SSAS Tabular - Deploy to multiple models - deployment

We are trying to create a SSAS tabular model for 60-100 customers.
In regards to creating a single model and process all customer's data is time consuming (until the data refresh is finished,each and every customer need to wait for the latest data - we update every 15 min).
However creating multiple tabular models is easy to re process and trouble shoot but difficult to maintain or deploy changes. If I need to add new measures or tables,I would like to apply to all the models.
I was wondering if anyone can suggest best way to deploy changes/additions across different tabular models.

If you've worked with SSIS this can be used to deploy across multiple sites. An overview of this is below. What this will do is take a list a server names that you supply, iterate through them, and execute the DDL for the updated Tabular model to each one. This same method can also be used for cube processing, with the create DDL replaced with a processing script. If the model is deployed to a server for the first time ensure that it's processed before it's queried or used by any client tools, and make sure the processing of changed objects is handled accordingly as well.
When connected to SSAS in SSMS, right-click the model, select Script > Script Database As > Create or Replace To > then choose where to output the Script. Note that this will not include the password for security purposes and this will need to be handled accordingly.
Create an SSIS package. In the package create an Analysis Server Connection Manager. This can be set to a server where this Tabular database currently exists.
Create a String variable and leave in blank. This can be called DeployServerName. Also create an object variable, which can be called ServerList. On the SSAS Connection Manager, go to the properties window (press F4), then select the Expressions ellipsis. On the window that comes up, choose the ServerName property and set the DeployServerName variable as the expression. This will allow the server name to change to multiple servers for deployment.
Add an Execute SQL Task in the data flow. This is where you will get the server names to deploy to. If they're stored in a master/lookup table just select the column holding the server name as the SQL statement. You can also add the destination server names individually with UNIONs selecting plain text.
SELECT 'Server1' AS DestServer
SELECT 'Server2' AS DestServer
On the Execute SQL Task, set the ResultSet property to Full Result Set. Then on the Result Set pane, enter 0 for the Result Name and the object variable created earlier (ServerList) for the Variable Name field.
Next create a Foreach Loop after the Execute SQL Task and connect this to it. Use the Foreach ADO Enumerator Enumerator type and select the object variable (ServerList) as the ADO Object Source Variable. On the Variable Mappings pane, place the string variable (DeployServerName) at Index 0.
Inside the Foreach loop add an Analysis Services Execute DDL Task. Use the SSAS Connection manager you created as the connection, Direct Input as the SourceType, and enter the script generated in SSMS as the SourceDirect statement.


Azure Data Factory - run script on parquet files and output as parquet files

In Azure Data Factory I have a pipeline, created from the built-in copy data task, that copies data from 12 entities (campaign, lead, contact etc.) from Dynamics CRM (using a linked service) and outputs the contents as parquet files in account storage. This is run every day, into a folder structure based on the date. The output structure in the container looks something like this:
That's just an example, but there is a folder structure for every year/month/day that the pipeline runs, and a parquet file for each of the 12 entities I'm retrieving.
This involved creating a pipeline, dataset for the source and dataset for the target. I modified the pipeline to add the pipeline's run date/time as a column in the parquet files, called RowStartDate (which I'll need in the next stage of processing)
My next step is to process the data into a staging area, which I'd like to output to a different folder in my container. My plan was to create 12 scripts (one for campaigns, one for leads, one for contact etc.) that essentially does the following:
accesses all of the correct files, using a wildcard path along the lines of: Raw/CRM/ * / * / * /campaign.parquet
selects the columns that I need
Rename column headings
in some cases, just take the most recent data (using the RowStartDate)
in some cases, create a slowly changing dimension, ensuring every row has a RowEndDate
I made some progress figuring out how to do this in SQL, by running a query using OPENROWSET with wildcards in the path as per above - but I don't think I can use my SQL script in ADF to move/process the data into a separate folder in my container.
My question is, how can I do this (preferably in ADF pipelines):
for each of my 12 entities, access each occurrence in the container with some sort of Raw/CRM///*/campaign.parquet statement
Process it as per the logic I've described above - a script of some sort
Output the contents back to a different folder in my container (each script would produce 1 output)
I've tried:
Using Azure Data Factory, but when I tell it which dataset to use, I point it to the dataset I created in my original pipeline - but this dataset has all 12 entities in the dataset and the data flow activity produces the error: "No value provided for Parameter 'cw_fileName" - but I don't see any place when configuring the data flow to specify a parameter (its not under source settings, source options, projection, optimize or inspect)
using Azure Data Factory, tried to add a script - but in trying to connect to my SQL script in Synapse - I don't know my Service Principal Key for the synapse workspace
using a notebook Databricks, I tried to mount my container but got an error along the lines that "adding secret to Databricks scope doesn't work in Standard Tier" so couldn't proceed
using Synapse, but as expected, it wants things in SQL whereas I'm trying to keep things in a container for now.
Could anybody point me in the right direction. What's the best approach that I should take? And if its one that I've described above, how do I go about getting past the issue I've described?
Pass the data flow dataset parameter values from the pipeline data flow activity settings.

Is it possible to prevent the SQL Producer from overwriting just one of the tables columns?

