Batch training in SOM? - neural-network

I am trying to implement a general SOM with batch training. and i have doubt regarding the formula for batch training.
i have read about it in the following link
i noticed that the weight updates are assigned rather than added at the end of an epoch - wouldn't that overwrite the whole networks previous values, and the update formula did not include the previous weights of the nodes, then how does it even work?
when i was implementing it, a lot of the nodes in network became NaN because the neighborhood value became zero for a lot of nodes due to gradient decrease at the end of training and the update formula resulted in a division by zero.
can someone explain the batch algorithm correctly. i DID google it, and i saw a lot of "improving batch" or "speeding up batch" but nothing about just batch kohonen directly. and among the ones that did explain the formula was the same and that doesn't work.

The update rule of the Batch SOM that you see is the good one.
The basic idea behind this algorithm is to train your SOM using the whole training dataset and so at each iteration, the weights of your neurons re present the mean of the closest inputs.
And so, the information of the previous weights are in the BMU (Best matching Unit).
As you said, some neurons weights produce NaN due to division by zero.
To overcome this problem you can use neighbor function that is always greater than zero (for example a Gaussian function).


Neural Networks: exact high level training algorithm

I am trying to make my very first Neural Network work. I designed it so that I can choose the number of layers and the number of nodes per layer freely. I had a hard time trying to implement back propagation but I think I have done it recursively even if it is not as performant as it can be. I am using the sigmoid as an activation for all nodes (even the input nodes and the output node).
My network has a single output node in the output layer that should predict a variable (zero or one).
My question is how exactly should I do to train my network ? I noticed that when I use the following algorithm:
for i in [1:100000]
feed the same record to my neural network
perform a forward pass
compute the error using the square of the difference as a loss function for this record with the current weights
Update the weights using back propagation
it converges to the correct result (the output node value converges to zero when the record is labeled with zero, and to one when the record is labeled as one). But when I feed a different record to the network at each time of this iterative algorithm the network completely diverges.
Suppose that I would like to work with a mini batch of N records, this means that I have to make N forward passes giving at each time one of the N records as input to the network, comùpute the error, take the average over the N records, but then, when I would like to use the average error in the back propagation algorithm, what input record should I use ? Because, as far as I know the input layer is also used to compute the weights between it and the first hidden layer. Should I then use the last one of the N records as input? Or the first one ? Does it even matter ? I am a bit confused here and I found nothing on the internet to answer this particular question.
Best regards.

