wxTextCtrl OSX mutated vowel - unicode

i am using wxMac 2.8 in non-unicode build. I try to read a file with mutated vowels "ü" to a wxtextctrl. When i do, the data gets interpreted as current encoding, but it is a multibyte string. I narrowed the problem down to this:
This is the result:
Note that the character count has doubled - printing the string in gdb displays "\303\274" and similar per original char. Typing "ü" or similar into the textctrl is no problem. I tried various wxMBConv methods but the result is always the same. Is there a way to solve this?
Best regards,

If you use anything but 7 bit ASCII, you must use Unicode build of wxWidgets. Just do yourself a favour and switch to it. If you have too much existing code that was written for "ANSI" build of wxWidgets 2.8 and earlier and doesn't compile with Unicode build, use wxWidgets 2.9 instead where it will compile -- and work as intended.

It sounds like your text editor (for program source code) is in a different encoding from the running program.
Suppose for example that your text entry control and the rest of your program are (correctly) using UTF-8. Now if your text editor is using some other encoding, then a string that looks fine on screen will actually contain garbage bytes.
Assuming you are in a position to help create a pure-UTF8 world, then you should:
1) Encode UTF-8 directly into the string literals using escapes, e.g. "\303" or "\xc3". That's annoying to do, but it means you just don't have to worry about you text editor (or the editor settings of other developers).
2) Then check that the program is using UTF-8 everywhere.


Erlang and binary with Cyrillic

I need to be able to use binaries with Cyrillic characters in them. I tried just writing <<"абвгд">> but I got a badarg error.
How can I work with Cyrillic (or unicode) strings in Erlang?
If you want to input the above expression in erlang shell, please read unicode module user manual.
Function character_to_binary, and character_to_list are both reversable function. The following are an example:
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)37> io:getopts().
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)40> A = unicode:characters_to_binary("上海").
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)41> unicode:characters_to_list(A).
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)45> io:format("~s~n",[ unicode:characters_to_list(A,utf8)]).
** exception error: bad argument
in function io:format/3
called as io:format(<0.30.0>,"~s~n",[[19978,28023]])
(emacs#yus-iMac.local)46> io:format("~ts~n",[ unicode:characters_to_list(A,utf8)]).
If you want to use unicode:characters_to_binary("上海"). directly in the source code, it is a little more complex. You can try it firstly to find difference.
The Erlang compiler will interpret the code as ISO-8859-1 encoded text, which limits you to Latin characters. Although you may be able to bang in some ISO characters that may have the same byte representation as you want in Unicode, this is not a very good idea.
You want to make sure your editor reads and writes ISO-8859-1, and you want to avoid using literals as much as possible. Source these strings from files.

How to convert unicode escape code to character in Objective C (on iPhone)

I have a string that contains unicode escape codes, eg. #"D\u017cem" (\u017c is code for ż). I would like to convert that string to the one containg actual characters. In the example that would be #"Dżem".
Is there any method in SDK or library that can do such replacement AND work on iPhone?
(Obviously I can do the replacement myself, changing characters one by one, but it is rather cumbersome)
According to Apple,
It is not safe is to include high-bit characters in your source code
Note that the "universal character name" \u017c is replaced at compile time with an implementation-defined value which in practice is the UTF8 representation, so the end result is the same as you would get if you (correctly) did the replacement you are talking about. If you're having a problem with some other source-processing tool, you might be better served by teaching that tool to recognize C99 universal character names.
I suggest to start using NSLocalizedString()

Get window title with AppleScript in Unicode

I've stuck with the following problem:
I have a script which is retrieving title form the Firefox window:
tell application "Firefox"
if the (count of windows) is not 0 then
set window_name to name of front window
end if
end tell
It works well as long as the title contains only English characters but when title contains some non-ASCII characters(Cyrillic in my case) it produces some utf-8 garbage. I've analyzed this garbage a bit and it seems that my Cyrillic character is converted to the Utf-8 without any concerning about codepage i.e instead of using Cyrillic codepage for conversion it uses non codepages at all and I have utf-8 text with characters different from those in the window title.
My question is: How can I retrieved the window title in utf-8 directly without any conversion?
I can achieve this goal by using AXAPI but I want to achieve this by AppleScript because AXAPI needs some option turned on in the system.
It works fine in the AppleScript Editor. But I'm compiling it through the C++ code via OSACompile->OSAExecute->OSADisplay
I don't know the guts of the AppleScript Editor so maybe it has some inside information about how to encode the characters
I've found the answer when wrote update. Sometimes it is good to ask a question for better it understanding :)
So for the future searchers: If you want to use unicode result of the script execution you should provide typeUnicodeText to the OSADisplay then you will have result in the UTF-16LE in the result AEDesc

