Soundclound api - don't download whole JSON - soundcloud

imagine situation I have track ID and I want to get a list of all favoriters. That's easy, I just need to send /tracks/{id}/favoriters request and I get list of users with full info.
But is it somehow possible to specify that I just need the ID's of the users, not whole structure? Or just names of the users?
thanks, Jano.

In short, no, this isn't possible. There are no ways to dictate the types of object that are returned from the API, in your case I imagine being able to return a MiniUser instead of a User representation would be more helpful.


REST URLs for schemas and forms

I am designing an application that will expose a REST API.
URLs for the resources themselves will look fairly standard, like below:
GET /orders //Get all orders
GET /orders?somefilter=somecriteria //search for orders
GET /orders/<orderid> //specific order
PUT /orders/<orderid> //update a specific order
POST /orders //create an order
My question is regarding resources related to these. I expect the resources will mainly be accessed through an app, but still would like want to provide basic web entry forms, as well as schemas for various resources. What url should they have?
Possible urls
GET /forms/orders //new order
GET /forms/orders/<orderid> //edit existing order
GET /schemas/orders
GET /orders/form //new order
GET /orders/<orderid>/form //edit existing order
GET /orders/schema
GET /orderform //new order
GET /orderform/<orderid> //edit existing order
GET /orderschema
Option 2 doesn't seem right to me, I don't think that the form resource should share the same location on a URL as the order ID. Option 1 looks the best, but would increase the organisational complexity of the app as I couldn't keep the schemas with the rest of the code dealing with a particular resource (but that is a problem that can be solved).
Is there any accepted best practice for these? It does not have to be one of the three options above, any and all pointers would be appreciated.

REST: nested resource url when you don't want the parent ID visible

I read that the route for getting a nested resource in REST should look like this
The owner (:articleId) of the child resource will be visible.
But what if you have an owner that you don't want the client to know about?
For example, let's say I have an app where users have anonymous posts. I wouldn't want other users to see the client fetching the post by /users/123/post/321 because users could identify who wrote the post from the id and it wouldn't be anonymous.
Is the id necessary? Is it ok to instead do /users/posts/321 if all posts have a unique id?
There are no actual requirements for the URL format. It can be whatever you'd like it to be.
If it were me, I would use simply /posts/321 and leave users out of it, since a particular user isn't specified in your URL at all. I think that's the clearest way to handle it in your case.

Facebook graph API get all fields data

From my understanding, we can retrieve user information via something like this:
"me?fields=name,email,picture", ["public_profile", "email"])
.then(function (response) {
}, error);
How can we directly get all available information without listing out one by one?
How can we directly get all available information without listing out one by one?
You can’t.
With API v2.4, Facebook has reduced the number of fields returned by default for the various endpoints, to improve performance (especially with regard to mobile connections.)
That was a deliberate decision – and to allow for a “way around” it, would just make a lot of lazy-a** developers still just request them all ;-)
Perhaps you have heard at some point, that in SQL f.e. a SELECT * is considered bad practice as well – this is pretty much the same case here. You are supposed to explicitly ask for the data you need now – and not just go “I’ll request it all, and figure out what I could possible use it for later.”
If you are not sure what fields are available for a certain endpoint – then either consult the documentation for that endpoint, or use Introspection to get a list of all fields.
For python, library Facepy already wrap the get function to get all fields possible.

Facebook Marketing API some field are not shown

I have a development level access to Marketing API and it looks like I cannot read some fields of specific objects.
For example I try the following call:
You can see that promoted_object, link_url and object_url are not displayed in the result. And I should have one of those three value as the Ads was ad to promote "web site click".
Is it a bug or a limitation of the development acces or I am doing something wrong?
It is true that not all fields are readable by all apps, however in the case above it is most likely that these fields are empty on that object and therefore not returned in the response.
Promoted object, for example, is required on the adset level now, however it may be the case the adset you are trying to read is very old and therefore does not have one specified.
In regards to the creative fields, again not all creatives have these fields and in the case they are empty, are not returned in the response. You should check the promoted_story_id to see if this contains what you're looking for.

Restful Collections - how to either remove OR delete items

I read quite some stuff about RESTful API Design.
But when it comes to the implementation, it wasn't that easy anymore.
I got stuck at the following problem:
Assume the following 2 endpoint:
As we all can see, friends is a collection of the resource user.
A user can have n-friends in his friendslist (by standard this would be many to many, but for now, let's assume this to be one to many).
Okay, now i want to REMOVE a user (id=3) from the friendslist of user 1 by doing the following HTTP-Request:
DELETE api/v1/users/1/friends/3
And this is where i got stuck - either the request deletes the whole user resource which has id = 3 or removes the resource from the collection. Because both would be valid Restful implementations i think.
So the question is:
How to remove an item from the collection without deleting the original resource
I hope that this question is no duplicate - but i did google a lot to find the answer. Maybe i don't know the related technical term to find some pleasing results...
Thanks in forward.
The approach to REST looks fine but that really only speaks to path format and HTTP verb. The problem must be in your application code or app routes.
I think it is better that DELETE api/v1/users/1/friends/3 would be used to delete user 3, just like DELETE api/v1/users/1 would be used to delete user 1.
To remove just user 3 from being a friend of user 1 I would use DELETE api/v1/users/1/friends and specify a filter to only remove friends with the id of 3.
DELETE api/v1/users/1/friends without a filter would remove all friends of user 1.
Likewise to add friends of user 1 I would use PUT api/v1/users/1/friends and specify the ids of the friends to add.