Scenario: A computed property needs to available for RAW methods. The IsComputed property set in the model will not work as its value will not be available to RAW methods.
Attempted Solution: Create a computed column directly on the SQL table as opposed to setting the IsComputed property in the model. Specify that CodefluentEntities not overwrite the computed column. I would than expect the BOM to read the computed SQL field no differently than if it was a normal database field.
Problem: I can't figure out how to prevent Codefluent Entities from overwriting the computed column. I attempted to use the production flags as well as setting produce="false" for the property in the .cfp. Neither worked.
Question: Is it possible to prevent Codefluent Entities from overwriting my computed column and if so, how?
The solution youre looking for is here
You can execute whatever custom T-SQL scripts you like, the only premise is to give the script a specific name so the Producer knows when to execute it.
i.e. if you want your custom script to execute after the tables are generated, name your script
Save your custom t-sql file alongside the codefluent generated files and build the project.
In my specific case, i had to enable full-text index in one of my table columns, i wrote the SQL script for the functionality, saved it as
Heres how they look in my file directory
file directory
Alternate Solution: An alternate solution is to execute the following the TSQL script after the SQL Producer finishes generating.
ALTER TABLE PunchCard DROP COLUMN PunchCard_CompanyCodeCalculated
ADD PunchCard_CompanyCodeCalculated AS CASE
WHEN PunchCard_CompanyCodeAdjusted IS NOT NULL THEN PunchCard_CompanyCodeAdjusted
ELSE PunchCard_CompanyCode
Additional Configuration Needed to Make Solution Work: In order for this solution to work one must also configure the BOM so that it does not attempt to save the data associated with the computed columns. This can be done through Model using the advanced properties. In my case I selected the CompanyCodeCalculated property. Went to advanced settings. And set the Save setting to False.
Question: Somewhere in the Knowledge Center there is a passing reference on how to automate the execution SQL Scripts after the SQL Producer finishes but I can not find it. Anybody now how this is done?
Post Usage Comments: Just wanted to let people know I implemented this approach and am so far happy with the results.

SSIS: sql statement as parameter

I have a button on my site, where user clicks to export the data to excel file. The problem I am facing now is that the data gets too large (40+ mb) and the web throws time out error.
The web takes a parameter from a dropdown box, and then pass it to a stored procedure.
My solution to this is to dump the data on an excel file on a network drive instead of returning it directly to the user. The user will be notified, via msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail, once the file is ready.
I found articles on the internet showing how to pass parameter to the stored procedure within ssis, but not how to pass the whole sql statement to ssis.
I'm new to SSIS and would really appreciate a detail example.
Thank you!
I am not familiar with the web, so I'm not interested to making any change to the web at this moment.
With the ExecuteSQL Task you can put the SQL statement in a variable, or a separate file.
In your SQL Task, set the SQLSourceType to either Variable or File connection.
Then for the SQLStatement set it to the appropriate variable or file connection.

SSIS Access DB data into TSQL with a stored procedure

I want to use a Data Flow Task that has two sources one from an Access DB and one from a SQL Server DB. I then want to manipulate the data and finally call a stored procedure on the same SQL Server that was my second source.
So I can't use an Execute SQL Task since I want to manipulate the data and call the stored procedure at the end.
What toolbox component would I use and what format would the stored procedure call?
I tried to do an OLE DB Destination with a stored procedure called something like this.
Exec sppUpdateAATable1 ?,?
SSIS uses concept of a pipeline to organise DataFlow task. Data flows from source to destination and processing of this data happens in between. Since you want to use the result of processing in your stored procedure as parameters, it cannot be done under pipeline concept. SP is not really a destination for your data, as SP will do something with it too.
You can populate an in-memory Recordset (destination), and use ForEach loop container to execute your SP for each row of recordset.
You package should look something like this:
Data Flow task:
OLE DB connection to Access
OLE DB connection to SQL Server
To combine 2 data streams use UNOIN task
Record set destination, in properties you name a variable of type Object (MyRecordsetVar). It will hold recordset data.
ForEach Loop Container. In properties select type of loop container - ADO Recorset, specify MyRecordsetVar variable in loop properties.
Assign two more (or as many as needed) variables to hold data from each column of the recordset. Data from each row of the recordset willbe passed to these variables. One row at a time.
Inside the loop put Execute SQL task. In Input "menu" of the task specify your INPUT variables - those that have data from columns of recordset. I would assume that you know how to do it.
Put your query into the task as execute sp_MyProc ?,?.
This should be it.
You can save yourself the trouble of the recordset destination and foreach loop route and instead use an OLE DB Command in your Data Flow. It's going to fire that stored proc for each row that flows through it.

Eclipse BIRT and Oracle: Need to set role before running report

Is it possible to set a database role before running a report? I have a number of databases each containing a number of schemas with the same set of tables, where each schema has a number of roles to control read, write, data management and so on. None of these are default roles.
In sqlplus or TOAD I can do SET ROLE , before running a select statement. I would like to do the same in BIRT.
It may be possible to do this using the afterOpen event for the ODA Data Source, but I have not found any examples on how to get and use the native connection in JavaScript.
I am not allowed to add or change anything on the server end.
You can make an additional call to the database in the afterOpen method of the Data Source using Java. You can use JavaScript or a Java Event Handler to execute the SET ROLE statement, or to call a stored procedure that will execute it for you. This happens after the initial db connection is made, but before the Data Set query runs. It will be a little tricky to use the data source connection to make that call however, and I don't have the code right now to provide as an example.
Another way is to create a stored proc Data Set that will execute the desired command, and have that execute first. Drag and drop the Data Set into the report design, and make it invisible. It will run first before any other queries. Not the cleanest solution, but easy to do
Hope that helps
Le Birt Expert
You can write a login trigger and do a set role in this trigger ( PL/SQL: DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE). You can determine the username, osuser, program and machine of the user who want to log in.
The approach to use a stored procedure for setting the role won't work - at least not on Apache Derby. Reason: lifetime of the set role is limited to the execution of the procedure itself - after returning from the procedure the role will be the same as before the procedure has been called, i.e. for executing the report the same as no role would have ever been set.