Installing JBoss Tools 4.0 in Eclipse Juno - eclipse

I have downloaded the latest version of JBoss tools. But while adding it to eclipse it shows the following error.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Seam Tools 3.5.1.Final-v20140303-0347-B156
( 3.5.1.Final-v20140303-0347-B156)
Missing requirement: JBoss Tools Common Core 3.5.2.Final-v20140302-2358-B158
( 3.5.2.Final-v20140302-2358-B158)
Please help me out here.

The best way to install stable version JBoss Tools for Eclipse Juno is to download Eclipse Java IDE for Java EE Developers and then install JBoss Tools from stable update site.
Latest development version of JBoss Tools is 4.2.0.CR1-v20140914-0645-B242 is targeting Eclipse Luna SR1 (update site).
Latest stable version of JBoss Tools is 4.1.2.Final-v20140318-2026-B706 is for Eclipse Kepler (update site).


The Apache Tomcat installation at this directory is version 10.1.1. A Tomcat 10.0 installation is expected

I am trying to add Tomcat 10.1.1 in Eclipse Version: 2022-09 (4.25.0).
Is there a newer version of Eclipse which have latest Tomcat?
This was happening in older version of Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers. This issue is corrected in the version 3.28 of Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers.
If you have the Standard Edition of Eclipse, you can add
'Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers'. This will add the version 3.22 of the software. You can then check for updates and update it to version 3.28

Eclipse Luna + WildFly 9

Can I use Eclipse Luna with WildFly 9 server ? Or should I move to Eclipse Mars ? I'm asking because I can't create a WildFly 9 server on my Eclipse but I can create a WildFly 8 server. I checked my Jboss Tools plugin which seems to be up to date (version 4.2.6). On Eclipse Mars a 4.3.0 version is available.
As you see below links, all informations show JBoss Tools 4.3.0 Final release is not appropriate for Eclipse Luna.
Check JBoss Tools column on JBoss Tools Download Overview.
Check installation part in Blog Announcement of JBoss Tools for Eclipse Mars.
Check server section on Documentation of JBoss Tools 4.3.0 Final.
If there is no any policy or another, moving Eclipse Mars is better choice to work stable and prevent future conflicts. Lastly, I have tried to download the bundle and install it manually but process is blocked by Eclipse Luna.
The JBoss Tools Download site claims that the current 4.3 release can be installed into Eclipse Luna.
You may need to download the bundle and install it manually.
That said, if you are not constrained by some policy or another then you should consider upgrading to Eclipse Mars.

How to install Hibernate Tools into Eclipse Luna?

I'm using Eclipse Luna, I want to create a web app and use Hibernate for my data. In Eclipse Marketplace I found Hibernate Tools for Indigo or Helios but not for Luna.
I found just Red Hat JBoss Developper Studio for Luna ( what's that ?).
Hibernate Tools is part of JBoss Developer Studio. One option is to install (from Eclipse Marketplace) Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio (Luna), which will include the entire suite of JBoss tools (including Hibernate Tools). If you just want the Hibernate Tools, you'll have to use Help > Install New Software... and then add the JBoss Tools update site ( From there you can select just the Hibernate Tools (or anything else you want).
I use Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) version 4.4 Luna. Menu Help \ Install new software...
Add plug-in repository:
Search modules for Hibernate (Install all JBoss plug-ins is not good practice), then install
(open screenshot image in a new window for big size)
just go to eclipse marketplace.
type jboss tools luna.
install the plugin.

How to install Codepro plugin in Eclipse Kepler

Now I am using Eclipse Kepler Version:, but i don't how to configure "CodePro AnalytiX" plugin in Eclipse Kepler. Is it possible to configure "CodePro AnalytiX" in my current Eclipse Kepler?
And is "CodePro AnalytiX" plugin the correct tool for testing code perfomance? Otherwise suggest any other tool for code testing.
-Open Eclipse Kepler
-Help -> install new software
-enter this URL:
If you found any other good tool for persistance tests, please let me know :)
All the url's specified in this page are no longer valid.
Eclipse version Installation instructions
Direct plugin link
Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) Plugin for Eclipse 4.6 (Neon)
Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) Plugin for Eclipse 4.5 (Mars)
Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) Plugin for Eclipse 4.4 (Luna)
If you are looking for older versions of the plugin, click here.
If you are having trouble installing from the update sites (due to firewall issues, for instance), you can install the Google Plugin for Eclipse by downloading and installing an archive of the update site.
Yes Its compatible for eclipse version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)

Install marketplace on Eclipse ide for java ee developers

How do I install marketplace on Eclipse ide for java ee developers? I'm using Eclipse Platform v3.3.2. I want marketplace to install Glassfish, Subversion and other tools.
If you look at the Marketplace Download page, you will see that the first version supported is Helios, Eclipse 3.6. So I don't think that the Marketplace could work with your installation Europe, Eclipse 3.3.2. You have to hunt for all the things you need in an older version, at least for Subversion you should find it.
The better option would be to update at least to Eclipse 3.7.