Unable to install locust on windows - python-3.7

Hi i am trying to install locust on windows with python version 3.7.3, using pip install locustio but getting below error.
ERROR: Could not build wheels for gevent which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly

I was getting above error because Visual Studio was not installed in my machine. When I did I was able to install locust, and its working fine now.

Had faced a similiar issue on MacOS.
The MacOS Catalina update upgraded my system python was 3.8. (Gevent works with <3.7)
Installing a lower version with pyenv fixed it.


Install DeepSpeech on Mac M1

At the moment I need to install and run DeepSpeech on my local.
Can someone help me how with installing DeepSpeech on my Mac. I have already installed Python 3.10.0 but it seems like this version do not work with DeepSeech

Running ionic project from mac to windows

I want to run one of the ionic project from mac to windows but I have error while doing npm install it does not generate node_modules too. Can someone help me or have any idea with this? I already tried upgrading all the versions to the latest and also downgrade node from 16 to 14 and ionic6 to ionic 4 but its still the same. Here is the error, I also tried downloading node-gyp Here is the error
The 4th last line of the logs has your answer. Node hasn't been properly installed on the machine or the incorrect command is being used.
Verify the installation & commands.

Appcelerator Studio OSX, tries to install Node and Fails

Having removed NODE, NPM and Appcelerator Studio and re-installed the lot, I can not launch the Studio without it attempting to Install node - it then fails (see image in link).
MacBook-Pro:MacOS timfisher$ node -v
This is on a MacBook Pro running HighSierra - any help would be greatly appreciated.
Link to Image
Looks like something going wrong in installing node by the studio.
Can you install Node v6.9.0 (LTS) and launch studio. 4.2.0 is the minimum required version for Studio 4.10.0

rnpm command not found after "sudo npm install rnpm -g"

I am still new to coding and I ran into a weird problem.
I am trying to use the facebook SDK in my react native app and I was following the tutorials for installing rnpm. However, after I installed rnpm package the "rnpm" command is still unusable. Can someone point out what I did wrong? I already installed the package globally.
Since last November, rnpm is part of the React Native core, so you don't need to install rnpm anymore. You can run directly 'react-native link' to link the dependencies that you instal using npm.
You need to install npm on your macbook
sudo port install npm

missing menu bar in texstudio 2.10.8 on linux mint 17.3

I normally use the most recent version of TexStudio with my Linux Mint system by downloading the source tarball and compiling it in my machine. Recently I upgraded Mint to 17.3 and TexStudio to 2.10.8 at the same time.
However, when I installed TexStudio, the menu bar was not there anymore, I uninstalled and reinstalled the stable version 2.6.6, everything was fine, but upgrading it to 2.10.8 again, menu was lost.
Does anyone have a clue how to fix this?
it worked fine for me, taking the xUbuntu 14.04 package. Linux Mint 17.3 is based on that version of Ubuntu. Its better to use the pre-build package