Migration DevServer 14.1 VC11 to DevServer 16.1 VC14 - easyphp

i had before EasyPhp Devserver 14.1 VC11 and now i pay and install Devserver 16.1 VC14.
When i open the dashboard and try to start the server... nothing... No error message, no warning, anything...
I have windows 10 with all the VC i need... When i look in the console (Google Chrome) i can see 2 error 404
Someone can help me please? I have to uninstall and clean in "regedit" or something?


Running ionic project from mac to windows

I want to run one of the ionic project from mac to windows but I have error while doing npm install it does not generate node_modules too. Can someone help me or have any idea with this? I already tried upgrading all the versions to the latest and also downgrade node from 16 to 14 and ionic6 to ionic 4 but its still the same. Here is the error, I also tried downloading node-gyp Here is the error
The 4th last line of the logs has your answer. Node hasn't been properly installed on the machine or the incorrect command is being used.
Verify the installation & commands.

Cypress failed to make a connection to the Chrome DevTools Protocol: ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect

I'm simply trying to run some of the tests in the example folder under Integration and it will not run on Chrome. Runs on Electron and Edge but refuses to run on Chrome and throwing the attached error after unsuccessfully trying.
My version of Chrome is Version 86.0.4240.111 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Current Cypress version is - cypress": "^5.5.0
I reinstalled Google Chrome and it started working. Simple as that.
I just saw this issue on mac and I just had to hard quite Chrome and relaunch it. I didn't have to uninstall and reinstall it.
This issue comes when there is something wrong with your localhost configurations. Please check etc/hosts file.
You can refer to this link for further clarifications.

Unable to install locust on windows

Hi i am trying to install locust on windows with python version 3.7.3, using pip install locustio but getting below error.
ERROR: Could not build wheels for gevent which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly
I was getting above error because Visual Studio was not installed in my machine. When I did I was able to install locust, and its working fine now.
Had faced a similiar issue on MacOS.
The MacOS Catalina update upgraded my system python was 3.8. (Gevent works with <3.7)
Installing a lower version with pyenv fixed it.

bad system image in emulator

im gettting this report on the console while I'm trying to run the app on eclipse kepler, and the emulator doesn't open, any idea whats wrong or any advice to fix it ?
[2015-01-05 17:53:02 - Emulator] NAND: bad arg: 14/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20130917/sdk/platforms/android-10/images//system.img
i just uninstall the andorid sdk, and then i restart eclipse and i got it working again.
i think the problem was : it was needing to update to the latest sdk tools.

Eclipse Segfault (OSX)

I'm trying to start eclipse but it crashes after the splash screen and before workspace selection.
This is version: eclipse-java-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64 on Mac OSX 10.6.8
Launching the eclipse application or executing the alias from a shell ./eclipse (or Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse) results in a segfault.
$ ./eclipse
Invalid memory access of location 0x10 rip=0x7fff84ea3164
Segmentation fault
However, it runs successfully as the super user
$ sudo ./eclipse
This is fine for now, but running eclipse under sudo does not seem like a good idea.
To make this stranger still, this installation of eclipse worked fine a few months ago and I can't remember changing anything relevant.
Any ideas?
Before taking the more drastic step of re-installing Java on Mac OS X [not always so simple :( .. ], I just reinstalled Eclipse and ADT - and it worked fine after that.
In my case, I got this error trying to start Eclipse
Segmentation fault: 11
.. it appeared in my Eclipse ADT setup after I updated the Android SDK for Google Play Services, and then tried to run Installation of update from "Check For Updates". Restarting the computer did not help.
I would try re-installing Java. The Apple installer might thwart you, but this can help get past it.
I'd suggest getting the Java Developer package from Apple, as it includes Javadoc and source for the core libraries.