Fetch existing wl_surfaces ? - wayland

Is that is possible to fetch an existing wl_surfaces ?
The idea is to be able to fetch a wl_surfaces from an application and be able to acceed all of its data, such as its wl_buffer

One client cannot access the surfaces of another client.


Is there a way to add a user to several groups (in bulk) in Keycloak using Keycloak Admin REST API?

At the moment I am adding the user to one group at a time using this endpoint:
PUT /{realm}/users/{id}/groups/{groupId}
In my use case it would be beneficial to perform the affectations in bulk, so far I haven't found a documented way of doing so, is there a way to do it?
PUT /{realm}/users/{id}
It's in the documentation, but it doesn't work.
I started discussion on github
You could try to update the full user data
PUT /{realm}/users/{id}
with a partial UserRepresentation containing a minimal json with "groups" array only ?
I see that nearly all fields are marked as optional:
cfr https://www.keycloak.org/docs-api/12.0/rest-api/index.html#_userrepresentation

Upload JSON Request as a background task in Flutter

I have a requirement where I want to upload JSON request data(fetch from database tables) to server and get the response, based on response I have to update local database(sqflite: ^1.2.1).
I have multiple screens and I need to create different JSON request data on every screen based on user action. Currently for same scenario I am using Intent Service in my another native android application.
What is the based way to handle such type of scenario in flutter Android application. If I use channel and implement Intent Service then I can't access sqflite database in Android specific region. If internet is not available then I have to keep waiting for connectivity, when device get connectivity then I need to upload all the created events to server one by one.
Please someone advise me the based possible way to handle this specific scenario in Flutter.
Thanks in advance
Save your JSON requests locally first using sqflite or sharedPreferences for instance. Once they are synced to your served, remove them from sync queue
I got the solution: I am able to access SQFlite database in native through channel.
This is the path of the database created in flutter
"/data/data/{package name}/app_flutter/{database file name}"
So we can access like in native using channel
SQLiteDatabase mDatabase= SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("/data/data/{package name}/app_flutter/{database file name}", null, 0);
Log.i("MainActivity", "mDatabase.isOpen():"+mDatabase.isOpen());//check DB is open or not
String query = "SELECT * FROM {Table Name}";
Cursor cursor=mDatabase.rawQuery(query,null);
if (cursor.moveToFirst()){
String data= cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex({Table Column Name}));
Log.i("MainActivity", "Column Data Value:"+data);
So I will implement Service in native to achieve this scenario.
Thank You

Soundclound api - don't download whole JSON

imagine situation I have track ID and I want to get a list of all favoriters. That's easy, I just need to send /tracks/{id}/favoriters request and I get list of users with full info.
But is it somehow possible to specify that I just need the ID's of the users, not whole structure? Or just names of the users?
thanks, Jano.
In short, no, this isn't possible. There are no ways to dictate the types of object that are returned from the API, in your case I imagine being able to return a MiniUser instead of a User representation would be more helpful.

google analytics api fails to return segment data

I'm trying to use Google Analytics API to retrieve data for my custom segments.
They say here http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/gdata/gdataReferenceAccountFeed.html#accountResponse that all the segments are listed in the account feed response. But mine doesn't contain them.
Has anyone else had this problem and know a way to get the data out from them?
Make sure you add GData-Version: 2 in your header.

Need help with Zend Framework dynamic Namespaces

I want to make my system redirect unknown requests such as
to the adress
www.address.com/companies/company/ and display the company a_company if it exists in the database, otherwise throw the user to a 404 not found page.
So in detail, I want to make namespace that is as the first example dynamically, if the company exist in the database, I have no problem connecting to the database and retrieving information or finding a way to parse a company name, I just need help how to make my system check and run a function every time the address doesn't exist and show the second page (/companies/company/)..
I am using an Acl as well, but I think it should be fine if the page is /companies/company and then possibly add /?c=a_company or similar.
Thank you.
simply create a front controller plugin which checks the request params agains the database before the request is dispatched.