Appcelerator fires safari when using facebook share - facebook

I am using facebook module's presentShareDialog/authenticate and despite the fact that I have the facebook app installed, safari is launched instead. Any suggestions?
NOTE : I am using SDK 5.2.2

I'm assuming this is for iOS
This is default behaviour. It only opens the Dialog if you're authenticated at Facebook within iOS (Settings > Facebook). NOT the Facebook App!


Xamarin Native Facebook iOS does not use the Native FB app

Im am trying to make my Xamarin iOS app use the native Facebook login but I get the browser instead of the native functionality.
I have: Url schemes, FacebookAppID, FacebookAppName in place in my info.plist
In my Facebook app I have added an iOS app and set the BundleId to my bundleId. Also I have set SingleSignon true (read that somewhere)
I have left the URL Scheme Suffix empty (don't know what to put there)
I have installed the FB app and logged in to this on the IPhone I am using but still the darn Webview is showing.
A login using the webview goes fine and if I quit the app and rerun the app the Xamarin Login button does say that I am logged in (displaying Logout)
Can anyone help?
Kind regards
Facebook has intentionally disabled switching to the native App, see blog post from late 2015:
try this, it supports native fb login

AS3 GoViral ANE - native login window?

i tried out the GoViral ANE from
It is working fine so far, but I'm wondering how to use the native login function!
Facebook do not allow this "webview"-based login window anymore.
The ANE description says:
Native Facebook dialogs and UI with the Official Facebook iOS SDK
100% Native solution for iOS, Android, or Both
But with the Facebook SDK you'll not get this webview login-popup, but a confirmation popup for using the smartphone configured facebook account.
Is there a option for using this kind of login?
Facebook will not accept my app using the webview login.
I tried it a several times.
Flex 4.14.0
AIR 16.0
iOS 8.2
I just fixed this issue by myself.
It seems, there was something wrong in the Facebook application settings!
Set "Client OAuth Login" to "NO"
Set "Embedded browser OAuth Login" to "NO"
Set "Native or desktop app?" to "YES"
Its working well now!

How to use deep linking with posting photo

I have integrated facebook to my android App, and posting through the App. On below posted photo by my application I see "posted XX minutes ago via APPNAME", clicking 'APPNAME' no reaction. How can I change this link to my google play for example.
So how for example instagram or other apps redirect "via app" to their sites ?
I want my app to be able to make a share on Facebook which will appear as a link via my page. Is it possible?
I used to facebook sdk v2.0 and referenced below site. I've set the below information . Settings -> Basic -> app -> Website with Facebook Login, Mobile Web, Native Android App.
But, page didn't redirect in case of Native Android Facebook app. I can't link To my native App.
You have to create a Facebook app page to get the via app name feature.
You will also have to specify native app link in the facebook app, save a key hash and specify the Launcher activity name in the facebook app to launch the app if it is installed on the android device.
If the app is not installed,clicking on the post will open the play store link.

Login with Facebook using SocialFramework

I want perform a login using Facebook credential. This is possible using Facebook SDK with this step:
Create a Facebook App on
Import Facebook SDK in Xcode
Use Facebook SDK to perform login (this action open Facebook application on iPhone, and after it re-opens my application)
I would avoid open Facebook app and perform login inside my app, like Pinterest.
Using SocialFramework is it possible ?
Yes, it is possible. The latest Facebook SDK logs in using the FB account defined in system settings if available and falls back to Facebook app and/or website if not.

facebook authorization dialog style

in Facebook official website, iphone authorization dialog is
while when I work follow its steps(iOS for iPhone/iPad):
I got the authorization dialog as follows which is the same as Mobile Web.
Who can tell me why?
How can I get authorization dialog as the iphone one in Facebook official website?
On the latest versions of iOS on the device and if Facebook app is installed on the device there will be login dialog. If Facebook app is not installed, then it will open Safari to obtain the access token. This is by design of Facebook iOS SDK. You can patch the SDK if you don't want Safari in in any case.
see authorizeWithFBAppAuth method in Facebook.m
hope this helps