append long description to photo in Telegram - photo

Consider following image:
How can i append long description to a photo?


Facebook Open Graph - Link post without title and description with big size of image

can someone explain how to do this:
Link post without title and description with big size of image
Its some custom code or?
Im trying to get link post on facebook like on photo, without link title and link description

Link between current profile picture and the original photo in the profile album

I want to have a link between the currently used profile picture and the original source in the profile album.
I'm getting the profile picture with:
Which will return url, width & height but unfortunately no id. (
I'm getting all the albums with:
Then I'm iterating through all the albums to find the one with the type=='profile' and then retrieve all the photos of this album:
How can I identify the photo used as the profile picture?
Since we have no id returned from the /me/picture endpoint I don't see a way to make the link between the two objects.
Also, I'm not sure that we can rely on CDN urls to parse them and try to find the profile picture id.

Retrieving facebook profile ID from image url

Given the url of a facebook-hosted image, which looks something like,
how can I get the Graph API Photo ID of the image?
I tried using the second number in the image filename as the photoid, but this no longer seems to work. Has facebook changed the URL format, and if so, how?

Facebook FQL : Need large src url from stream table (attachment - media)

By FQL stream table return newsfeed by fql with attachment attribute. attachment contain media information and in media there is an src attribute which contain photo url. I need to change those photo url as big image url..
[{ attachment:{ media:[{ src:...
If the media src is an image that is uploaded on facebook then you can change the filename of the src ending with '_s.jpg' to '_n.jpg' and it will display the original image that was uploaded to facebook, i.e. the bigger image.
You can identify these images that have been uploaded to facebook by the start of the url in the src - https://fbcdn. The external images cannot be changed to get bigger images. These can be identified by the start of the url - https://fbexternal
Hope this makes sense!

Create a dynamic description content when sharing a link on Facebook

Is it possible to make a dynamic description/title text when sharing a link at Facebook?
I'm using Facebook's API.
You can use the query string to generate a dynamic description and title so that when facebook tries to call your URL using the query string they find another description so you have to write a code in the page load to update title and description meta tags depending on the query string.