Neural Network - Working with a imbalanced dataset

I am working on a Classification problem with 2 labels : 0 and 1. My training dataset is a very imbalanced dataset (and so will be the test set considering my problem).
The proportion of the imbalanced dataset is 1000:4 , with label '0' appearing 250 times more than label '1'. However, I have a lot of training samples : around 23 millions. So I should get around 100 000 samples for the label '1'.
Considering the big number of training samples I have, I didn't consider SVM. I also read about SMOTE for Random Forests. However, I was wondering whether NN could be efficient to handle this kind of imbalanced dataset with a large dataset ?
Also, as I am using Tensorflow to design the model, which characteristics should/could I tune to be able to handle this imbalanced situation ?
Thanks for your help !
Update :
Considering the number of answers, and that they are quite similar, I will answer all of them here, as a common answer.
1) I tried during this weekend the 1st option, increasing the cost for the positive label. Actually, with less unbalanced proportion (like 1/10, on another dataset), this seems to help a bit to get a better result, or at least to 'bias' the precision/recall scores proportion.
However, for my situation,
It seems to be very sensitive to the alpha number. With alpha = 250, which is the proportion of the unbalanced dataset, I have a precision of 0.006 and a recall score of 0.83, but the model is predicting way too many 1 that it should be - around 0.50 of label '1' ...
With alpha = 100, the model predicts only '0'. I guess I'll have to do some 'tuning' for this alpha parameter :/
I'll take a look at this function from TF too as I did it manually for now : tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logitsthat
2) I will try to de-unbalance the dataset but I am afraid that I will lose a lot of info doing that, as I have millions of samples but only ~ 100k positive samples.
3) Using a smaller batch size seems indeed a good idea. I'll try it !
There are usually two common ways for imbanlanced dataset:
Online sampling as mentioned above. In each iteration you sample a class-balanced batch from the training set.
Re-weight the cost of two classes respectively. You'd want to give the loss on the dominant class a smaller weight. For example this is used in the paper Holistically-Nested Edge Detection
I will expand a bit on chasep's answer.
If you are using a neural network followed by softmax+cross-entropy or Hinge Loss you can as #chasep255 mentionned make it more costly for the network to misclassify the example that appear the less.
To do that simply split the cost into two parts and put more weights on the class that have fewer examples.
For simplicity if you say that the dominant class is labelled negative (neg) for softmax and the other the positive (pos) (for Hinge you could exactly the same):
L=L_{neg}+L_{pos} =>L=L_{neg}+\alpha*L_{pos}
With \alpha greater than 1.
Which would translate in tensorflow for the case of cross-entropy where the positives are labelled [1, 0] and the negatives [0,1] to something like :
cross_entropy_mean=-tf.reduce_mean(targets*tf.log(y_out)*tf.constant([alpha, 1.]))
Whatismore by digging a bit into Tensorflow API you seem to have a tensorflow function tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logitsthat implements it did not read the details but look fairly straightforward.
Another way if you train your algorithm with mini-batch SGD would be make batches with a fixed proportion of positives.
I would go with the first option as it is slightly easier to do with TF.
One thing I might try is weighting the samples differently when calculating the cost. For instance maybe divide the cost by 250 if the expected result is a 0 and leave it alone if the expected result is a one. This way the more rare samples have more of an impact. You could also simply try training it without any changes and see if the nnet just happens to work. I would make sure to use a large batch size though so you always get at least one of the rare samples in each batch.
Yes - neural network could help in your case. There are at least two approaches to such problem:
Leave your set not changed but decrease the size of batch and number of epochs. Apparently this might help better than keeping the batch size big. From my experience - in the beginning network is adjusting its weights to assign the most probable class to every example but after many epochs it will start to adjust itself to increase performance on all dataset. Using cross-entropy will give you additional information about probability of assigning 1 to a given example (assuming your network has sufficient capacity).
Balance your dataset and adjust your score during evaluation phase using Bayes rule:score_of_class_k ~ score_from_model_for_class_k / original_percentage_of_class_k.
You may reweight your classes in the cost function (as mentioned in one of the answers). Important thing then is to also reweight your scores in your final answer.
I'd suggest a slightly different approach. When it comes to image data, the deep learning community has already come up with a few ways to augment data. Similar to image augmentation, you could try to generate fake data to "balance" your dataset. The approach I tried was to use a Variational Autoencoder and then sample from the underlying distribution to generate fake data for the class you want. I tried it and the results are looking pretty cool:

sigmoid - back propagation neural network

I'm trying to create a sample neural network that can be used for credit scoring. Since this is a complicated structure for me, i'm trying to learn them small first.
I created a network using back propagation - input layer (2 nodes), 1 hidden layer (2 nodes +1 bias), output layer (1 node), which makes use of sigmoid as activation function for all layers. I'm trying to test it first using a^2+b2^2=c^2 which means my input would be a and b, and the target output would be c.
My problem is that my input and target output values are real numbers which can range from (-/infty, +/infty). So when I'm passing these values to my network, my error function would be something like (target- network output). Would that be correct or accurate? In the sense that I'm getting the difference between the network output (which is ranged from 0 to 1) and the target output (which is a large number).
I've read that the solution would be to normalise first, but I'm not really sure how to do this. Should i normalise both the input and target output values before feeding them to the network? What normalisation function is best to use cause I read different methods in normalising. After getting the optimized weights and use them to test some data, Im getting an output value between 0 and 1 because of the sigmoid function. Should i revert the computed values to the un-normalized/original form/value? Or should i only normalise the target output and not the input values? This really got me stuck for weeks as I'm not getting the desired outcome and not sure how to incorporate the normalisation idea in my training algorithm and testing..
Thank you very much!!
So to answer your questions :
Sigmoid function is squashing its input to interval (0, 1). It's usually useful in classification task because you can interpret its output as a probability of a certain class. Your network performes regression task (you need to approximate real valued function) - so it's better to set a linear function as an activation from your last hidden layer (in your case also first :) ).
I would advise you not to use sigmoid function as an activation function in your hidden layers. It's much better to use tanh or relu nolinearities. The detailed explaination (as well as some useful tips if you want to keep sigmoid as your activation) might be found here.
It's also important to understand that architecture of your network is not suitable for a task which you are trying to solve. You can learn a little bit of what different networks might learn here.
In case of normalization : the main reason why you should normalize your data is to not giving any spourius prior knowledge to your network. Consider two variables : age and income. First one varies from e.g. 5 to 90. Second one varies from e.g. 1000 to 100000. The mean absolute value is much bigger for income than for age so due to linear tranformations in your model - ANN is treating income as more important at the beginning of your training (because of random initialization). Now consider that you are trying to solve a task where you need to classify if a person given has grey hair :) Is income truly more important variable for this task?
There are a lot of rules of thumb on how you should normalize your input data. One is to squash all inputs to [0, 1] interval. Another is to make every variable to have mean = 0 and sd = 1. I usually use second method when the distribiution of a given variable is similiar to Normal Distribiution and first - in other cases.
When it comes to normalize the output it's usually also useful to normalize it when you are solving regression task (especially in multiple regression case) but it's not so crucial as in input case.
You should remember to keep parameters needed to restore the original size of your inputs and outputs. You should also remember to compute them only on a training set and apply it on both training, test and validation sets.