How to diagnose, and reverse (not prevent) Unicode mangling

Somewhere upstream of me, "something" happened that looks like unicode mangling. One symptom is that a lowercase u umlaut (ü) gets converted to "ü" (ie, character FC gets converted to C3 BC). Assuming that I have no control over this upstream process, how can I reverse-engineer what's going on? And if that is possible, can I crank the sausage machine backwards and get the original text back?
(If it helps to understand this case, the text I received was in the form of a MySQL dump. I think somwewhere in the dump/transport process it got mangled.)
Your text isn't 'mangled'. It's just in UTF8. C3 BC is what the ü is supposed to be encoded as. Just set whatever software you use to UTF8 also, and all pain will go away. If you can't set your software to Unicode, seriously consider switching to newer software.
I know it's scary at first, but you will have to do that eventually, anyway. My favorite music typesetter switched to Unicode-only input a while ago (they even deliberately removed support for the old 8-bit code pages to get people to switch), and I was upset, thinking that Latin-1 was good enough for me, and it was stupid to break stuff that was working perfectly well... and then I got over it and just set emacs to Unicode buffers, and now I'll never have to think about character encoding again in my life!
First of all, it looks like you've got UTF-8 encoded text (as you've found ü interpreted in your expected encoding, maybe Latin-1).
You could guess this encoding being used by checking that the correct byte sequences are used (and the illegal ones not used, of course). See the Wikipedia article for a reference and look for valid and invalid byte sequences. You can be pretty sure about the encoding if the text starts with a BOM, but that's not required for UTF-8.
To get the text back in your required encoding, several tools are available, GNU recode for one.

Displaying Unicode characters above U+FFFF on Windows

the application I'm developing with EVC++ 4 runs on Windows CE 5 and should support unicode (AFAIK wchar_t uses UTF-16 on windows, so I'm using that), so I want to be able to test it with "more exotic" characters. Especially with characters that use 4 Byte in UTF-16 and not just 2. Therefore I'm trying to display such characters in a texteditor (atm on my desktop PC with Windows XP, not on the embedded device).
But I haven't managed it to do so yet. As an example I've chosen this character.
Like mentioned here "MPH 2B Damase" should support this character. So I downloaded the font and put it into Windows\Fonts. I created a textfile using a hexeditor (just to be sure) with following content:
FFFE D802 DC00
When I open it with notepad (which should be unicode-capable, right?) and use the downloaded font it doesn't display 1 char, as intended, but this 2:
What am I doing wrong? :)
Flipping the BOM, as suggested, doesn't work. Notepad (and all other editors I tried, too) displays two squares in this case. Interesting is that if I copy the two squares here (with firefox) I see the right character:
I've also tried it with Komodo Edit with the same result.
Using UTF-8 doesn't help notepad either.
What happens if you put the byte order mark the other way around?
FEFF D802 DC00
(At the moment the byte sequence is being interpreted as the two characters U+02D8 U+00DC, so hopefully flipping the BOM will cause the bytes to be read in the intended order)
Probably you forgot to read the _wfopen() documentation. There they specify the encoding parameter. BTW, I assumed you are already using Unicode (wchars).
I would recommend you to use UTF-8 in files with or without BOM but forcing your fopen to use UTF-8 flag. It looks _wfopen("newfile.txt", "r, ccs=UTF-8"); will work with UTF-8 with or without BOM and also with UTF-16. Do not make the mistake of using the ccs=Unicode, it is a common thing to have UTF-8 files without BOM.
You should really read a little bit about Unicode before trying to work. This about this as a very good investment - it will save you time if you understand how Unicode works.
Here is a start http://blog.i18n.ro/newbie-guide-to-unicode/ and do not forget to read the links from the end of the article.
If you really need a simple text editor that allows you to play with Unicode encodings, use Notepad++ and forget about Notepad.
Your text editor might not like UTF-16. It probably assumes ANSI or UTF-8.
Try typing in the UTF-8 equivalent instead:
0xF0 0x90 0xA0 0x80
This won't help your testing, but will make sure your font isn't at fault. A text editor that does support UTF-16 is Komodo Edit.