Freetype unicode on Windows - freetype2

I'm using Freetype 2.5.3 on a portable OpenGL application.
My issue is that i can't get unicode on my Windows machine, while i get them correctly on linux-based systems (lubuntu, OSX, Android)
i'm using the famous arialuni.ttf (23mb) so i'm pretty sure it contains everything. In fact, i had this working in my previous Windows installation (Win7), then re-installed Win7 from another source and now unicode is not working right.
Specifically when i draw a string, then only latin are rendered while unicode are getting skipped. I dug deeper and i found that character codes are not what they should be in wstring. For example, i'm using some greek letters in the string like γ which i know it should have a code point of 947.
My engine just iterates the wstring characters and drives the above code point to another vector that holds texture coordinates so i can draw the glyph.
The problem is that on my Windows 7 machine, the wstring does not give me 947 for a γ, but instead it gives me a 179. In addition, the character of Ά returns as 2 characters of 206 code (??) instead of one of 902.
It's like simple iterating a wstring, like:
for(size_t c=0,sz=wtext.size();c<sz;c++) {
uint32_t ch = wtext[c]; // code point
This is only happening on my newly installed Win7; it worked before on another Win7 system, along with my all linux machines. Now it's broken on this, and also on my XP virtual machine.
I don't use any wide formatting functions on this, just like:
wstring wtext = L"blΆh";
In addition, i can see my glyphs being rendered correctly in my OpenGL texture, so not a font issue either. My font generator uses the greek range of ~900-950 code points to collect the glyphs.
I add the code points per language with this:
FT_UInt charcode;
FT_ULong character = FT_Get_First_Char(face, &charcode);
do {
character = FT_Get_Next_Char(face, character, &charcode);
} while(charcode);

Not sure why but i fixed it by saving the file as UTF-8 BOM, rather UTF-8 (i had it by default).


How to fix PowerShell 7 fonts not showing correctly | oh-my-posh

I've already installed Windows Terminal, set it up with "oh my posh" and everything working as intended.
Though whenever I launch PowerShell 7 (without the terminal), the font is messy as you can see at the image below
I have already tried to change the font, to the same one I used in terminal's .json but there are still some parts that are not rendering correctly and I cannot use it that way with VSCode
The problem is because the Windows Console doesn't fully support UTF-8:
Windows Console was created way back in the early days of Windows,
back before Unicode itself existed! Back then, a decision was made to
represent each text character as a fixed-length 16-bit value (UCS-2).
Thus, the Console’s text buffer contains 2-byte wchar_t values per
grid cell, x columns by y rows in size.
One problem, for example, is that because UCS-2 is a fixed-width
16-bit encoding, it is unable to represent all Unicode codepoints.
This means you have "partial" support for Unicode characters in the Windows Console (i.e. as long as the character can be represented in UCS-2), but won't support all potential (32-bit) Unicode regions.
When you see boxes, that means that the character that is being used is using a region outside of the UCS-2 range. You also tell this because you get 2 boxes (i.e. 2 x 16 bit values). That is why you can't have happy faces 😀 in your Windows Console (which makes me sad ☹️).
In order for it to work in all locations, you will have to modify your oh-my-posh themes to use a different character that can be represented with a UCS-2 character.
For Version 2 of Oh My Posh, to make the font changes you have to edit the $ThemeSettings variable. Follow the instructions on the GitHub on configuring Theme Settings. e.g.:
$ThemeSettings.GitSymbols.BranchSymbol = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x2514)
For Version 3+ of Oh My Posh, you have to edit the JSON configuration file to make the changes, e.g.:
"type": "git",
"style": "powerline",
"powerline_symbol": "\u2514",

