Error installing Spring STS with Eclipse Mars - eclipse

Just installed latest 64 bit Mars j2ee Eclipse.
Went to marketplace to install Spring STS plugns.
Got the following error:


I can't install Tomcat plugin from eclipse market

I'm trying to install tomcat plugin from eclipse market, but I'm getting this error from the picture.
I use Eclipse Neon and I have installed Tomcat v7.0 Server in my Eclipse.
Can anybody help me with answer.

Weblogic server is not listed in server list in eclipse even after installing the plugin

I have installed the following plugin
and restarted eclipse,but still the web logic servers are not listed in the server list.please suggest.
The latest version of OEPE requires JDK 1.8 and Eclipse Luna.

Installing JBoss Tools 4.0 in Eclipse Juno

I have downloaded the latest version of JBoss tools. But while adding it to eclipse it shows the following error.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Seam Tools 3.5.1.Final-v20140303-0347-B156
( 3.5.1.Final-v20140303-0347-B156)
Missing requirement: JBoss Tools Common Core 3.5.2.Final-v20140302-2358-B158
( 3.5.2.Final-v20140302-2358-B158)
Please help me out here.
The best way to install stable version JBoss Tools for Eclipse Juno is to download Eclipse Java IDE for Java EE Developers and then install JBoss Tools from stable update site.
Latest development version of JBoss Tools is 4.2.0.CR1-v20140914-0645-B242 is targeting Eclipse Luna SR1 (update site).
Latest stable version of JBoss Tools is 4.1.2.Final-v20140318-2026-B706 is for Eclipse Kepler (update site).

how to upgrade from juno to kepler for eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse IDE juno , I need to upgrade my eclipse to kepler for developing J2EE applications, in my IDE help menu i tried to install new software and i also added kepler related download site , then it installed some updates after I restarted my laptop but it is not showing me option for developing J2EE applications. Help me please, without installing the complete eclipse ide.
Both Juno and Kepler are separate eclipse IDE hence you need separate installation for Eclipse Kepler and keep your original juno installer. You can download it from Here

STS Spring plugin on Eclipse Juno installation

I am having problem with installation of STS plugin on my Eclipse Juno instance. I am running windows 7 64 bit with 64 bit eclipse and 64 bit java.
Eclipse is installed outside Program Files directory
Error message that I am getting:
Unable to read repository at
I have tried everything listed here