how to change a shared dataset path within an RDL with powershell - powershell

Apologies here as this is my first stackoverflow question.
What I'm trying to do is edit the location of a shared dataset within an RDL.
That is to say, I'm using powershell to deploy reports to a report server from my local hard drive. Unfortunately, some of these reports use shared datasets, and the location that the RDL references is different than the actual location of the shared datasets. The shared dataset name are the same though.
So, is there a way that when I'm uploading these reports, that I can loop through them and change the shared dataset reference, so that it points to the actual location? For example, right now the RDL references a shared dataset as "Employee", but I would like to, using powershell, change it to /IT/Sales/Datasets/Employee. Thank you very much in advance.

You can use use the ReportingService2010 web service for this, which you can create using New-WebServiceProxy. Beware the -Namespace parameter, because you'll need to instantiate other objects and will run into this problem.
The gist of it is:
$dataSources = $proxy.GetItemDataSources("/path/to/report")
$dsRef = New-Object -TypeName ($proxy.GetType().Namespace + ".DataSourceReference")
$dsRef.Reference = "/path/to/datasource"
$dataSources[0].Item = $dsRef
$proxy.SetItemDataSources("/path/to/report", $datasources)
You'll probably want to provide a mapping from data source names to server paths and then lookup the reference based on $dataSources[0].Name. Alternatively, you can interrogate the report XML to find the data sources being used and construct a new DataSource object rather than query the existing ones.
I've assumed SSRS 2008 R2 or higher - if this is for 2005 you'll need to adapt it to use the ReportingService2005 web service.


SSAS Tabular - Deploy to multiple models

We are trying to create a SSAS tabular model for 60-100 customers.
In regards to creating a single model and process all customer's data is time consuming (until the data refresh is finished,each and every customer need to wait for the latest data - we update every 15 min).
However creating multiple tabular models is easy to re process and trouble shoot but difficult to maintain or deploy changes. If I need to add new measures or tables,I would like to apply to all the models.
I was wondering if anyone can suggest best way to deploy changes/additions across different tabular models.
If you've worked with SSIS this can be used to deploy across multiple sites. An overview of this is below. What this will do is take a list a server names that you supply, iterate through them, and execute the DDL for the updated Tabular model to each one. This same method can also be used for cube processing, with the create DDL replaced with a processing script. If the model is deployed to a server for the first time ensure that it's processed before it's queried or used by any client tools, and make sure the processing of changed objects is handled accordingly as well.
When connected to SSAS in SSMS, right-click the model, select Script > Script Database As > Create or Replace To > then choose where to output the Script. Note that this will not include the password for security purposes and this will need to be handled accordingly.
Create an SSIS package. In the package create an Analysis Server Connection Manager. This can be set to a server where this Tabular database currently exists.
Create a String variable and leave in blank. This can be called DeployServerName. Also create an object variable, which can be called ServerList. On the SSAS Connection Manager, go to the properties window (press F4), then select the Expressions ellipsis. On the window that comes up, choose the ServerName property and set the DeployServerName variable as the expression. This will allow the server name to change to multiple servers for deployment.
Add an Execute SQL Task in the data flow. This is where you will get the server names to deploy to. If they're stored in a master/lookup table just select the column holding the server name as the SQL statement. You can also add the destination server names individually with UNIONs selecting plain text.
SELECT 'Server1' AS DestServer
SELECT 'Server2' AS DestServer
On the Execute SQL Task, set the ResultSet property to Full Result Set. Then on the Result Set pane, enter 0 for the Result Name and the object variable created earlier (ServerList) for the Variable Name field.
Next create a Foreach Loop after the Execute SQL Task and connect this to it. Use the Foreach ADO Enumerator Enumerator type and select the object variable (ServerList) as the ADO Object Source Variable. On the Variable Mappings pane, place the string variable (DeployServerName) at Index 0.
Inside the Foreach loop add an Analysis Services Execute DDL Task. Use the SSAS Connection manager you created as the connection, Direct Input as the SourceType, and enter the script generated in SSMS as the SourceDirect statement.

