Is there a way to add a user to several groups (in bulk) in Keycloak using Keycloak Admin REST API? - keycloak

At the moment I am adding the user to one group at a time using this endpoint:
PUT /{realm}/users/{id}/groups/{groupId}
In my use case it would be beneficial to perform the affectations in bulk, so far I haven't found a documented way of doing so, is there a way to do it?

PUT /{realm}/users/{id}
It's in the documentation, but it doesn't work.
I started discussion on github

You could try to update the full user data
PUT /{realm}/users/{id}
with a partial UserRepresentation containing a minimal json with "groups" array only ?
I see that nearly all fields are marked as optional:


REST API resource creation

I'm developing REST API. There is'Users' and 'Tasks'resources and each user is able to create 'UserTask'. So, what kind of URL is in line with REST API standards and conventions? Wich approach is more logical In the end?
post: users/{id}/tasks
post: tasks/users/{id}
does it make sense to have both?
I have read lots of topics about it but found nothing that could be helpful in this particular case.
If a task belongs to a particular user, I would go for:
POST /users/{user-id}/tasks
To get a representation of a particular task, you could use:
GET /users/{user-id}/tasks/{task-id}
If you might consider Object orient philosophy, Then user will perform task and not task have users.
So you can consider using this : post: users/{id}/tasks.

Restful Collections - how to either remove OR delete items

I read quite some stuff about RESTful API Design.
But when it comes to the implementation, it wasn't that easy anymore.
I got stuck at the following problem:
Assume the following 2 endpoint:
As we all can see, friends is a collection of the resource user.
A user can have n-friends in his friendslist (by standard this would be many to many, but for now, let's assume this to be one to many).
Okay, now i want to REMOVE a user (id=3) from the friendslist of user 1 by doing the following HTTP-Request:
DELETE api/v1/users/1/friends/3
And this is where i got stuck - either the request deletes the whole user resource which has id = 3 or removes the resource from the collection. Because both would be valid Restful implementations i think.
So the question is:
How to remove an item from the collection without deleting the original resource
I hope that this question is no duplicate - but i did google a lot to find the answer. Maybe i don't know the related technical term to find some pleasing results...
Thanks in forward.
The approach to REST looks fine but that really only speaks to path format and HTTP verb. The problem must be in your application code or app routes.
I think it is better that DELETE api/v1/users/1/friends/3 would be used to delete user 3, just like DELETE api/v1/users/1 would be used to delete user 1.
To remove just user 3 from being a friend of user 1 I would use DELETE api/v1/users/1/friends and specify a filter to only remove friends with the id of 3.
DELETE api/v1/users/1/friends without a filter would remove all friends of user 1.
Likewise to add friends of user 1 I would use PUT api/v1/users/1/friends and specify the ids of the friends to add.

Yammer REST API - Documented Parameter not working

The API documented here - clearly states:
"4) Alias to /api/v1/users/current user’s id.format. Supports include_followed_users, include_followed_tags, and include_group_memberships parameters.
Yet, when we try this, it does not return any followed user information at all! The request we're using is like so:
However, this request DOES return followed users, but only for the current user:
Am I missing something completely obvious and being stupid or is there a real issue here? If this was taken out for whatever reason, then you'd have thought that the API documentation would have been updated.
The Yammer Team did eventually get back to me on this. Their response below:
(I've removed from URLs because I don't have enough rep' to post more links)
Hey Jason Dunbar looks like the documentation here is wrong.
I looked in to this and had some conversations with a few engineers this week and have the following (albeit more arduous workaround):
1) Call get user by email endpoint and retrieve the id attribute from here: /api/v1/users/by_email.json?email=user…
2) To grab following users, take that id and:
GET /api/v1/users/following/[:id].json
3) To grab group memberships for that user you'll need to impersonate him/her (verified admin only) and
GET /api/v1/users/current.json
We'll get the documentation updated ASAP with this. Also happy to keep the conversation going to help if needed.
Make sure you are setting the email parameter to the user's email that they are registered with.
E.G. if your company has multiple domains but the Yammer network is under and the user is registered with an email under you'll need to make a request to the API with
-as mentioned - it looks like its only for current.json - you can check it here - hope it helps.

Getting quizzes from Moodle

I'm trying to get Moodle's quizzes as JSON. I've already tried
To get all quizzes from a specific course. And
To get a specific quiz.
I don't know what is wrong in my URL.
I think that you are referring to this document. If you read closely, you'll notice that it's a proposal about how the quiz web service should be written.
In fact, when I tried your query, to get all quizzes from a course, I got:
"message":"Can not find data record in database table external_functions.",
"debuginfo":"SELECT * FROM {external_functions}
WHERE name = ?\n[array (\n 0 => 'get_quiz',\n)]"}
Moodle didn't found the external function get_quiz. That means... unfortunately, as of now, Moodle does not have a web service for quizzes.
If you feel adventurous, and what you need is just getting the quizzes, you could implement a web service to do that. The relevant moodle table about quizzes is mdl_quiz (for a full schema, look at this article), and here's the tutorial that shows how to implement it: Adding a web service to a plugin - Moodle Docs.
is the function that does the job. How to call it

How is ACL implemented

i am using Zend_Acl, PHP and is wondering how shld ACLs be implemented.
shld every page be a resource and i always query the acl to see if a user is authorized? i guess i must use this if i want to use a controller plugin (can be setup to run on every request) to check if a user is allowed?
or do i just put the query code where i need it? eg. at the top of pages i need to query the acl? then in pages publicly available, i just skip it? may get troublesome if the application gets big?
ok, i just answer this question then close it
what i did now was have a controller plugin that sets its resource based on controller name and privilege based on action name. then query the acl based on that
still under development, but what i currently have look like