Create a dynamic description content when sharing a link on Facebook - facebook

Is it possible to make a dynamic description/title text when sharing a link at Facebook?
I'm using Facebook's API.

You can use the query string to generate a dynamic description and title so that when facebook tries to call your URL using the query string they find another description so you have to write a code in the page load to update title and description meta tags depending on the query string.


facebook share box not showing title, description and images this is my website url. Here you can see the facebook share using addthis on right side. Please help me what problem in this page. In facebook share box have link only not showing the title, description and the images.
Method 1 :
Facebook treats each url as unique and caches the page based on that url, so if you want to share the latest url the simplest solution is to add a query string with the url being shared. In simple words just add ?v=1 at the end of the url. Any number can be used in place of 1.
Method 2:
Facebook has a tool called Debugger (formerly known as URL Linter). This tool gives us an idea about how a url will be shared on Facebook, what content, which image will be fetched.
I hope this helps

How to add a customer title in Google+ share link

As the facebook and twitter has a parameter for the url and for the title.[URL]&t=[TEXT][TEXT]&url=[URL]
what it the title parameter in google+ share link ?[URL]
You can't supply it with the share link - that only accepts the URL to share and language as parameters. You can pre-fill the text if you use the share widget though:
The title of the page itself in the snippet is taken from the URL that is being shared. The title is either based on markup, open graph tags, or the title of the page. There's an example of setting that up on the snippet doc page:

No caption property for Facebook Open Graph

So basically, because I am on mobile, I can't use the I have to use Open Graph meta tags on my page and share that page using the The issue I am currently having is that it's impossible to specify the caption of the share through open graph meta tags. It keeps using the domain of the URL. With the web sharer you can specify the caption and it will place it under the title.
Does anyone know how I can specify the caption of a share in Open graph using meta tags? There doesn't seem to be a meta tag that equates to the caption query string parameter of the web sharer.
The sharer.php endpoints have been officially deprecated for a while now. You should not be developing new code that relies on these as they could stop working at any time.
You should use the feed dialog instead. It gives you the ability to set a custom caption.

sharing contents of a flash website in google plus

What I'm trying to do is to share (video) link, description and thumbnail of the link from/of my flash website in google plus. Since main .swf file of the flash site is embedded in the single html file, it is not possible to use different meta data for different posts. So is there any way that I can share the links with related description and thumbnail image in google plus just like in facebook.
Thanks in advance!
Looks like Google+ relies on metadata in the physical page to pick up the title, description, and thumbnail image.
What I would do is to add a query string parameter to the url sent to Google+, like so:
When Google then fetches the page to retrieve the metadata, you dynamically provide the correct information using the specified micro-formats or meta tags as detailed here:
Additionally, you could (should?) use the query string to actually load up the relevant video in your swf, providing a better user experience.
private function shareGoogle(e:Event):void
Here are the more description. facebook share to wall - changing title text link using open graph protocol not working

Is there a way to change what the title text points to once it becomes a link on the facebook wall/message?
I'm using the bookmark.php link mentioned here:
I set these meta tags, thinking "og:url" would set the title text link, but instead it only set the text that is between the title and description:
I found the answer to my own question: When using the share button (via FB.Share), you cannot override the from url unless you also are scraping the og (open graph protocol) meta values from that same page.
It might still be possible to override the values by using facebook connect and creating a Facebook application instead of just FB.Share. I'm not sure.