Running ionic project from mac to windows - ionic-framework

I want to run one of the ionic project from mac to windows but I have error while doing npm install it does not generate node_modules too. Can someone help me or have any idea with this? I already tried upgrading all the versions to the latest and also downgrade node from 16 to 14 and ionic6 to ionic 4 but its still the same. Here is the error, I also tried downloading node-gyp Here is the error

The 4th last line of the logs has your answer. Node hasn't been properly installed on the machine or the incorrect command is being used.
Verify the installation & commands.


How to use cocoapods in a flutter project

I have been trying to use Firebase. After trying to run the app on the IOS simulator, it giving this error
Warning: CocoaPods not installed. Skipping pod install.
CocoaPods is used to retrieve the iOS and macOS platform side's plugin code that responds to your plugin usage on the Dart side.
Without CocoaPods, plugins will not work on iOS or macOS.
For more info, see
To install see for instructions.
CocoaPods not installed or not in valid state.
Error launching application on iPhone 12 Pro Max.
The problem is also I cannot run flutter doctor since even if it is in the path it saying flutter command not found and I have tried every solution in vain.
I went on to try removing pod file and reinstalling it using pod install and everything worked well but still it is not working. I updated cocoapods using brew because it wasn't working using gem and did the the same to ruby but still it is not working
I don't know which piece of the project I should show
Any help will be appreciated.
I encounter the same problem regularly.
The solutions if found here usually work for me:
Solution: 1
Following this command to update your pod
flutter clean
pod repo update
deleted /ios/Pods/ and /ios/Podfile.lock
run pod install
Solution: 2
first pod repo update
rm -rf Podfile.lock
pod install
Also restarting my IDE fixes it sometimes.

Ionic CLI break with Internet connection

I am facing a problem in ionic to start a new ionic project or serve ionic project while Internet connection in on.
In Command Prompt no error come but CLI break after a few seconds. But without an Internet connection it works perfectly, mean without an Internet connection I can serve the ionic project (ionic serve). But to start a new project we have to connect our laptop to the Internet connection and with the connection, I have this problem. I have reinstalled the ionic but still, I'm facing this problem.
This is the image of process of ionic serve with Internet connection
Problem Solved!
first we have to uninstall ionic
npm uninstall -g ionic cordova
still ionic has not completely uninstalled. To do the same we have to delete all ionic files in our windows drive (Local Disk :c).
then we have to uninstall nodejs from control panel.
still node and npm has not uninstalled completely so we also have to delete all node and npm files from c drive.
now install nodejs recommended and the ionic
npm install -g ionic cordova
It will work now....
The server doesn't start up. You should get a lot more processes showing after the
webpack started ...
like sass, postprocess, lint, build etc.
To find out the possible error you can use the verbose switch which may help show what the error is.
$ ionic serve --verbose
Please try that and see what the output is.

Ionic 2 app not installing #ionic-native/network

I'm trying to use cordova-plugin-network-information and #ionic-native/network in my ionic 2 app. However, I get the following error when trying to execute npm install --save #ionic-native/network.
npm WARN #ionic-native/network#3.8.1 requires a peer of #ionic-native/core#^3.6.0 but none was installed.
npm WARN #ionic-native/network#3.8.1 requires a peer of rxjs#^5.0.1 but none was installed.
How do I fix this? Do I need to upgrade to ionic 3?
You need to install ionic native 3.x. Seems you are using ionic native 2.x. please update your package.json. It should work. if I am not mistaken, the latest version is 3.6.1. please follow below guide for more details. Kindly note that it require quite some changes to migrate to ionic native 3.x but thing is you get to mock them which is supported in the browser.
Most of the time we see warnings in our projects. However, these should not affect your application. But, as Ashley suggested, update your application to the latest version to ensure everything is working as it should.
Please use as root/admin if on ubuntu try this
sudo npm install
if on windows
open cmd as administrator

rnpm command not found after "sudo npm install rnpm -g"

I am still new to coding and I ran into a weird problem.
I am trying to use the facebook SDK in my react native app and I was following the tutorials for installing rnpm. However, after I installed rnpm package the "rnpm" command is still unusable. Can someone point out what I did wrong? I already installed the package globally.
Since last November, rnpm is part of the React Native core, so you don't need to install rnpm anymore. You can run directly 'react-native link' to link the dependencies that you instal using npm.
You need to install npm on your macbook
sudo port install npm

Failed to install apk file in android?

I am installing apk file in android emulator. But when I gave the command ADB INSTALL CALENDAR.APK in command prompt it is displaying the error as Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES]. What would be the reason? Can anybody help me regarding this?
Thank you,
All Android packages must be signed to be installed, well at least since version 1.6.
So that particular package is presumably older. You can get a newer one (or recompile yourself if you have the sources), or use an older version in your emulator (1.5).