI, the only thing I can find relating to a context menu strip is FiddlerApplication.UI.ContextMenuStrip and I don't see any items within the direct members. Maybe I am looking over something, but all I know is that I can't find the item for which text should be "Unlock For Editing". Also, if somebody does know what I am talking about, I have yet one more question; how can I make something happen upon the event of the context menu being opened, and without overriding the original code for the opening event method? Thank you for any help!
Update to the earlier post:
I have found the direct member to the ContextMenu that I was looking for.
The ContextMenu member for the session list was inside of the SessionListView data member for the list of sessions, which member is named FiddlerApplication.UI.lvSessions.
You didn't say why you hope to do this?
Changing existing menu items isn't a supported action and while it's not hard to do so in a "hacky" way, that hack is very likely to break in a future update to Fiddler.
In contrast, adding new items to the context menu is supported and is accomplished by adding a ContextAction attribute on a method in your FiddlerScript.

How do you get the Eclipse menubar to update on demand?

I'm working on a plugin aiming to hide a swathe of menu contributions, then slowly reintroduce them to the UI according to how confident/experienced the user is, with help and introductory information given to the user at each step. So far I can happily hide menu contributions using activities. Getting them back has proved to be slightly more difficult, however.
I have menu contributions being hidden and shown via activities, but the problem I've run in to is that the menu isn't instantly updating to reflect the activites. When my provided variable is changed, the activities are being started/stopped appropriately, but the menu doesn't immediately change. That is, until you change view or perspective- actions which cause the menu to be refreshed.
I've tried calling refresh() on the MenuManager, as per this question, to no avail.
Obviously my expression is being evaluated immediately, but how can I get the menu itself to update/refresh immediately?
It turns out there were issues with fireSourceChanged().
Calling: fireSourceChanged(int sourcePriority, Map sourceValuesByName) doesn't work for me.
But calling fireSourceChanged(int sourcePriority, String sourceName, Object sourceValue) does work.
I really don't know why that is - could be an Eclipse bug??

avoid chrome popup extension to close

Is there a function that allow me to select text when the extension
stays open. Normally when I Use the extension popup and I Click outside the
extension the extension close. Is there a wat to avoid this.
Thank you so much
Unfortunately there is currently no way to keep the popup open once you focus out of it. This is by design.
If you would like to always show something while interacting with the page, perhaps the experimental Info bars or even Desktop Notifications would work?
Hope that helped!
The only way to keep it open is to right click over the extension icon (button) and select "Inspect popup" the extension popup then show up and remain open but of course the debugger window show and this not a fix obviously still it will maybe inspire a hack... if someone is skilled enough and share the solution with all of us.
I encountered the same problem and I've thought of a possible solution (though not tested it):
Use your background.html to store the content of the popup action and upon loading the popup, you fetch the content via the default messaging for chrome extensions.
When doing all kinds of other stuff, like XHR's or something, I think you should do that in background.html too, so the requests won't abort if you close and you can do something with the result. Then when a user re-opens the popup, he'll see the result of his previous action instead of the default screen.
Anyone tried something like did already?
As far as I know you can't persist a pop up menu but my workaround has been using a content script to append a menu on page load. After the menu is appended you can toggle the menu via messaging between the background script and the content script.
If you want to encapsulate the menu from the page it's deployed on you could wrap your menu in an iframe. This could add complexity to your project since you would have to deal with cross origin issues and permissions.
There is an alternative hack for this. You can make use of chrome local storage to store the metadata as needed. Upon restart you can read that metadata and render the desired content. You will also probably clear that metadata after you have completed performing the operations based on that.