facebook authorization dialog style - iphone

in Facebook official website, iphone authorization dialog is
while when I work follow its steps(iOS for iPhone/iPad): http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/mobile/
I got the authorization dialog as follows which is the same as Mobile Web.
Who can tell me why?
How can I get authorization dialog as the iphone one in Facebook official website?

On the latest versions of iOS on the device and if Facebook app is installed on the device there will be login dialog. If Facebook app is not installed, then it will open Safari to obtain the access token. This is by design of Facebook iOS SDK. You can patch the SDK if you don't want Safari in in any case.
see authorizeWithFBAppAuth method in Facebook.m
hope this helps


Appcelerator fires safari when using facebook share

I am using facebook module's presentShareDialog/authenticate and despite the fact that I have the facebook app installed, safari is launched instead. Any suggestions?
NOTE : I am using SDK 5.2.2
I'm assuming this is for iOS
This is default behaviour. It only opens the Dialog if you're authenticated at Facebook within iOS (Settings > Facebook). NOT the Facebook App!

How to use deep linking with posting photo

I have integrated facebook to my android App, and posting through the App. On below posted photo by my application I see "posted XX minutes ago via APPNAME", clicking 'APPNAME' no reaction. How can I change this link to my google play for example.
So how for example instagram or other apps redirect "via app" to their sites ?
I want my app to be able to make a share on Facebook which will appear as a link via my page. Is it possible?
I used to facebook sdk v2.0 and referenced below site. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/mobile/android/deep_linking/ I've set the below information . Settings -> Basic -> app -> Website with Facebook Login, Mobile Web, Native Android App.
But, page didn't redirect in case of Native Android Facebook app. I can't link To my native App.
You have to create a Facebook app page to get the via app name feature.
You will also have to specify native app link in the facebook app, save a key hash and specify the Launcher activity name in the facebook app to launch the app if it is installed on the android device.
If the app is not installed,clicking on the post will open the play store link.

iOS Facebook SDK,how to login within App , not in safari

Is it possible to use the Facebook iOS SDK to authenticate within an app (not go to Safari), and also keep those authentication credentials for the next launch of the app?
I have usedFacebook SDK sample code SessionLoginSample to check . It opens the Facebook login account in the safari....I want it to open with-in the app ..
I am not using FBConnect as it is been expired ...How to use it for the Facebook SDK
https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk ...its sample code
this sample code here~~
The Facebook iOS SDK will open within the app provided your user is on iOS 6 and has their Facebook account setup within the device. Otherwise, it will gracefully fallback to the Facebook App (if installed) and then only to Safari. From the SDK Docs:
The native Login Dialog is available after a user has logged into
Facebook on their device. If the device isn't connected to Facebook,
the native Login Dialog isn't available and permission requests will
be made via the fast-app-switch to the Facebook app (if installed) or
Safari. The Facebook SDK methods [...] will seamlessly fallback to
this fast-app-switch behavior.
If your user has neither Facebook configured on their iOS 6 device nor the Facebook app installed and you still want the login to happen within your app, your best alternative might be to pull up a UIWebView pointed to your own server somewhere that carries out a server-side login.
Bear in mind a big disadvantage of a UIWebView-based approach is that your UIWebView does not share cookies with Safari so even if the user is already logged in within Safari they'll still need to re-enter their username and password again in your app. I'd be a little hesitant to do so in a third party app since there's no way to know if they're spoofing the Facebook site and phishing for my credentials.
FBSDKLoginManager *login = [[FBSDKLoginManager alloc] init];
login.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehaviorWeb;

facebook app doesn't auth for my app

I have a problem to connect facebook app with my app.
I don't know much about facebook sdk, so I simply copy & paste from the facebook sample app.
(i only need upload image with some text).
it works well unless facebook app is installed on the device, but if a device has facebook app, it seems like can't get the login information.
I think it is because of facebook app doesn't ask auth for my app unlike safari browser.
What do I have to do?
Please Download the latest version of Facebook app (4.1.1) from app store. The Single Sign On(SSO) only supports in the latest version of Facebook application.

how can I sign in from my iphone app to facebook account?

I want to sign in to facebook using my application, so how do I code it?
Facebook provide an iOS SDK that gives you the ability to sign into Facebook and methods for accessing the GraphAPI.
Check here for information - http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/400
Facebook iOS SDK is available here.
You will have to
Download the SDK, and install it
Create a Facebook App in your Facebook developer console, and get a
Facebook app id.
In your Xcode project add the Facebook SDK framework files.
Add the Facebook app id in your projects Info.plist file, and start
You could get more information here.
Edit : From iOS6 onwards, Apple has a new framework to post into Facebook. It is called Social Framework, and you could find information about it here.