How to call a sas dataset by its label or where to check its name

I have a problem in dealing with SAS Enterprise Guide that runs on the server of my client.
I do not have access to the libraries so, in order to use the datasets the only thing we can do is to store them on the local disk C: of the computer and drag them to SAS.
We can not create libraries because the server does not read local paths.
Once you drag a table, let's call it "mydata" in SAS, the table is automatically renamed "mydata9865" with random numbers at the end and "mydata" is its label.
If you right-click the table and go to properties, you can't find the name of the table, just the label.
The only way I found to check the real name of the dataset is to open the Query Builder and check the name in the code preview.
The problem is that I am dealing with tables of millions of records and the machine I am using is very slow, so whenever I want to open the Query Building, just to check the table's name, it takes sometimes even an hour.
I am not a SAS expert, so I am sure there is a smarter way to do so. Is it possible for instance to use the table by calling it with its label?
data mydata2;
set mydata;
instead of
set mydata9865?
Or is there some place I can rapidly check the name of the table without going through the query builder?
I tried to google it but I can't find anything, I hope someone will be able to help me!
Thank you in advance
Hover the mouse pointer over a data node to see it's attributes. The data set name is the File name: value.
For example:
In this example I had renamed the nodes created by two different queries to be the same (doable:yes, smart:maybe not). NOTE: A data node Label: is not necessarily the same as it's underlying data set's label metadata.
use the table by calling it with its label?
Two nodes can have the same label, and is a a situation that defeats this approach.
Use the COPY task to upload your data explicitly. It sounds like you're not adding your data to the projects properly so SAS automatically assigns a name, rather than if you explicitly import or load your data.
Problem solved! I should have simply upload the data to the server with Tasks->Data->Upload Data Sets to Server but I didn't know this task so I didn't know it was possible to do it at all!
Thank you everybody for you help!

How to Query a Web Service (XML) From a Subreport?

I apologize if this has been already asked but my searches have had little luck. I've also tried MSDN forum's, but its obvious that I need the big guns for this one ;)
I am using VS2008 (SSRS 2008 R2) to create a series of subreports. Each Subreport queries 1 or more Web Methods from a WCF Web Service.
When I run an rdl as a stand-alone report, everything renders properly. When I run that rdl as a subreport, I receive an error recommending that I check the log (details, and steps to reproduce below.)
Simple Test (No Subreports):
Using the instructions found in the article Reporting Services: Using XML and Web Service Data Sources I was able to create the necessary Shared Datasets for each web method.
I successfully created a report (SubTest.rdl) utilizing a Shared Dataset for a Table.
The dataset's underlying web method contains no parameters (trying to keep it simple).
SubTest.rdl renders correctly!
So far so good.
Test 2: Master/Subreport structure
created a Parent/Master report (MasterTest.rdl)
added a Subreport Report Item, and specified "SubTest.rdl"
Note: No Report parameters are specified, as SubTest does not have any parameters defined.
I receive the following error during the rendering of the MasterTest.rdl report:
Warning 1 [rsErrorExecutingSubreport] An error occurred while executing the subreport 'Subreport1' (Instance: 5iS0): Data retrieval failed for the subreport, 'Subreport1', located at: /SubTest. Please check the log files for more information.
Additional Testing:
To ensure that my subreport is properly defined in MasterTest.rdl, I altered SubTest.rdl. In SubTest I removed the DataSource, DataSet, and Table from "SubTest.rdl" and insterted a TextBox filled with the words "Output From Subreport". This rendered properly in the Master report, indicating that the problem specifically relates to my Web Service Datasource/DataSet.
Questions: :(
Is there a way to accomplish this task?
If this is not possible, can anyone suggest a workaround for providing Web Service xml to a subreport?
Also, per the error message: Any idea where I can find this log? (because this is running in Visual Studio, checking the SSRS logs folder on my local machine did not help, nor did running VS with logging enabled.)
A workaround that I could not get to work:
I tried to follow the instructions in the linked article for passing XML to a subreport as a parameter, but
The master passes the xml as a scalar string. Because I am querying
a web service and not using a data set where each row contains a col holding the XML, I only have the resultant dataset to work with. Basically I need to convert a data set to a scalar.
I had difficulty following the instructions (even if I could solve problem
1, I'm not even sure that I properly defined the dataset and
parameter - how do I get fields when the data is not known until
Thank you for any help you can give. This has been driving nuts for days!