Unicode characters aren't combined properly

I am working with some Devanagari text data I want to display in the browser. Unfortunately, there's one combination of nonspacing combining characters that doesn't get rendered as a proberly combined character.
The problem occurs every time a base character is combined with the Devanagari Stress Sign Udatta ॑ (U+0951) and the Devanagari Sign Visarga ः (U+0903).
An example for this would be र॑ः, which is र (U+0930) + ॑ + ः and should be rendered as one character. But the stress sign and the other one don't seem to like each other (as you can see above!).
It's no problem to combine the base char with each of the other two signs alone, btw: र॑ / रः
I already tried to use several fonts which should be able to render Devanagari characters (some Noto fonts, Siddhanta, GentiumPlus) and tested it with different browsers, but the problem seems to be something else.
Does anyone have an idea? Is this not a valid combination of symbols?
EDIT: I just tried to switch around the two marks just to see what if - it renders as रः॑, so U+0951 and U+0903 don't seem to have the same function, as the stress sign gets rendered on top of the other mark.
It looks like i don't understand Unicode enough, yet.
This is NOT a solution for your problem, but might be useful information:
I am working with some Devanagari text data I want to display in the
Like you, I couldn't get this to work in any browser despite trying several fonts, including Arial Unicode MS:
The browser was simply rendering the text Devanagari Test: रः॑ from within the <body> of a JSP. The stress sign is clearly appearing above the Sign Visarga instead of the base character.
Is this not a valid combination of symbols?
It is a valid combination. I don't know Devanagari, so I don't know whether it is semantically "valid", but it is trivial to generate exactly the character you want from a Java application:
System.out.println("Devanagari test: \u0930\u0903\u0951");
This is the output from executing the println() call, showing the stress sign above the base character:
The screenshot above is from NetBeans 8.2 on Windows 10, but the rendering also worked fine using the latest releases of Eclipse and Intellij IDEA. The constraints are:
The three characters must be specified in that order in println() for the rendering to work.
The Sign Visarga and the Stress Sign Udatta must be presented in their Unicode form. Pasting their glyph representations into the source code won't work, although this can be done for the base character.
An appropriate font must be used for the display. I used Arial Unicode MS for the screen shot above, but other fonts such as Serif, SansSerif and Monospaced also worked.
Does anyone have an idea?
Unfortunately not, although it is clear that:
The grapheme you want to render exists, and is valid.
Although it won't render in a browser, it can be written to the console by a Java application.
The problem seems to be that all browsers apply the diacritic (Stress Sign Udatta) to the immediately preceding character rather than the base character.
See Why are some combining diacritics shifted to the right in some programs? for more information on this.

What character is this:?

While posting the question, character I ask for was shown well to me, but after postig it does not show up anymore. As it does not appear, please look up in original site
I looked for Unicode chars associated with "alien", and found no matching ones. Here is how they are compared side by side:
I found, that some texts inside my database contain character like . I am not sure, how it would rendered with different fonts and environments, so here is the image, how I see it:
I tried to identify it with different ways. For example, when I paste it into Sublime Text, it automatically shows as control character <0x85>. When I tried to identify it in different unicode-detectors (,,, their conclusion is pretty match the same:
Uni­code code point char­acter U+0085
UTF-8 en­co­ding c2 85 hexa­decimal
194 133 deci­mal
0302 0205 octal
Uni­co­de char­ac­ter name <control>
Uni­co­de 1.0 char­act­er name (de­pre­ca­ted) NEXT LINE (NEL)
also included this information
HTML en­co­ding … … hexa­decimal
… … deci­mal
which gave me some vague hint, how it was possible, that … become ``. But this is not main problem here.
My question is: how is possible, that control character is shown up like this and what is the actual glyph used to represent it?
I tried to sketch into to identify it but without success. I did not find such a glyph in any Unicode table.
The alien symbol is not a Unicode character; but is in Microsoft's Webdings font, with character code 0x85. Running Start > Run > charmap, then selecting Webdings from the Font drop list, opens this window:
If I click that alien character in the leftmost column, the message Character Code : 0x85 is shown at the bottom of the window.
I can even copy that character from the Character Map and paste it into Microsoft Wordpad:
The WebDings symbols were included in Unicode Release 7: Pictographic symbols (including many emoji), geometric symbols, arrows, and ornaments originating from the Wingdings and Webdings sets. Therefore you would expect the alien symbol to also be in Unicode. However, I don't think the version of Webdings that was used included that alien symbol, since Windows 10 also has a ttf file for Webdings (version 5.01), and it also does not include the alien symbol:
So presumably what originally caught your attention was some text being rendered with an older version of the Webdings font which included that alien symbol.
The glyph is 👽 U+1F47D EXTRATERRESTRIAL ALIEN. I don't know why your system misrenders a control character.