Accuracy of Neural network Output-Matlab ANN Toolbox

I'm relatively new to Matlab ANN Toolbox. I am training the NN with pattern recognition and target matrix of 3x8670 containing 1s and 0s, using one hidden layer, 40 neurons and the rest with default settings. When I get the simulated output for new set of inputs, then the values are around 0 and 1. I then arrange them in descending order and choose a fixed number(which is known to me) out of 8670 observations to be 1 and rest to be zero.
Every time I run the program, the first row of the simulated output always has close to 100% accuracy and the following rows dont exhibit the same kind of accuracy.
Is there a logical explanation in general? I understand that answering this query conclusively might require the understanding of program and problem, but its made of of several functions to clearly explain. Can I make some changes in the training to get consistence output?
If you have any suggestions please share it with me.
Your problem statement is not clear for me. For example, what you mean by: "I then arrange them in descending order and choose a fixed number ..."
As I understand, you did not get appropriate output from your NN as compared to the real target. I mean, your output from NN is difference than target. If so, there are different possibilities which should be considered:
How do you divide training/test/validation sets for training phase? The most division should be assigned to training (around 75%) and rest for test/validation.
How is your training data set? Can it support most scenarios as you expected? If your trained data set is not somewhat similar to your test data sets (e.g., you have some new records/samples in the test data set which had not (near) appear in the training phase, it explains as 'outlier' and NN cannot work efficiently with these types of samples, so you need clustering approach not NN classification approach), your results from NN is out-of-range and NN cannot provide ideal accuracy as you need. NN is good for those data set training, where there is no very difference between training and test data sets. Otherwise, NN is not appropriate.
Sometimes you have an appropriate training data set, but the problem is training itself. In this condition, you need other types of NN, because feed-forward NNs such as MLP cannot work with compacted and not well-separated regions of data very well. You need strong function approximation such as RBF and SVM.

ANN-based navigation system

I am currently working on an indoor navigation system using a Zigbee WSN in star topology.
I currently have signal strength data for 60 positions in an area of 15m by 10 approximately. I want to use ANN to help predict the coordinates for other positions. After going through a number of threads, I realized that normalizing the data would give me better results.
I tried that and re-trained my network a few times. I managed to get the goal parameter in the nntool of MATLAB to the value .000745, but still after I give a training sample as a test input, and then scaling it back, it is giving a value way-off.
A value of .000745 means that my data has been very closely fit, right? If yes, why this anomaly? I am dividing and multiplying by the maximum value to normalize and scale the value back respectively.
Can someone please explain me where I might be going wrong? Am I using the wrong training parameters? (I am using TRAINRP, 4 layers with 15 neurons in each layer and giving a goal of 1e-8, gradient of 1e-6 and 100000 epochs)
Should I consider methods other than ANN for this purpose?
Please help.
For spatial data you can always use Gaussian Process Regression. With a proper kernel you can predict pretty well and GP regression is a pretty simple thing to do (just matrix inversion and matrix vector multiplication) You don't have much data so exact GP regression can be easily done. For a nice source on GP Regression check this.
What did you scale? Inputs or outputs? Did scale input+output for your trainingset and only the output while testing?
What kind of error measure do you use? I assume your "goal parameter" is an error measure. Is it SSE (sum of squared errors) or MSE (mean squared errors)? 0.000745 seems to be very small and usually you should have almost no error on your training data.
Your ANN architecture might be too deep with too few hidden units for an initial test. Try different architectures like 40-20 hidden units, 60 HU, 30-20-10 HU, ...
You should generate a test set to verify your ANN's generalization. Otherwise overfitting might be a problem.