Facebook FQL : Need large src url from stream table (attachment - media) - facebook

By FQL stream table return newsfeed by fql with attachment attribute. attachment contain media information and in media there is an src attribute which contain photo url. I need to change those photo url as big image url..
[{ attachment:{ media:[{ src:...

If the media src is an image that is uploaded on facebook then you can change the filename of the src ending with '_s.jpg' to '_n.jpg' and it will display the original image that was uploaded to facebook, i.e. the bigger image.
You can identify these images that have been uploaded to facebook by the start of the url in the src - https://fbcdn. The external images cannot be changed to get bigger images. These can be identified by the start of the url - https://fbexternal
Hope this makes sense!


How to upload video and images to LinkedIn via REST API?

We are developing an application in which user uploads the content and media in the form of image/video. The media gets stored in Azure. As mentioned in the share API, we are just passing the link as a part of the comment. Although the image is visible, it is seen as a link, which on clicked opens in another window.
In case of video, no preview is visible. It is seen just as a link.
The API we are using is:
Is there any other API for this which is part of Partner Program?
You don't need to use any Partner Program
Image uploading you need to put
"title" => "your title",
"submitted-url" => 'your website url'
"submitted-image-url" => 'your image full http path'
so you can see images from submitted-image-url and submitted-url can be your website url that is compulsory so this way your url will not open popup image
Video uploading you need to create a dynamic page on you site there will some meta tags for url and img like og:url, og:img ...
and html video tag there in src you can put video url..
"title" => "your title",
"submitted-url" => 'dynamic created url with ids or timestamp for remove caching'
if meta is perfect on you page then from meta image will show as a preview in linkedin and when you click on image then your website page will open where you already have html video tag
so on your page video page video will play
you can create meta tags and page like buffer

Link between current profile picture and the original photo in the profile album

I want to have a link between the currently used profile picture and the original source in the profile album.
I'm getting the profile picture with:
Which will return url, width & height but unfortunately no id. (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/profile-picture-source/)
I'm getting all the albums with:
Then I'm iterating through all the albums to find the one with the type=='profile' and then retrieve all the photos of this album:
How can I identify the photo used as the profile picture?
Since we have no id returned from the /me/picture endpoint I don't see a way to make the link between the two objects.
Also, I'm not sure that we can rely on CDN urls to parse them and try to find the profile picture id.

Graph API: Post Image to User's wall (without Album)

I am somewhat desperate posting images via the graph api to a user's page.
What I want to achieve is: I've got an image in an amazon S3 bucket. I'm using the /userid/photos endpoint to post the image url and the message property like:
"url": "http://url.to/image.jpg",
"message": "Image description"
Now, the API creates an album called: "AppName Photos". When I post multiple time to the same album, it suddenly arranges all images in a view, but I want them to be seperate posts each by each.
So, what I want to achieve is: Post an image to a user's page without putting it into an album, as if the user uploaded the image hisself.
www.klout.com is able to do this. When I try to share & upload a custom image, the image is being stored in the "Chronic photos". How can I store the image there and not in an app-dependent album?
Got it. Simply iterate over all albums (you need user_photo access) and post to that specific album of type "wall".
It is not the most beautiful solution I've ever seen but at least it works and prevents grouping nicely :)

Get big pictures for graph object

Can I get a big picture for graph objects?
//take id,name,picture,description from pages, that I like:
But how to get big picture of all these pages in one query? Is this possible?
Ok so essentially, you don't need to request the image at all. Once you have the object_id, and you want to display a large picture, all you have to do is use this URL -
I don't store any profile picture URL's anymore, all I have to do is know the user/page_id and I have access to the profile picture via that object_id.
For an <img> element, just place the URL in the src attribute -
<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/OBJECT_ID/picture?type=large" />

Facebook Graph API wont return photo source for photos uploaded by apps

When getting the "me/home" stream there is a difference between the photo objects i get in return. Some of them are returned with the source field (URL to the actual picture) and some not.
After investigating i learned that for photos uploaded to Facebook using the website itself there is the source and images fields in the object,
But for photos uploaded to Facebook by some kind of app (has the "application" field) there are no source/images fields, only a "link" field which direct me to the photo page (whole page, not just the photo)
Does that means i cant get the actual picture file for pics uploaded by apps ? am i missing something?
Update: The photos without the source field are "public".
You can use FQL to get very detailed information about the photo
SELECT src_big FROM photo WHERE pid='{photoId}'
For more information on what you can get from the FQL table see: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/photo/
Note: the quotes around the photo id is required as it is a string value