wxTextCtrl OSX mutated vowel

i am using wxMac 2.8 in non-unicode build. I try to read a file with mutated vowels "ü" to a wxtextctrl. When i do, the data gets interpreted as current encoding, but it is a multibyte string. I narrowed the problem down to this:
This is the result:
Note that the character count has doubled - printing the string in gdb displays "\303\274" and similar per original char. Typing "ü" or similar into the textctrl is no problem. I tried various wxMBConv methods but the result is always the same. Is there a way to solve this?
Best regards,
If you use anything but 7 bit ASCII, you must use Unicode build of wxWidgets. Just do yourself a favour and switch to it. If you have too much existing code that was written for "ANSI" build of wxWidgets 2.8 and earlier and doesn't compile with Unicode build, use wxWidgets 2.9 instead where it will compile -- and work as intended.
It sounds like your text editor (for program source code) is in a different encoding from the running program.
Suppose for example that your text entry control and the rest of your program are (correctly) using UTF-8. Now if your text editor is using some other encoding, then a string that looks fine on screen will actually contain garbage bytes.
Assuming you are in a position to help create a pure-UTF8 world, then you should:
1) Encode UTF-8 directly into the string literals using escapes, e.g. "\303" or "\xc3". That's annoying to do, but it means you just don't have to worry about you text editor (or the editor settings of other developers).
2) Then check that the program is using UTF-8 everywhere.

Get MATLAB Engine to return unicode

The MATLAB Engine is a C interface to MATLAB. It provides a function engEvalString() which takes some MATLAB code as a C string (char *), evaluates it, then returns MATLAB's output as a C string again.
I need to be able to pass unicode data to MATLAB through engEvalString() and to retrieve the output as unicode. How can I do this? I don't care about the particular encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.), any will do. I can adapt my program.
More details:
To give a concrete example, if I send the following sting, encoded as, say, UTF-8,
s='Paul Erdős'
I would like to get back the following output, encoded again as UTF-8:
s =
Paul Erdős
I hoped to achieve this by sending feature('DefaultCharacterSet', 'UTF-8') (reference) before doing anything else, and this worked fine when working with MATLAB R2012b on OS X. It also works fine with R2013a on Ubuntu Linux. It does not work on R2013a on OS X though. Instead of the character ő in the output of engEvalString(), I get character code 26, which is supposed to mean "I don't know how to represent this". However, if I retrieve the contents of the variable s by other means, I see that MATLAB does correctly store the character ő in the string. This means that it's only the output that didn't work, but MATLAB did interpret the UTF-8 input correctly. If I test this on Windows with R2013a, neither input, nor output works correctly. (Note that the Windows and the Mac/Linux implementations of the MATLAB Engine are different.)
The question is: how can I get unicode input/output working on all platforms (Win/Mac/Linux) with engEvalString()? I need this to work in R2013a, and preferably also in R2012b.
If people are willing to experiment, I can provide some test C code. I'm not posting that yet because it's a lot of work to distill a usable small example from my code that makes it possible to experiment with different encodings.
I learned about feature('locale') which returns some locale-related data. On Linux, where everything works correctly, all encodings it returns are UTF-8. But not on OS X / Windows. Is there any way I could set the various encodings returned by feature('locale')?
Here's a small test case: download. The zip file contains a MATLAB Engine C program, which reads a file, passes it to engEvalString(), then writes the output to another file. There's a sample file included with the following contents:
feature('DefaultCharacterSet', 'UTF-8')
The (last part of the) output I expect is
s =
This is what I get with R2012b on OS X. However, R2013 on OS X gives me character code 26 instead of the character 中. Outputs produces by R2012b and R2013a are included in the zip file.
How can I get the expected output with R2013a on all three platforms (Windows, OS X, Linux)?
I strongly urge you to use engPutVariable, engGetVariable, and Matlab's eval instead. What you're trying to do with engEvalString will not work with many unicode strings due to embedded NULL (\0) characters, among other problems. Due to how the Windows COM interface works, the Matlab engine can't really support unicode in interpreted strings. I can't speculate about how the engine works on other platforms.
Your other question had an answer about using mxCreateString_UTF16. Wasn't that sufficient?