BIRT: Using information from one Dataset as parameter of an other

i'm creating some BIRT-Reports with Eclipse. Now i got the following problem.
I've got two datasets (Set one named diag, set two named risk). In my report i produce fpr every data in diag a region with an diag_id. Now i tried to use this diag_id as input parameter for the second dataset (risk). Is this possible, and how is this possible?
To link one dataset to another in BIRT, you can either:
Create a subreport within your report that links one dataset to another via an input parameter - see this Eclipse tutorial.
Create a joint dataset that explicitly links the two datasets together - see the answer to this StackOverflow question.
Alternatively, if both datasets come from the same relational database, you could simply combine the two queries into a single query.
If you are using scripted data sources, you could use variables.
Add a variable through the Eclipse UI called "diag_id".
In the fetch script of diag, set diag_id:
vars["diag_id"] = ...; // store value in Variable.
Then, in the open script of risk, use the diag_id however you need to.
diag_id = vars["diag_id"];
This implies that placement of risk report elements are nested inside the diag repeating element so that diag.fetch will happen before each

SSRS Dynamic Filenames for Email Subscriptions

We are in the process of migrating our reports from Crystal Reports to SSRS. In Crystal Reports we use variables to dynamically generate our filenames so when the report gets sent out via email, the file has the report name and execution date. (e.g. MonthlyReport09-07-2012.xls).
Is this possible in SSRS? I don't see any straightforward approach to using variables in the filename when subscribing to a report. This could prove troublesome when sending multiple reports with the same filename to the same person because it would be difficult to discern which report is which.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you SO.
There is no feature in SSRS as such but there is a work around for this. You have two options
Option 1:
Instead of emailing it directly first dump the file in fileshare location which can be something like \machine-name\ExportReports\ReportName\ then create a windows job which renames the file to the format you want and emails it in the next step.
Option 2:
Refer to this blog what you want starts from section "Generate a PDF output file programmatically" now you can use this in an assembly then have some scheduling mechanism which picks up the schedule. This then calls the DLL which generates the report and emails it.
Use #timestamp in the name of the file and it will translate at run time.
You cannot specify the report filename in a standard subscription in Reporting Services.
If you have Enterprise edition (or SQL 2012 Business Intelligence edition) you can use the Data-Driven Subscriptions features that allows you to specify the report filename (and other properties) based on data retrieved from a table.
If you have Standard edition, then your options are either of the ones suggested by Bhupendra, or you could look at scripting the report generation using the "rs.exe" utility supplied with Reporting Services and use Database Mail and SQL Server Agent to handle the emailing and scheduling.
This post looks pretty old , but better late then never ...
There are some tools on the market , which can run SSRS reports : CRD, R-Tag and RemiWare
These are Desktop tools but I guess you are not looking to replace SSRS , just to extend it.
I am not sure about the CRD and RemiWare , but R-Tag supports data driven reports and dynamic names. It also can be used with Standard license.
I was able to automate the emailing and change the file name by looping thru a table of accounts, invoices and emails, then setting the parameters and renaming the reportname and pathname in catalog be execution at the end of the after the execution I did a wait for 2 seconds then when to the next loop. I the end I set the path and name back to orginalname. Performed well.
#timestamp works for Windows File Share as answered by Chris.
For Email deliveries, you could use:
#ReportName -specifies the name of the report.
#ExecutionTime - specifies when the report was executed.
For more details- MS Docs
You can do this by changing the filename directly from the table [ReportServer].[dbo].[Catalog]
Make sure to add a forward slash to the Path
For e.g. I created a SQL Job that ran every night before the report and added the date to the filename.
Sample Job (replace [ItemID] corresponding to your Report):
UPDATE [ReportServer].[dbo].[Catalog]
[Name] = #VARNAME,
[Path] = #VARPATH
WHERE [ItemID]='63D051EE-3139-4F50-ADBB-1C944F3D5D47';